Submitted by Markmohrfield on Wed, 02/05/2012 – 14:27
The old Hero Wars rules mentioned a ritual by which worshippers of the Seven Mothers immortals could release themselves from the cyclical effects of Lunar magic. It required six members to perform, with each representing the Seven Mothers. If each member was of the proper Mother’s cult, their magic performed as thought the Moon were full for a year, if some substitutes were made, their magic would perform “normally”(half-moon phase) for one week. Is this still officially true?
Mark Mohrfield
Submitted by David on Thu, 03/05/2012 – 16:30.
First if serves the story then of course it’s true.
Secondly, it’s not so different from being within the glowline, so the ritual probably existed as a forerunner to the discovery of Reaching Moon Temple magic.
However if each participant has to be a member of the immortal cult of one of the Seven Mothers, that’s a problem, as Teelo Nori doesn’t have an immortal cult.
So as written now, it’s not true. But changed slightly to accommodate the Teelo Nori problem, certainly true. It may have only been done once as an experiment, with mad side effects. Then they discovered that sacred geomantic architecture, human sacrifice and Yara Aranis works much better.
As a side note, the glowline side step is achieved through Yara Aranis, who embodies chaos. So rather than a Seven Mothers solution, maybe there was another Lunar Immortal with chaos that could do a less powerful circumvention.
David Scott
Submitted by Markmohrfield on Thu, 03/05/2012 – 16:56.
Am somewhat confused by your statement about Teelo Norri. Isn’t that her Immortal cult on page 405? Or am i misunderstanding something about the whole Seven Mothers subcult thing?
Note that the ritual referred to in HW only required actual cult members for the “full power” version that granted abilities at Full Moon strength for the entire year (!), if you accepted stand ins for their roles it resulted in Half-moon strength for one week.
Teelo Norri
Submitted by David on Thu, 03/05/2012 – 17:32.
You join the Seven Mothers as a whole, and join a subcult. The subcults aren’t the same as Immortal cults with the exception of Jakaleel, whose subcult is an Immortal cult. “Due to Jakaleel’s unique relationship to the Lunar tradition, Spirit Society members are treated as though they belong to the cult of a Lunar Immortal”
There is a line of text on page 404, “All initiates of the Seven Mothers are members of the Seven Mothers subcult that was chosen at their initiation.” that is misleading and may imply that the subcults are immortal cults. This is not the case. Only the Jakaleel subcult specifically states that it is an Immortal cult.
Aside from Jakaleel, you leave the Seven Mothers and then join the Immortal cult of what was your subcult, the only one who doesn’t have one is Teelo Nori.
This is only confusing with the Seven Mothers!
David Scott
Submitted by Markmohrfield on Thu, 03/05/2012 – 17:51.
So becoming a member of the subcult does not negate the stretch penality on glamours, and you must become a member of the full immortal cult to do that? And are the powers granted by full immortal cult similar to those granted by the subcult, but without the stretch penalty?
One more question: is the stretch penality incurred by not being a member of a full Immortal cult negated on Full Moon Days, or does it always apply regardless of the phase of the Moon?
Stretch Penalties
Submitted by David on Thu, 03/05/2012 – 18:49.
“The direct use of the Lunar Phase incurs a Stretch penalty of -6″ page 403
(The books bold not mine) unless in an Immortal cult or using a grimoire
Immortal cults will be similar in some ways, yes no stretch, but more about the Immortal’s actions. There an example of Yanafal Tarnils on page 404. Yanafal’s Immortal cult would certainly have access to more grimoires, empty half lunes, and more specific strictures.
The last two paragraphs on page 399 hint at what the Immortal cult is like for Yanafal Tarnils
As stated in the box on page 403, “Full Moon: All stretch penalties are cancelled. Praise the Goddess!“
David Scott
Getting rid of lunar cyclism
Submitted by Herve on Wed, 02/05/2012 – 15:39.
Just a few random thoughts :
– why would any lunar initiate / whatever want to circumvent cyclism ? It’s the core of his / her belief system, it’s what allowed the Goddess and the Cosmos to be reborn. He / she experiences it every week as a true Rapture. Nothing compares to the feeling of the Full Moon in your soul and body. What kind of heretic would want do that ?
– for those heretics who must go outside the glowline and face dread barbarians, there are many lunar priests and sorcerers, properly trained by the glorious College of Magic, who will protect them even on apparently moonless nights. But she’s always there.
– I have heard some weird cultists have a personal Glowspot on them, so they permanently bask in Her Full Glory – and are raving mad as a result.
– Weirdos from the 7M cults are ignorant jumped-up barbarians who fail to understand the whole concept of cyclism, and remain stunted children of the Goddess. Perhaps their Grandchildren will begin to Learn.
– She Loves You. Feel the Wave of Her Love.
Submitted by Markmohrfield on Wed, 02/05/2012 – 20:40.
“- why would any lunar initiate / whatever want to circumvent cyclism ? It’s the core of his / her belief system, it’s what allowed the Goddess and the Cosmos to be reborn. He / she experiences it every week as a true Rapture. Nothing compares to the feeling of the Full Moon in your soul and body. What kind of heretic would want do that ?”
Apparently, a whole lot of them, as demonstrated by the Glowline:) Whether or not it’s possible is a whole other kettle of fish.
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