Submitted by David on Sun, 15/04/2012 – 12:11
Can you tell me what construction method is used to build the duck patrol boat in Pavis? Is it newtling reed style or an imported duck style?
Duck Patrol Boats
Submitted by Rick on Mon, 16/04/2012 – 10:08.
Yes, I’ve seen that movie (especially the Redux version) and the image that leaps to mind for these Patrol boats is similar to the one in that movie. They move fast enough that you could waterski behind them, provided you have the appropriate skills and soundtrack. One of the ducks on the crew is nicknamed “chef”. He’s from the southern part of the river, and fancies mangos…
Page 197, last item.
Submitted by David on Sun, 15/04/2012 – 16:27.
Page 197, last item. My players may want to buy it, so I’d like some details.
David Scott
Duck Patrol Boats
Submitted by Jeff on Mon, 16/04/2012 – 00:35.
My bad! I read your question as though it were referring to a Duck Patrol boat. Instead you are asking about duck patrol boats – boats used by ducks to zip around the RoC! Here you are:
Duck Boats
Most duck boats are tightly woven reed vessels that the duck traditionally swam alongside. Cargo and supplies are placed in waterproof leather and reed containers and lashed to the boat. Larger cargos and human passengers are piled high onto reed rafts, with no apparent distinction made between cargo and passenger. The boatman poles the raft in sluggish water, or swims alongside it to navigate it. Ducks join and leave the raft seemingly at random.
Editor-in-Chief, Moon Design Publications
Duck Patrol!
Submitted by Stewart Stansfield on Mon, 16/04/2012 – 04:26.
Heh! Having read the encounter on page 107 (“As Lunar river traffic increased, the Empire began a new crack-down on such pests [i.e. duck bandits].”) first, I initially read it as ‘Duck Patrol boat’ rather than ‘duck patrol boat’, too.
I thus imagined it was a special unit set up–and personally recruited–by Sor-Eel’s missus.
The question of how you could tailor a boat and its crew to combat waterbourne bandits is an interesting one.
Armed and armoured undersides? Anti-boarding measures? Lots of interesting spell matrices and/or bound spirits (in RQ terms)? Nets? Duck-catcher polearms/sideboards with Glue on them? Priests to cast Float magic so the ducks can’t dive out of sight? Or to cast Fanaticism (!) so they don’t cowardly paddle away? Second members of the unit to Zola Fel cults to learn River Eyes magic?
Submitted by Rick on Mon, 16/04/2012 – 09:27.
As the person who added the item to the price list, please allow me to elaborate. A “duck patrol boat” as found on the transportation price list on page 197 of the Pavis book is a rare sight to behold. There are actually at least two of these on the River of Cradles. The clan of ducks that crew these swift and stealthy craft worship both Zola Fel and the River Horse spirit. Each vessel has an undine wyter bound to it, both for protection and propuslion. These sleek hulled reed boats can only carry a limited number of (about 4-6 human sized) passengers or an equivalent amount of cargo. The captains of these craft are masters of movement on the water and prefer to avoid any and all Imperial entanglements. Visually, the boats do not look like much, although that is partially intentional. Even so, their speed is legend. One of their captains was overheard bragging to a potential customer that with his craft you could eat breakfast at the Leaping Place and supper at Corflu.
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