Official Answers from Chaosium
- RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha Quickstart – Q&A
- RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha – Q&A by Chapter
- RuneQuest Gamemaster Screen Pack – Q&A
- RuneQuest Glorantha Bestiary – Q&A
- The Red Book of Magic – Q&A
- The Smoking Ruin & Other Stories – Q&A
- Pegasus Plateau & Other Stories – Q&A
- RuneQuest Starter Set – Q&A by Book
- Weapons & Equipment – Q&A
- The Prosopaedia – Q&A
- The Lightbringers – Q&A
- Earth Goddesses – Q&A
- Mythology – Q&A
- The Lunar Way – Q&A
- The Glorantha Sourcebook – Q&A
Front Cover / Back Cover Figures
Who are all the figures on the front and back covers, I know a few but who are the rest?
Thanks to Brian Duguid for the tracings and Katrim Dirim for help with the answers
Front Cover figures
- Gata
- Nakala
- Yelm
- Polaris
- Red Moon
- Gates of Dusk
- Gates of Dawn
- Zaramaka
- Orlanth
- Hippoi, her torn beak and claws
- Hyalor
- Sedenya and the Crimson Bat
- Ana Gor
- Grandfather Mortal
- Gouger
- The Horned Man
- Murharzarm
- The Ten Workers and Oslira
- Aram
- Glamour
- Sheng Seleris attacking the Red Moon
- Red Moon
- Umath
- Esrola
- Faralinthor
- Jolly Fat Man marrying Esrola and Faralinthor
- Sun Hawk
- Raven
- Thunder Bird
- Fenela
- Garzeen and pots wooing Fenela
- Jeset
- Yinkin, chasing spirit-mice
Back Cover Figures
- Dendara
- Gorgorma
- Jar-Eel
- Beat-Pot Aelwrin
- Ronance
- Storm Bull
- Wakboth
- Hrestol
- Daka Fal and psychopomp spirits
- Humakt
- Arroin healing High King Elf
- High King Elf
- Lhankor Mhy
Steppe Spiders
What are common steppe pack spiders?
Steppe Spiders are the giant spiders in Nomad Gods overseen by Grandmother Spider. See Wyrms Footnotes #5, More on Nomad Gods, The Spider, page 6
Broken Council
Aldryami Elf
Mostali Dwarf
Celestial Areas
Celestial Court
Dame Darkness
The entries for Dame Darkness and Nakala are nearly identical. Is this intentional?
Six Sisters
Six Sisters
Aldryami Elf Pantheon
Gark has Undead, Stasis and Chaos, but in Mythology has Chaos, Harmony and Undead
Both are correct.
Gloomshark has Undead and Water only, but in Mythology has Chaos, Beast and Water.
Different aspects of the same god. Much like Mallia only has Chaos when worshipped by broos, when propitiated has only Darkness and Death.
Lunar pantheon
Shouldn’t Gorgorma also be belong to Lunar pantheon, as noted on Lunar Deities?
No, as she has a close association with her sister Dendara, she’s firmly part of the Solar pantheon (and an enemy of Yelm). On the genealogy chart, she’s married in to the Solar pantheon. Her write up will be in the upcoming Solar book.
Dame Darkness
The entries for Dame Darkness and Nakala are nearly identical. Is this intentional?
Ompalam has Man, Stasis and Chaos, but in the Prosopaedia has Fate, Harmony and Chaos
Both are correct.
Six Sisters
Why the Founder of New Pavis
Demigod Founder of New Pavis and the Big Rubble
My understanding is that Dorasar founded New Pavis. Pavis is the founder of what is now Old Pavis. so shouldn’t it be Demigod Founder of Old Pavis and the Big Rubble, Demigod Founder of Old Pavis or even more simple Demigod Founder of Pavis
Pavis is the founding and patron god of Old and New Pavis. He has a large temple in New Pavis, whereas Dorosar likely only has a shrine.
New Pavis was founded in 1550 when Duke Dorasar of Sartar marked out the walls of New Pavis using the old magic, then went to the site of the future temple of Pavis and called forth the guardian of the old city to watch over the new as well. This sacred ceremony, attended by the leaders who established powerful families in the city, dates the beginning of the building and settlement.
Pendal – No Entry
There is no entry for Pendal the Lion God in the Prosopaedia, but is he’s mentioned in Pralor.
Not everyone has an entry.
According to the Prosopaedia, Basmol is the Lion God.
Yes. Note that the Prosopaedia is an in-world document, It is believed to be based on a God Learner work of the Second Age but has clearly been adapted and updated during the Hero Wars period. See page 2.
I wasn’t able to find any other reference for Pendal, neither in the Guide to Glorantha nor in the Well of Daliath (except for the Index listing of the Prosopaedia) nor anywhere else.
Yes. As an aside, Pendal appears a lot in Greg’s unpublished notes and stories. More will appear when more on the west is published. You can read a bit of here in an extract from the Book of Kings. The true source is here (part of Roots of Glorantha).
The Guide to Glorantha mentions the Pendali as a particularly fierce tribe of the Basmoli (i.e. the Lion People).
The Pendali worship Pendal. They also appear in Mythology 23, 115, Earth Goddesses 94, and the upcoming Horned God (Spirit) volume of Cults of RuneQuest as one of the example Hsunchen cults.
Surely you could interpret this as an alternate name for Basmol, but as this is not explained anywhere,
Pendal the Lion God is of course a mask of the Lion God who also goes by other regional names such as Basmol, Durbaddath (Durbadath) and Father Lion. They also have regional groups of descendants such as Pendali, Basmoli and more generally Lion people. To mix it up a bit more, Pendal is Basmol’s son in Seshnela.
it is confusing at the least – especially for RuneQuest Newcomers.
Yes, but they are all lions. This will be clearer when the full Basmol cult is published in the upcoming Cults of RuneQuest book.
So should this be ‘Basmol the Lion God’ instead of ‘Pendal the Lion God’?
Zaranistangi (per the Guide to Glorantha)
Aldryami Elf Pantheon
Second Council
Aldryami Elf
Mostali Dwarf
Aldryami Elf Pantheon
World Council of Friends
Aldryami Elf
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Page Last updated: 2024-08-14 11:06:50