Official Answers from Chaosium
This covers the second part of Chapter 13, pages 317-348:
For the Rune Magic rules section see Rune Magic Q&A
The Q&A here relates only to corrections and Q&A for the Core Rules book. The main Rune Magic Spells Q&A is the Red Book of Magic Rune Magic spells Q&A.
- RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha Quickstart – Q&A
- RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha – Q&A by Chapter
- RuneQuest Gamemaster Screen Pack – Q&A
- RuneQuest Glorantha Bestiary – Q&A
- The Red Book of Magic – Q&A
- The Smoking Ruin & Other Stories – Q&A
- Pegasus Plateau & Other Stories – Q&A
- RuneQuest Starter Set – Q&A by Book
- Weapons & Equipment – Q&A
- The Prosopaedia – Q&A
- The Lightbringers – Q&A
- Earth Goddesses – Q&A
- Mythology – Q&A
- The Lunar Way – Q&A
- The Glorantha Sourcebook – Q&A
Accelerate Growth (page 318)
Ranged, Temporal, Stackable, Permanent
Alter Creature (page 318)
Second printing corrections
Third paragraph, first sentence changed to “A beast that becomes a human gains 2D6+6 INT and 3D6 CHA.”
Axe Trance (page 318)
Update from the Red Book of Magic
This spell merges the caster’s consciousness with their axe. The spell must be boosted with 1 or more magic points. Each magic point expended increases the caster’s 1H or 2H Axe skill by +10% for the spell’s duration. This spell may be combined with other weapon-enhancing spells. It does not combine effects with Berserker or Fanaticism.
While entranced, the caster can cast only weapon enhancing spells such as Bladesharp (page 110), etc. They cannot cast other magic, including healing (though they can repair their axe if it is damaged). If the battle ends before the spell expires, the caster stands at rest and waits for new enemies.
This is not a Berserker spell; the caster knows their friends and enemies. However, they are in a trance and cannot drink, eat, sleep, or indeed do anything except focus on their axe and their enemies.
Axis Mundi (page 318)
Update from Red Book of Magic
Ranged, Temporal, Ritual
Bear’s Strength (page 319)
This spell can only be cast on initiates or Rune Masters of Odayla or an associated cult.
Berserker (page 319)
Initiates of the Chalana Arroy cult can bring someone out of a Storm Bull Berserker rage if they succeed with a roll of CHA×4 on D100 for an initiate or CHA×5 for a High Healer. This ability does not extend to the Berserker spell granted by other cults.
Rune Fixes 2
A common question about the Berserker Rune spell (RuneQuest, pages 319–320) is what happens, exactly, when the spell ends. The text states that the Berserker is “completely incapacitated when the spell expires.”
This means that the adventurer is unconscious or insensate as if they have fallen deep asleep or are in a similar state of fatigue. They can be roused with a successful use of First Aid, or they can simply sleep it off.
If the adventurer wishes to act before they have had some rest, the player should attempt a Constitution check (CON×5) as described on page 141 of the RuneQuest core rules.
Success means the adventurer can act normally without penalty, while failure means that all skills are at half normal chance until the adventurer has had adequate rest.
The definition of ‘adequate rest’ is up to the gamemaster, based on circumstances, the individual adventurer’s CON, their current hit points, and any other relevant factors.
Binding Enchantment (page 321)
Ritual, Enchantment, Stackable
Bind Ghost (page 321)
Ritual, Instant, Nonstackable
Bless Champion (page 321)
Update from Red Book of Magic
Ritual, Touch, Duration (special), Stackable
Bless Crops (page 321)
Update from Red Book of Magic
For each point stacked in the spell, either an additional hide can be added or an additional +20% can be added to the Income roll in Sacred Time (see page 422).
Bless Pregnancy (page 321)
Update from Red Book of Magic
The mother adds +50% to the result of her Sacred Time childbirth roll (see page 426).
Bless Thunderstone (page 322)
Update from Red Book of Magic
1st para, delete:
It may only be cast on the High Holy Day of Orlanth upon a properly prepared flintstone, and thus can only be cast once a year.
2nd para, 1st & 2nd sentences, replace with:
Before use, the thunderstone must be activated by spending 1 magic point while touching it, whereupon the stone begins to spark and crackle. The bearer may then throw the stone, sling it, or strike with it as if it were a melee weapon (using Fist attack).
3rd para, replace with:
For each point of Bless Thunderstone stacked in the casting, the stone does 1D6 hit point damage and drains 1D6 magic points from its target. Armor protects against the hit point damage.
Bless Breathe Air/Water (page 322)
Update from Red Book of Magic
Ranged, Temporal, Stackable
Add: For each Rune point stacked with the spell, an additional target can receive the benefit of the spell.
Call Founder (page 322)
Summon, Ranged, Nonstackable, One-use
Catseye (page 322)
Update from Red Book of Magic
For 12 hours, this spell allows the user’s eyes to see in any amount of available light.
Cloud Call (page 323)
Update from Red Book of Magic
Range (special), Temporal, Stackable
This spell causes clouds to cover the area of sky that can be seen from the ground by the caster.
Add: After the spell’s duration expires, the weather returns to normal in 1D6×10 minutes.
Cloud Clear (page 323)
Update from Red Book of Magic
Range (special), Temporal, Stackable
Add: After the spell’s duration expires, the weather returns to normal in 1D6×10 minutes.
Comfort Song (page 323)
Update from Red Book of Magic
Ranged (special), Duration (special), Nonstackable
This allows the target to sing a Song of Power that keeps all listeners from feeling pain, effectively anesthetizing the body while remaining conscious for as long as the song lasts.
Adventurers who would normally be incapacitated are able to act unimpaired, though damage is unhealed and disabled limbs remain disabled.
Command Cult Spirit (page 323)
Update from Red Book of Magic
Ranged, Temporal, Nonstackable
This common Rune spell permits the caster to command cult spirits, such as elementals, petty deities, guardians, and other such entities. To force compliance, the caster must overcome the spirit’s POW in a resistance roll. The spell may be cast simultaneously with an appropriate Summon spell (page 89).
If successful, the caster may command the cult spirit until the spell expires. If unsuccessful, the cult spirit acts in accordance with its nature.
This spell is most commonly used to command elementals. It is, however, effective with any cult spirit of the caster’s cult.
Command Priests (page 323)
Update from Red Book of Magic
Ranged, Duration (special), Nonstackable
replace the description: This spell affects all Rune Masters of any cult that belong to the caster’s tribe. Those affected cannot use any Rune magic without the express consent of the caster for one day.
Command Worshipers (page 324)
Update from Red Book of Magic
Ritual, Ranged (special), Duration (special), Nonstackable
This spell signals all affiliated Orlanthi within five kilometers to finish their immediate business quickly,
This spell signals all tribe members within five kilometers to finish their immediate business quickly,
Command (Species) (page 324)
Update from Red Book of Magic
This spell allows the caster to control the actions and will of a creature.
add: For example, Ernalda has Command Snake and Command Swine, both using the Earth Rune. Yelmalio worshipers use Command Hawk, using the Fire/Sky Rune, and certain troll cults have Command Giant Beetle, using the Darkness Rune.
Crack (page 324)
Update from Red Book of Magic includes correction
2 Points
Ranged, Instant, Stackable
This spell must be cast at a non-living, non-magical object, likely a piece of armor, or a weapon or shield. If successful, it breaks the item into pieces. Each point stacked allows another item on the prospective victim to be shattered at once.
If a spirit lives in the item, the caster’s POW must overcome the spirit’s POW. The spell has no effect on spell matrices, crystals, or on elf bows of magical nature. Magic active on an item (such as Bladesharp) does not make it immune to the spell, but defensive spells such as Shield or Countermagic, will need to be overcome as usual by boosting with magic points. e.g. To crack an item protected by 2 points of Shield, will need a boost of least 4 magic points.
A Repair spell (page 118) will fix a broken object.
Create Market (Create Neutral Ground) (page 324)
Update from Red Book of Magic including corrections.
This day-long ritual creates an invisible protected zone that can be detected only by magical means. Four staves, made of any material and carved with likenesses of Issaries, define the boundaries of the zone. They must be placed to enclose a maximum area of 100 square meters (10×10 meters). The spell extends into the air for three meters above the wands, and underground to the depth of the staves.
When physical or incorporeal enemies of the caster cross the barrier, or when any spell is cast across the barrier from the outside, the spell emits a loud noise (keening, whistling, booming, etc.) to alert everyone. This klaxon can be suppressed at will by the caster.
Each point of Create Market counts as 1 point of Countermagic against spells cast across the barrier, 2 points of Spirit Screen against outside spirits, and does 1D3 points of damage, ignoring armor, to one hit location of any corporeal enemy unwise enough to cross the boundary.
Instead of providing additional Countermagic or Spirit Screen, added points of Create Market can be used to increase the area protected: each additional point covers another 100 square meters (becoming an area 10×20 square meters in size, 10×30 square meters, 20×20 square meters, etc.).
The spell remains in effect until the staves are removed, or the spell expires, whichever is first. Anyone but the caster that attempts to touch the staves is affected by the spell. But after suffering the spell’s effect, the sufferer can then remove the staves. The staves need not be visible to work.
Unlike Warding, Create Market only activates when it detects someone entering the area with a hostile intent. It makes no distinction between “friendly” fighters and “hostile” fighters; anyone attempting to enter the zone with intentions of harming someone in the market alerts it.
Create Wildfire (page 325)
Each point increases its the fire’s intensity (RuneQuest, page 157) by one level, adding 1D6 to the damage it produces, and increasing the fire’s heat output (RuneQuest, page 157).
Cremate Dead (page 325)
Update from Red Book of Magic
Ritual, Duration (length of burning), Nonstackable
When used on a still-animated skeleton, zombie, or even the vampiric form of a former clan member, the spell is instant and ranged, though though the caster must overcome the target’s POW or magic points.
Cure Chaos Wound (page 325)
Update from Red Book of Magic
Touch, Instant, Stackable
This spell is of no use by itself, but it can be cast simultaneously with any spell used to cure a wound or other affliction, including diseases, received from a Chaotic creature. This spell provides all the magic points needed to work the other spell. It is most helpful with the Heal Wound spell or the Heal spirit magic spell. For example, when stacked with a Heal 6 spell, the combination cures 6 points of damage and costs the user 0 magic points.
Cure Poison (page 325)
Update from Red Book of Magic
This spell immediately stops the effects of any poison. The damage resulting from that poison must be healed by other magic (see Restore Health, to restore characteristic points).
Dark Walk (page 326)
Update from Red Book of Magic
Self, Temporal, Nonstackable
This spell makes the caster totally invisible and soundless while in darkness or shadow to anyone within range, including those with Earthsense or the the Rune spell of Darksee.
Detect Honor (page 326)
Update from Red Book of Magic
Instant, Ranged, Stackable
Detect Truth (page 326)
Update from Red Book of Magic
The caster must be able to see the smoke to detect the falsehood.
Discorporation (page 326)
Casting Discorporation requires a successful Meditate roll in addition to the spellcasting roll and Rune point expenditure. If the Meditate skill roll fails, it may be reattempted while the spell’s duration remains.
While discorporate, an adventurer who fumbles while trying to overcome an opponent’s POW in a resistance roll for a spirit magic spell immediately returns to their body.
Dismiss Elemental (type) (page 326)
Dismiss (type) Elemental
Rune varies depending on elemental being dismissed
Rune varies depending on elemental being dismissed.
Dismiss Elemental (type), page 326
How does this work for initiates of the Seven Mothers? Vostor doesn’t have the Fire rune, so can’t cast his Summon Fire Elemental (small) spell.
Seven Mothers initiates can Summon / Dismiss Elementals (max 1 pt.) using the Moon rune, but cannot Summon / Dismiss any form of Air Elemental.
Dismiss Magic (page 326)
Dispel, Dismiss, and Neutralize Magic Box (page 260)
Dispel Magic (page 260) Spirit Magic
Neutralise Magic (page 397) Sorcery
Divination (page 327)
Update from Red Book of Magic
Ritual, Self, Duration (special), Stackable
Draw Beast (page 327)
Update from Red Book of Magic
If the caster overcomes the POW of an unintelligent animal of any type, this spell causes that animal to move towards the caster at normal speed. The caster can halt this motion, stopping the beast in its tracks, and begin it again at will for the duration of the spell.
Earthpower (page 327)
Update from Red Book of Magic
1 point of POW and 1D8 magic points
The caster draws upon the strength of the earth to save them in a time of mortal or existential peril.
The POW disappears at the end of the spell’s duration.
Enchant (Metal) (page 327)
Update from Red Book of Magic
Ritual, Enchantment, Nonstackable
Enchant Copper (Babeester Gor variant)
Note that Babeester Gor has a special variant of this spell, see Earth Goddesses, page 53.
Extension (page 328)
Update from Red Book of Magic
1 Point Range (as per spell), Temporal, Stackable up to 5 points
This common Rune spell extends the duration of any temporal Rune spell that has a normal duration of 15 minutes. The Extension spell and the spell to be extended must be cast by the same person in the same melee round, and for all game functions are cast simultaneously. This spell and the Illusion spells are the only exceptions to the rule that just one Rune spell can be cast per melee round by the same character.
Extension affects a spell’s duration as follows:
Extension Duration | Spell Duration |
1 | 1 hour |
2 | 1 day |
3 | 1 week |
4 | 1 season |
5 | 1 year |
Rune points stacked in Extension and the affected spell cannot be regained until the spell expires.
Rune Fixes 2
Perhaps one of the most misunderstood or abused Rune spell is Extension (RuneQuest, page 328), particularly when it interacts with certain other spells. The intent of the spell is straightforward: to prolong the duration of another temporal Rune spell beyond its normal 15-minute duration.
Some concerned gamemasters have pointed out that the spell, when cast in tandem with a combat-oriented spell such as Arrow Trance, Axe Trance, Berserker, Sword Trance, etc., is ripe for abuse, turning any adventurer (or foe!) into an eternal murder machine, with enhanced attack chances and the ability to shrug off blows, ignore fear, etc.
Taken to extremes, for 1 additional Rune point spent on Extension, an adventurer might keep one of these powerful spells active for hours, days, weeks, months, or even seasons!
However, an adventurer under the influence of these spells is focused entirely on the action modified by the spell.
An adventurer with Arrow Trance is utterly concentrating on loosing arrows at potential foes. Given that a bow takes two hands to operate, the entranced adventurer cannot cast most spells, eat, drink, sleep, open doors, or do anything that requires putting the bow down. They are likely unable to hold any sort of conversation that is not entirely concerned with putting arrows into enemies.
Similarly, an adventure using either Axe or Sword Trance, or another equivalent spell, is entirely given to the purpose of the spell—killing foes with their weapon.
So, if this is the case, then when does the spell end?
Here, the intent of the spell should be judged though the lens of the god that granted it. A Rune spell is a gift of the god’s attention and power, channeled through the Runes. What does the god want that follower to be doing?
Does Humakt want his attention diverted while his followers are eating meals, performing First Aid, looking for traps, bargaining, sleeping, refilling their water flasks, performing toiletries, etc.? No, Humakt’s blessing of the Sword Trance should only remain in effect while the adventurer is doing things relating to killing foes with swords. Once the time of the blade has passed, the spell should expire.
If an adventurer insists on casting Berserker along with Extension, then the gamemaster should remind them that they will remain in that state for as long as they are acting in a berserk fashion. Doing so for anything beyond the normal spell’s duration should be cause to determine whether the adventurer becomes dehydrated or even starves, as described on page 161 of the RuneQuest core rules.
Furthermore, also, being in such a state prohibits participating in Worship ceremonies, which means that the adventurer is unable to regain any Rune points spent.
The same is true for any of these sorts of interactions in a way that is not true for many of the other types of temporal Rune spells. If the subject of a spell continues to act in the fashion the spell is intended to, then Extension should last until it otherwise expires. If they no longer are acting according to the spell’s function, then the gamemaster should announce that the spell’s effect ends.
This is explicitly subject to the gamemaster’s interpretation. A list of conditions under which a spell may or may not be operating outside its intent is far beyond the purview of any set of game rules, no matter how complete.
This rule should have been in the core rules, but somehow got missed.
Rune Fixes 1
A Rune spell must expire before the Rune points expended in casting the spell can be replenished. In nearly all cases, additional clarification is not necessary to even spell out in the rules, as the worship ceremony takes longer to perform than the standard duration of a Rune spell. When a Rune spell’s duration is prolonged because of an Extension spell, the Rune points used for both the Extension and the underlying Rune spell cannot be replenished until the Extended spell expires.
Example: Vasana casts Shield 1 and combines it with Extension 4 so that it lasts an entire season. This uses up all 5 of her Rune points. She cannot replenish those Rune points at the next seasonal holy day to Orlanth and must wait until the Extension expires before trying to replenish those Rune points.
Find (Substance) (page 329)
Update from Red Book of Magic
This spell informs the caster of the presence of the substance sought by giving it a slight identifying glow (or similar effect for non-visual senses) that is visible only to the caster.
Fireshield (page 329)
Ranged, Temporal, Stackable
Flight (page 329)
Update from Red Book of Magic
If the adventurer needs to maneuver while flying, use their Air or Movement Rune rating (player choice) in place of a Fly skill.
Float (page 329)
The GM should determine whether an object is capable of floating, those that don’t sink more slowly than they would if the spell had not been cast. Objects capable of floating rise halfway out of the water, bobbing about.
Free Ghost (page 329)
Ranged, Instant, Stackable
Update from Red Book of Magic
The caster must overcome the POW of the ghost, even if the ghost is cooperative and open to being freed.
Gnome to Gargoyle (page 329)
Ranged, Temporal, Stackable, One-use
Update from Red Book of Magic
Its hit points remain the same and also become the gargoyle’s SIZ (or its original SIZ, whichever is higher).
Group Laughter (page 329)
Update from Red Book of Magic
Self, Temporal, Stackable
This spell ensures that everyone within ten meters of the caster sees the point of every joke told and is even capable of enjoying practical jokes played on themselves.
Guided Teleportation (page 330)
Update from Red Book of Magic
This spell sends the caster and all their carried gear to a specific spot previously made sacred to Orlanth through a complicated week-long ritual.
Harmony (page 330)
Update from Red Book of Magic
Self, Temporal, Stackable
Hide Wealth (page 331)
Update from Red Book of Magic
Touch, Duration (special), Stackable
When cast upon an inanimate bundle of goods the size of an amphora, the bundle becomes invisible for one day to everyone except the caster and those watching as the spell is cast.
Illusory Odor (page 331)
Correction & Update from Red Book of Magic
A creature unable to smell is not affected by this spell.
Illusory Sight (page 331)
Update from Red Book of Magic
If 1 point were used to create the illusion of armor on an adult, only the adult’s legs (for example) would appear to be covered by armor.
Illusory Substance (page 332)
Update from Red Book of Magic
Each point of this spell creates 1 SIZ (5 kilograms) of solid matter. This matter is temporary physical reality. The caster might create a sword, a fire, a rock, a pile of gold, etc. For purposes of combat, 1 SIZ point of solid matter equals 1 hit point.
For an illusion with substance to do damage the target must either strike themselves with the illusion (such as walking into an illusionary fire), be hit with the illusion (such as being hit with an illusory sword), or Illusory Motion must be combined with the substance to give the caster fine control. The illusion does damage equivalent to the item (and size) of the subject of the illusion.
Illusory Taste (page 332)
Update from Red Book of Magic
Illusory Taste can conjure up tasty dishes but may also be used to create tastes so foul as to be perceived as poisonous. Each point of the spell can create a POT of 1D6. A creature that cannot taste is not affected by this illusion.
Incarnate Ancestor (page 332)
Update from Red Book of Magic
Ranged, Temporal, Nonstackable
Increase/Decrease Wind (page 332)
Update from Red Book of Magic
Self, Temporal, Stackable
Invigorate (page 332)
Update from Red Book of Magic
It does not restore any lost hit points or attribute damage but restores any CON that has been temporarily lost through some condition such as hunger, thirst, or exhaustion.
The Invigorate rune spell is in the rulebook, but no cult has access to it. Is this intentional?
Yes. It’s included as it’s part of the Conversion Guide. See the Spirit Magic Conversion table on page 435.
Inviolable (page 332)
Update from Red Book of Magic
Self, Temporal, Stackable
Invisibility (page 333)
Update from Red Book of Magic
Ranged, Temporal, Nonstackable
This spell makes the target invisible by diverting attention from the target to a spot other than where the spell target is.
Lie (page 333)
It cannot be resisted.
Lock (page 333)
Ritual, Duration (eight weeks), nonstackable
This spell maybe cast simultaneously with Passage.
Second printing corrections
Second sentence changed to “… magic points used in the spell multiplied by 10.”
Magic Point Enchantment (page 334)
Enchantment, Ritual, Stackable
Madness (page 334)
Update from Red Book of Magic
Madness Effect table
Failure | Confusion: No effect on intelligent beings; unintelligent creatures including animals are confused for 30 minus their POW minutes. | ||
Fumble | Unaffected: Victim is unaffected. |
Insanity table
5 | Stupefaction: The victim stands with no will or interest and takes no independent action. They do not talk or communicate in any rational way. They can be led or forced to walk, eat, stand, or sit, etc. |
Even after the insanity has receded, the adventurer retains traces of it. The gamemaster can chose to give the victim new negative Passions as appropriate.
Magic Point Enchantment (page 334)
Enchantment, Ritual, Stackable
Morale (page 335)
Update from Red Book of Magic
Ritual, Nonstackable
This emotion-affecting spell requires an hour-long ritual with the caster and the regiment. The spell affects the target and their entire regiment, preventing the regiment from routing in battle and increasing each affected warrior’s chance to hit by half again, round up. For example, a warrior with a 41% chance to hit would see that increased to 62% (41÷2=21, 42+21=63).
It lasts until either sunrise or sunset, whichever comes first.
Oath (page 338)
Update from Red Book of Magic
Note that the description has been slightly updated in the Red Book of Magic. Current description still valid.
Passage (page 336)
Ritual, Duration (eight weeks), nonstackable
This spell opens any locked, barred, or magically sealed aperture. When cast, the person(s) getting Passage must also be present, laying their hands on the opening while the spell is intoned. Each point of Passage allows one person to pass through or open the magically affected aperture, aside from the caster.
This spell lasts eight weeks. It is often used with Lock (page 63), enabling the caster to allow specific individuals other than the caster to pass through the Lock.
Pathwatch (page 336)
Update from the Starter Set Book 1: Rules
The spell alerts the caster to the direction and number, though not type, of all enemies and traps within a 100-meter radius while they are on the path or immediately adjacent to it.
Peace (page 336)
Update from Red Book of Magic
Ranged, Temporal, Nonstackable, One-use
For the duration of the spell, they prefer rather to listen to the wonders of peace and love that the spirits send ringing through their minds, and can do no harm to others (at the gamemaster’s discretion as to what constitutes harm).
Rain (page 336)
Update from Red Book of Magic
Self, Temporal, Stackable
This spell causes rain to fall within a 100-meter radius around the caster.
Reconstruction (page 337)
Update from Red Book of Magic
This spell causes any time sequence from the past to replay for the caster’s senses, for as long as they are in the immediate area where it occurred. The events play back in real time, up to the spell’s duration. The user is in a trance state and no one else can sense what they sense. The user must specify the time and date for the vision to begin.
Reflection (page 337)
Update from Red Book of Magic
Reflection does not work if the incoming spell is too powerful, but the Reflection spell stays in place.
This spell reflects spells that fail to overcome the POW of the protected target, back at their caster. The reflected spell(s) attack their caster(s) on the next strike rank, and must overcome the POW of the caster, with the caster’s own POW to effect them.
Restore Health (page 337)
Touch, Instant, Stackable, Permanent
Sanctify (page 338)
Update from Red Book of Magic
Ritual, Duration (special), Stackable
Cult members can perform ceremonies within a Sanctified area as if it were a temple, such as replenishing Rune points. When the ceremonies cease, the spell effects expire.
Sever Spirit (page 338)
Update from the Red Book of Magic
Ranged, Instant, Nonstackable
Shake Earth (page 338)
Update from the Red Book of Magic
Each round, anyone standing up must roll DEX×5 or fall prone
Shattering (page 339)
Update from the Red Book of Magic
If the caster overcomes the target’s POW, the target takes 4D3 damage to one hit location.
Shield (page 339)
Update from the Red Book of Magic
To get past a Shield spell, a spell must be at least 1 point stronger than the defense of the shield.
Slash (page 339)
Update from the Red Book of Magic
It cannot be combined with True (weapon).
Snow (page 340)
Update from the Red Book of Magic
Self, Temporal, Stackable
This spell causes snow to fall within a 100-meter radius around the caster. If it is not currently raining or snowing, the spell creates snow per the Cloud Cover table, as appropriate. If it is currently raining or snowing, the spell increases the snowfall by one category downward.
This spell requires visible cloud cover to be effective; clouds may be summoned using the Cloud Call Rune spell.
Each additional point increases the radius of effect by 100 meters or increases the snowfall by one category downward.
Combined Cloud Cover table with Rain & Snowfall
% Cover | Description | Rainfall (within duration) | Snowfall (within duration) |
0–10 | None | 0–10 mm | 0–10 cm |
11–20 | Scant clouds | 11–20 mm | 11–20 cm |
21–30 | Scattered clouds | 21–30 mm | 21–30 cm |
31–40 | Slightly overcast | 31–40 mm | 31–40 cm |
41–50 | Moderately overcast | 31–40 mm | 41–50 cm |
51–65 | Mostly overcast | 51–65 mm | 51–65 cm |
66–80 | Completely overcast | 66–80 mm | 66–80 cm |
81–00 | Dense clouds, little light | 81–100 mm | 81–100 cm |
Each additional point increases the radius of effect by 100 meters.
Soul Sight (page 340)
This common spell allows the target to see magically both the POW aura and the current magic points of anything living, including the amount devoted to currently in-effect spells (such as defensive spells).
From their aura they can tell if they are an initiate; and if so, whether they are in good standing or not. This spell cannot differentiate between an initiate and a Rune Master, merely noting that they have been initiated into a cult.
Speak With Herd Beasts (page 340)
Ranged (voice), Temporal, Nonstackable
Speak With Insects (page 340)
Update from the Red Book of Magic
The target can converse with any type of insect. If the person desires to convince the insect, skill rolls apply. This spell can be used to speak to very small insects, but their INT is negligible and they might not be able to provide very coherent ideas.
Spell Trading (page 340)
Updates from the Red Book of Magic
One-use spells may now be traded, the original caster looses the Rune points permanently:
The Rune points used to trade a one-use Rune spell are permanently lost by the spell’s owner, as if the spell were cast with a normal success.
To cast the received spell, no Rune points need to be used and the caster uses the relevant Rune rating of the person who provided the spell, even if it is lower than their own.
Spirit Armor Enchantment (page 341)
Ritual, Enchantment, Stackable
Spirit Guardian (page 341)
Ranged, Duration (special), Stackable
The duration is one day, with each extra point stacked with this spell adding another day.
Spirit Melding (page 341)
This spell must be cast upon a friendly ancestral spirit enveloping the caster. For the spell’s duration, the caster adds the spirit’s POW for resisting spells, and its magic points for absorbing spirit combat damage. If the spirit leaves the caster, the spell ends.
Strike (page 341)
Touch, Duration (special), Nonstackable
Once the weapon has successfully struck a target, the spell ends.
Strongnet (page 341)
including fire and divine intervention.
Summon (Cult Spirit) (page 342)
Update from the Red Book of Magic
Summon Cult Spirit to Summon (Cult Spirit)
Summon, Ranged, Temporal, Stackable
The summoned entity arrives at the end of the round, on strike rank 12.
This spell may be cast simultaneously with Command (cult spirit).
Summon (type) Elemental (page 342)
Change Spell name to Summon (type) Elemental
Summon, Ranged, Temporal, Stackable
Rune varies depending on elemental being summoned.
Summon Elemental, page 342
How does this work for initiates of the Seven Mothers? Vostor doesn’t have the Fire rune, so can’t cast his Summon Fire Elemental (small) spell.
Seven Mothers initiates can Summon / Dismiss Elementals (max 1pt) using the Moon rune, but cannot Summon / Dismiss any form of Air Elemental.
Summon Ancestor (page 341)
Update from the Red Book of Magic
Ritual, Summon, Nonstackable
The spirit’s characteristics are as indicated on the Ancestral Summons table (page 88), and it appears within the spell’s range.
Neutral: Spirit does as the summoner desires, but only if the summoner gives it 1 magic point for every point of POW the spirit possesses. This payment must be expended immediately, and the summoned spirit cannot use those points.
Spirit Spells: To determine the precise spells known by the spirit, roll on the Ancestral Spirit Spells table.
Summon Household Guardian (page 344)
Ritual, Summon, Duration (special), Nonstackable
Summon Spirit Teacher (page 345)
Update from the Red Book of Magic
Summon, Instant, Nonstackable
Summons Of Evil (page 345)
Update from the Red Book of Magic
Ritual, Summon, Nonstackable
The spirit has hit points and a STR equal to its POW and always has one or more spirit powers (Glorantha Bestiary, page 165).
If the effigy is destroyed, the participants gain a +20% bonus in overcoming the magic resistance of or defending against spells cast by the enemy represented by the effigy during the ceremony.
Sunbright (page 345)
Update from the Red Book of Magic
Replace: It also gives the recipient the equivalent of a Shimmer 2 spell.
With: Anyone who attacks the target suffers –10% to their attack skill.
Add: the elemental dissolves. The spell then ends because it has no target.
Sunspear (page 345)
Update from the Red Book of Magic
This spell works only in direct sunlight. When cast, a shaft of sunfire strikes a single designated target. The target must be visible to the caster who cannot resist.
The target and every living thing within one meter of the target receives 4D6 damage to their total hit points. The target only receives armor protection equal to their lowest value on all hit locations; magical protection is ineffective against it. The spell does half damage at the moments of dawn and dusk.
At the gamemaster’s discretion, this spell may set flammable material on fire, or melt non-flammable items, depending on the damage rolled and the circumstances.
Suppress Lodril (page 346)
Update from Red Book of Magic
If centered on an unwilling target, the caster must overcome their POW.
This spell may be cast to encircle a member of such a cult, and thus restrict their actions.
Swallow (page 346)
Second printing corrections
Changed from “Instant” to “Instant/Temporal”. Last sentence changed to “…items are recoverable and their condition once they have been swallowed.”
Sword Trance (page 346)
Update from Red Book of Magic
This spell merges the caster’s consciousness with their sword.
[Original description here]While entranced, the user may cast only weapon enhancing spells such as Bladesharp, Repair, etc. (pages 110 and 118) to the exclusion of all other magic, including healing. If the battle ends before the spell expires, the user stands at rest and waits for new enemies.
This is not a Berserker spell; the user knows who their friends and enemies are. However, the user is in a trance and cannot drink, eat, sleep, or indeed do anything except focus on their sword and their enemies. When they cease focusing on using their sword in battle, the spell ends.
Tame Bull (page 346)
Update from Red Book of Magic
The spell works on all male cattle (including all male Praxian herd beasts), castrated cattle (oxen), or sky bulls. It calms even berserk Storm Bull cultists and puts them in a peaceful mood.
Teleportation (page 346)
Self (and Touch), Instant, Nonstackable
Transform Self (page 347)
Update from Red Book of Magic
Touch, Duration (special), Nonstackable
Turn Undead (page 347)
Update from Red Book of Magic & Correction
Each point of this spell affects one undead creature (skeleton, zombie, mummy, ghoul, vampire, etc.). The caster must overcome each target’s magic points (undead do not have POW) with their own POW; roll separately for each target, and consult the Turn Undead Results table:
Warding (page 347)
When this happens, a loud noise (a keening, whistling, booming, etc.) begins, which can be suppressed by the caster.
Update from Red Book of Magic
Instead of providing additional Countermagic or Spirit Screen, any added points of Warding can be used to increase the area protected: each additional point covers another 100 square meters.
Each stacked point of Warding increases the area protected by another 100 square meters.
Wind Warp (page 348)
Update from Red Book of Magic
Self, Temporal, Stackable
Wind Words (page 348)
Update from Red Book of Magic
The caster can choose which conversations they wish to hear within range.
For the Rune Magic rules section see Chapter 13 Rune Magic Q&A
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Page Last updated: 2024-08-04 11:17:48