Official Answers from Chaosium
This covers the second part of Chapter 12, pages 289-311:
For the Rune Cult Rules see the previous section: Rune Cults Q&A
- RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha Quickstart – Q&A
- RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha – Q&A by Chapter
- RuneQuest Gamemaster Screen Pack – Q&A
- RuneQuest Glorantha Bestiary – Q&A
- The Red Book of Magic – Q&A
- The Smoking Ruin & Other Stories – Q&A
- Pegasus Plateau & Other Stories – Q&A
- RuneQuest Starter Set – Q&A by Book
- Weapons & Equipment – Q&A
- The Prosopaedia – Q&A
- The Lightbringers – Q&A
- Earth Goddesses – Q&A
- Mythology – Q&A
- The Lunar Way – Q&A
- The Glorantha Sourcebook – Q&A
Babeester Gor (page 289)
Full Cult write up in Earth Goddesses
Allied Spirits
In my game, a Babeestor Gor worshiping character is getting close to Rune Lord. I note that they can gain an allied spirit in an Axe, or an Earth Elemental. Since the cult can only summon Small Earth Elementals, are Rune Lords (called Axe Sisters in RQ3) also limited in their allied spirit to Small Earth Elementals? That seems a little weak. The character is SIZ 18, so no luck carrying her through the ground with a small Talosi.
Maybe an associated Ernalda priestess could summon a Large Talosi for the allied spirit to inhabit?
So, can she request a Large Talosi from the Ernalda priestess who has been sending her on missions? I tend to say yes.
Yes, in line with MGF, this is an excellent roleplaying opportunity. As most Babeester Gor temples and shrines are inside Ernalda temples, this would certainly challenge the adventurer’s Loyalty (Temple) or a Loyalty (Earth High priestess) passion.
so no luck carrying her through the ground with a small Talosi
There is no air underground, and an individual being carried must make CON rolls or suffocate.
Bestiary, Earth Elementals (Talosi), page 179
Use the Drowning and Asphyxiation rules in RQG page 156 to cover this.
Axe Sisters
Rune Lords (called Axe Sisters in RQ3)
- Axe Sisters are initiates.
- Axe Maidens are Rune Lords.
Chalana Arroy (page 290)
Full Cult write up in Lightbringers
Initiate Membership
Favored Passions: Love (any), Loyalty (temple).
High Healer (Rune Priest)
The candidate must be an initiate with a POW of 18+, have a 90% skill in one of Treat Disease, Treat Poison, or First Aid, and must have a skill of 50% in the other two.
Associated Cults
- Storm Bull: Grants Chalana Arroy worshipers the chance to bring a warrior out of the effects of the Berserker spell. The chances for success are equal to CHA×4 on D100 for an initiate and CHA×5 for a High Healer.
Daka Fal (page 291)
Full Cult write up in Lightbringers
Shamans & Rune Priests
Shaman Membership
Requirements: Daka Fal priests are also shamans (see Shamans, page 351).
Initiates of Daka Fal become shamans by following the normal rules
Daka Fal, page 291
It’s not like in Waha Cult, where we can read:
Shaman Membership
Requirements: The Waha cult has shamans instead of Rune Priests. Any Waha initiate who becomes a shaman qualifies for this status.
See the Shamans & the Spirit World chapter for more information.
Waha the Butcher, page 306
Does it means that a Daka Fal follower can becomes Rune Priest following the standard rules with the requirement to be a shaman or that they are like Waha shamans, and replace rune priests?
They are both the same. Both get the benefits of being a shaman & Rune priest (if both requirements are met). They have different titles, Daka Fal has Shaman-Priests & Waha has Rune priests (who are also shaman). More info in the upcoming cults book.
Special Cult Spirit Magic
On p75 and p291, it says that Daka Fal grants Spirit Magic: All.
Does this mean that Daka Fal cultists can learn any Spirit Magic, including cult special spells such as Lantern, Parry, Rivereyes or Sleep?
No. Daka Fal cultists may not learn special cult spells such as Lantern, Parry, Rivereyes or Sleep. Daka Fal has no access to the divine part of a person’s soul that is sent to their specific afterlife. It is this part that has the cult rune and spirit magic spells. Likewise is not able to summon spirits from there or even determine what the secret spells might be (obviously they can see the effects of the casting). A shaman may venture deep into the spirit world and try to enter another god’s spirit demesne to try and obtain one of these spells, but that is an adventure in itself.
Eiritha (page 291)
Full Cult write up in Earth Goddesses
Associated Cults (page 292)
- Storm Bull:
Provides the Shield spell.Worships alongside Eiritha and protects her herds.
- Waha: Provides the Peaceful Cut skill, and the Shield spell.
Engizi (page 292)
Initiate Membership
Cult Skills: Boat, Cult Lore (Engizi), River Lore, Speak (Boatspeech), Swim, Worship (Engizi)
Spirit Magic: Coordination, Extinguish, Glue, Heal, Mobility, River Eyes, Shimmer.
Prohibited Spirit Magic: Firearrow, Fireblade, and Ignite.
Ernalda (page 292)
Full Cult write up in Earth Goddesses
Associated Cults (page 293)
Ernalda is the most important Earth deity and has many associated gods and goddesses. Some are local and not mentioned here; the following are universally recognized as associates, and enshrined in every great temple of Ernalda:
Humakt (page 296)
Full Cult write up in Lightbringers
Initiate Membership
The cult teaches Bladesharp 4 to its initiates free.
Humakt notes, page 297
Does this mean a new Humakti adventurer has Bladesharp 4 plus the normal 5 spirit magic points, for a total of 9 points of spirit magic?
No, this is clarified in the Cults of RuneQuest, The Lightbringers:
Those that have been an initiate for a full year are taught Bladesharp 4 for free, and more points in the spell may be purchased at ½ cost later.
Cults of RuneQuest, The Lightbringers
Humakt’s Gifts (page 296)
D12 | Gift | Required Geases |
9 | Bless specific weapon to do double damage (once armor is penetrated) against a given foe species. | 2 |
10 | Bless a specific weapon to do double damage (once armor is penetrated). | 3 |
11 | Bless a specific weapon to do double damage (once armor is penetrated) upon striking a specific hit location. | 2 |
Are these weapons enchanted?
Do Humakti Gift weapons count as enchanted for the purposes of creatures only harmed by such weapons? (Ignoring any spells that may be cast)
Yes, assuming the criteria are met (type of creature, armor penetrated, specific hit location).
10 Bless a specific weapon to do double damage…
Gift #10 says, “Bless a specific weapon to do double damage (once armor is penetrated).”
Does this include against weapons or shields? (and, is suppose I should add, against spirits when hitting their MPs?)
Yes. Note that this is a powerful gift and require three geases (one of only three).
As usual GMs are welcome to interpret the rules as they wish in their own games.
Humakt ’s Geases (page 297)
If the geas contradicts the gift desired or a previous gift taken, then the worshipper may choose a new gift, but must take the geas.
D12 | Gift | Required Geases |
1 | +10% to any cult weapon skill. | 1 |
Sword of Humakt (Rune Lord)
any other weapon skill
Shield as any other weapon attack
Would shield skill fulfill the requirement for Humakt’s “any other weapon attack”?
No, it is not one of Humakt’s cult’s skills. Your GM may of course overrule this as usual.
Note that Another melee weapon is just shorthand for another melee cult weapon. Few will train in out of cult weapons as it’s more costly and harder to find a trainer.
Do daggers count as a sword for Sword skill?
They do not use sword skill, they use dagger skill.
Pole Swords & Sword Staffs
Do pole swords or sword staffs count as a sword for Sword skill?
Both are two handed spears.
Issaries (page 298)
Full Cult write up in Lightbringers
Trader Prince (Rune Priest) Goldentongue Subcult (page 298)
Enchantments: Ban, Binding Enchantment, Magic Point Enchantment, Matrix Creation, Spirit Armor Enchantment.
Odayla (page 300)
Full Cult write up in Lightbringers
Initiate Membership
Cult Skills
Melee weapons are not in the Cult Skills list. Should they be?
No, they are cultural.
Hunter occupation gives Animal Lore +30%, Scan +10%, Lore (local) +10%, Track +30%, Conceal +10%, Hide +10%, Listen +10%, Cultural Missile Weapon (pick type) +30%, Odayla gives: Track +15%, Peaceful Cut +20%, Sing +10%.
As always the rules are flexible and allow you to change any of this around. If your GM agrees, you could for example swap sing for melee weapon.
Bearwalker (Rune Lord )
A candidate must have a 90% weapon skill (and four other skills at 90%), however the list of other skills mentions “another melee weapon” – does this mean the first skill must be a melee weapon? or is the “another” an error?
Requirements: A candidate must have a 90% weapon skill plus 90% proficiency in any four skills chosen from among the following: Climb, Hide, another Melee Weapon, Missile Weapon, Peaceful Cut, Scan, Search, Survival, Track, and Worship (Odayla).
Odayla, page 300
The occupation for an Odayla initiate is likely to be a hunter, and their homeland availability is Grazelands, Old Tarsh, Prax, Sartar. Each one of those homelands lists cultural weapons (page 60), and all have at least two un-ranged cultural weapons. So a Bison Odayla hunter could have Dagger 90% & Broadsword 90% or a Grazelands Odayla hunter could have Broadsword 90% and Lance 90% and then three other skills.
Orlanth (page 300)
Full Cult write up in Lightbringers
It states that the requirement for a God-talker of Orlanth is “as per Storm Voice”.
That in turn lists the requirement “must belong to the Thunderous subcult”.
Does this mean that there are no God-talkers in the Orlanth Adventurous and Vinga subcults?
That is correct, only Orlanth Thunderous has God-talkers. There are no Orlanth Adventurous priests, only Rune Lords, so no God-talker path.
Wind Lord (Rune Lord ) Orlanth Adventurous Subcult
Do daggers count as a sword for Sword skill or as another melee weapon?
They do not use sword skill, they use dagger skill.
Pole Swords & Sword Staffs
Do pole swords or sword staffs count as a sword for Sword skill?
Both are two handed spears.
Enchantments (page 302)
Enchantments: Ban, Binding Enchantment, Enchant Iron, Enchant Silver, Magic Point Enchantment, Matrix Creation, Spirit Armor Enchantment.
Seven Mothers (page 302)
Holy Days
Each Wildsday is a minor holy day
Cults of RuneQuest
Rune magic (page 303)
Summon & Dismiss Darkness/Earth/Fire/Water Elemental (small only)
Seven Mothers initiates can Summon / Dismiss Elementals (max 1pt) using the Moon rune, but cannot Summon / Dismiss any form of Air Elemental. The source of these elementals are The Young Elementals, page 304.
Other Lunar Cults (page 304)
Initiates and Rune Priestesses or Rune Lords from this cult have many opportunities to transfer to still other cults,
Casting Associated Cult Rune Magic
Hwarin Dalthippa provides Shield to Chief and High Priests of the cult. Since Shield must be cast using one of the runes of the providing cult, this leaves players with the problem of not knowing Hwarin Dalthippa’s runes.
Hwarin Dalthippa’s runes (Moon, Movement, Light) for Shield, The Moon rune is likely the most accessible.
Same with Hon-eel for Bless Maize, Yanafal Tarnils for Truesword, and Red Goddess for Chaos Gift.
These use the spell’s runes (See Casting Associated Cult Rune Magic, RQG page 283)
- Bless Maize
- Truesword
- Chaos Gift
Yanafal Tarnils
Can Yanafal Tarnils worshippers craft iron?
- Seven Mothers subcult – no crafting or enchanting.
- Full cult – yes – crafting and enchanting
Waha the Butcher (page 306)
Full Cult write up in Lightbringers
Rune Magic
Summon (Cult Spirit)
What cult spirit might a Waha Shaman summon?
Cult spirits
Waha is served by small Earth elementals, Spirits of Law, the spirits of the tribal Founders, and numerous heroic ancestors. Spirit of Retribution.
Here are the specific spells:
- Summon Earth Elemental (small)
- Summon Spirit of Law
- Summon Founder (legitimate khan only)
- numerous heroic ancestors (treat as summon ancestor & specific ancestor for 3pts)
- Spirit of Retribution is summoned by Summon Cult Spirit
Waha shaman will also have access to Summon and Control (entity), and would certainly be able to summon and control Small Earth elementals. Spirits of Law could be found at the Law vortex at Ex, likewise Man spirits would be ancestors in the Great Herd, and Death spirits at vortices known to the shaman.
Parenthetical spells usually are for one species of entity. Is this true here. Choice to be made at initiation or…
Does Waha have special entities like CA or Engizi?
See above.
Shaman Membership (page 306)
See the Shamans and Spirits & The Spirit World chapters for more information.
“The Waha cult has shamans instead of Rune Priests. Any Waha initiate who becomes a shaman qualifies for this status.”
I am not 100% sure what I am reading here, it sounds a bit like it is saying “if you become a shaman, you’re a shaman”. I assume the distinction is that if you are an initiate of Waha and become a shaman (the same way you would become a shaman in other cults), you immediately qualify to be a Waha-shaman which is equivalent to Rune Priest level in other cults and comes with all the responsibilities below? And does that mean you could be a Waha initiate and shaman and chose NOT to take on this extra layer of responsibility or does it happen automatically?
It means that for Waha, being a shaman is the same as being a priest. They’re the same thing. You can’t pick to be one and not the other.
Yelm (page 306)
The introduction lists, in order, five subcults of Yelm: Youth, Archer, Warrior, Teacher, Elder. The following sections then detail Youth and Archer (Initiate), but the Warrior subcult (I assume that Warrior is the cult for Sun Lords, but it doesn’t say) and Teacher subcult (is that the cult for the Golden Bow shamans?) are not explicitly mentioned at all, before it returns to Elder (Rune Priest). You expect all the subcults listed by name and order as they are mentioned, in the introduction, but that doesn’t happen.
Here are the cult ranks and their corresponding subcults:
- Lay Member = Youth
- Initiate = Archer
- Rune Lord = Sun Lord / Warrior
- Shaman = Golden Bow / Teacher
- Rune Priest = Elder
Golden Bow (Shaman) (page 308)
Shamanic Abilities Clarification (page 308)
Note: At Stage Four—The Ordeal (page 355), they may select from the following taboos. At Stage Five—The Reward, in place of one, they receive four shamanic abilities, and must take four of the following taboos (player choice):
It is possible that a Golden Bow shaman could loose four times to Bad Man and choose four taboos from the list page 308, then at Stage Five—The Reward, gain the usual single shamanic ability, then take four more and take the remaining four taboos from the list.
Elder (Rune Priest) (page 308)
The requirements seem a bit confused. It doesn’t seem to be just the specific skills listed here, since it includes some of the basics like there being a vacancy, and there’s a non-standard test roll. But some other basics like 5 Rune Points and POW 18 aren’t listed.
This sort of thing means a reader has to try and figure out what the total requirements are – do they need to merge this list with the standard Rune Priest requirements and work out what replaces what? Or is this intended to be an absolute list (surely not?), which could be implied through the repeating of standard items such as a vacancy?
It’s totally non-standard. The key here is that you need to be a Rune Lord first to become a Rune Priest, then there needs to be a vacancy, and you need Worship Yelm 90%+, Firespeech 50%+ and pass the test of holiness POWx3. Given the former, the latter is still tough.
There are two other methods to become a Rune Priest in CoG, but they are even harder.
Yelmalio (page 308)
Holy Days
Each Fireday is a minor holy day
Cults of RuneQuest
Initiate Membership
An initiate may take a gift and its geas(es) from Yelmalio,
Spirit Magic – Ignite
Ignite is not listed in the list of Forbidden Spells, is this a typo or a purposeful loophole?
The prohibited list is from Geases laid down in the Gods War, Heat & Darkness related, Ignite is not one of them. It’s not however a cult spell, so they’d have to learn it elsewhere. They could learn it from an Ernalda priestess (associate cult).
Wulf Rune Lord of Yelmalio in Runemasters has it.
Yelmalio’s Gifts
D10 | Gift | Required Geases |
1 | +10% in any skill, chosen by the initiate. | 1 |
Characteristic Gifts
D12 Gift
7 Per geas, 1-point permanent addition to STR, CON, DEX, POW, or CHA, no limits. Required Geases 1
8 Per geas, 1-point permanent addition to INT or SIZ, no limits. Required Geases 2
Yemalio’s Gifts, page 309
Does this mean that you get 2 INT or SIZ points per 2 geases or 1 per 2?
For a 1 point increase to INT or SIZ you get 2 geases.
And what does the “no limits” mean?
It means there is no limit to the value of characteristic you apply the Gift to.
Can you raise the characteristics over the racial maximum?
How many points of Farsee do you get from the Yelmalio gift?
Farsee 1. Your GM may allow you to take the gift again for the same number of geas, adding a level.
Light Son (Rune Lord )
Requirements: Light Sons lead the temple warriors. A candidate must know Farsee, have 90% in Bow or Javelin, Scan, and any Spear skill, plus 90% in two of the following abilities: Battle, Honor, Listen, Move Quietly, or Search. The candidate must know the spell of Farsee. As with Light Priests, there are no examinations to pass. A worthy candidate is accepted if an opening exists.
Enchantments (page 309)
Enchantments: Ban, Binding Enchantment, Enchant Iron, Enchant Silver, Magic Point Enchantment, Matrix Creation, Spirit Armor Enchantment.
Associated Cults
Yelm : Provides Shield to initiates, and Sunspear (one-use) to High Priests of Yelmalio.
For the Rune Cult Rules see : Rune Cults Q&A
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Page Last updated: 2024-02-22 11:06:34