Normally, Lunar Rune magic and Lunar magical techniques are only at full effectiveness three days out of the week. The other four days a week, Lunar magic is either underpowered or not…
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Godtime Relics
Waertagi, Golden Wheel Dancers, Mistress Race Trolls, elder Giants, Brithini – Glorantha has many relics of the Godtime that exist (to the extent they still do) in defiance of the world of…
The Triolini
The Triolini are a species (actually cluster of species) that don’t get enough love and attention in our Dragon Pass, Lunar Empire, and Prax centered games. It is worth considering that there…
Notes on the World Council of Friends
At the Dawn, the World Council of Friends (centered on Dragon Pass) united five mortal species, each of roughly equal strength and numbers – humans, trolls (at the time there were no…
Magical Places in Dragon Pass
There are several places in Dragon Pass where the boundary between the mundane world and the Godtime is permeable and easily crossed. A few of the more notables: Hill of Orlanth Victorious…
Ernalda overview on YouTube
I did a video overview of the Ernalda cult with Chaosium’s own James Coquillat:
The Hill of Orlanth Victorious I
It is roughly 20 miles from Boldhome to the Hill of Orlanth Victorious – a roughly comparable distance from the Akropolis of Athens to the sanctuary at Eleusis. No trade road connects…
The RuneQuest RPG Wiki
This is perhaps the most useful online tool for RQ I know of – the RQ Wiki! This has online all the core rules presented in the Starter Set, including a Fast…
Orlanth overview on YouTube
I did a video overview of the Orlanth cult with Chaosium’s own James Coquillat:
Royal Roads
The Princes of Sartar were road builders. Each of the royal roads are four to seven meters wide and usually rests upon a foundation of rammed soil and rubble one to two…
Volume of Trade in Dragon Pass
Silk is something found among the elites in the Heartland, in Lunar Tarsh, in Boldhome, and is quite common in Nochet, Rhigos, and Karse. Assuming the Lunar Empire has roughly the same…
First Age Wenelia
At the Dawn the Elk People, the children of Pralor, were the residents here. Their population was thin at first, but the relative ease of the Dawn Age allowed for population expansion…
Chaotic features in the Lunar Empire
The Red Goddess provides Chaos Gift to many Lunar cults, including initiates of her own cult and to senior priestesses of the Seven Mothers (but also to initiates of Danfive Xaron, priestesses…
The Dark Age of Genertela
Genertela was in a true Dark Age at the start of the Third Age. Between the Closing of the Seas and the Dragonkill War, trade (and thus urban civilization) was minimal. Ralios…
Born in the Red
Around the Red Emperor are numerous powerful families (or clans) most of whom are related to the Red Emperor, descended from him, married to him, etc. Those “born in the red” are…
Original Prax and Wastes map
This map here does a good job of showing the relationship between Prax (see the Eiritha Hills) and the Wastes. Prax is much smaller, but also more fertile than the Wastes (the…
WIP map of the spread of various grains and cereals in Genertela
A draft map that Matt and I are working on, showing the spread of various grains and cereals in Genertela. Is there flax in Glorantha? yes. I believe we even comment about…
Associated deities
Many deities are worshiped in association with other deities. That associated deity (and often their priests and initiates) is present and participate in the primary deities rites and secrets. For example. Ernalda’s…
The Lightbringers Religion
In the First Age, the Lightbringers Religion spread from its homeland in Dragon Pass across much of Genertela. These areas are where the Seven Lightbringers and their associates (Ernalda, Storm Bull, Mastakos,…
Honor and Combat
Here’s a little snippet from the forthcoming Cults Book (more good news on that soon) that might be of interest: Humakt demands that Death be wielded with honor and his cult upholds…
Heortland in the Third Age I
This is a series of maps Greg and I drew some years ago to visualize the changes in Heortland from the arrival of Belintar to the present day. One thing that is…
The Bad Rain
In the Lightbringers Quest, the Bad Rain is summoned by all the participants in order to transform the ceremony into a heroquest. The Bad Rain is the Shadow of Orlanth – the…
Magic in RuneQuest
In this video, Jeff explains the differences between the main types of magic that exist in the Gloranthan setting.
Notes on the Thunder Brothers
These are a collective of storm gods, numbered anywhere from a dozen to several score, who are sons (and at least one daughter) of Orlanth. They are worshipped as part of the…
Myth is not disguised history
Myth in Glorantha (and dare I say in our world itself) is not disguised history. Rather it is a way of understanding how the archetypes and symbols of meaning fit together into…