This prosopaedia provides an objective view of the major deities of Glorantha. The objective here is to give an overview of many different deities drawn from across the world of Glorantha, not to be an exhaustive listing of Gloranthan deities.
Gloranthan Pantheons
Glorathan religions tend to worship groups of gods or pantheons, venerating a number of different deities or spirits. We can generally group them into a number of pantheons with overlapping members.
The primary pantheons in Glorantha include:
- Chaos Pantheon
- Doraddi Pantheon
- Draconic Pantheon
- Dwarf Pantheon
- East Isles Pantheon
- Elf Pantheon
- Fire Spirit Pantheon
- Fonritian Pantheon
- Grazer Pantheon
- Hsunchen Pantheon
- Kralorelan Pantheon
- Lightbringers Pantheon
- Lunar Pantheon
- Malkioni Pantheon
- Maslo Pantheon
- Merfolk Pantheon
- Orlanthi Pantheon
- Pentan Pantheon
- Praxian Pantheon
- Sea Pantheon
- Teshnite Pantheon
- The Darkness Pantheon
- The Earth Pantheon
- The Sky Pantheon
- Troll Pantheon
- Universal & Nearly Universal
- Vithelan Pantheon
- Vormaino Pantheon
- Yelm Pantheon
Just click on a pantheon for a list of deities associated with that pantheon.
Expanation of Entries
Each entry first gives the most common spelling of the deity’s name, immediately followed by a commonly accepted pronunciation of that name. Remember that people from different lands may have an entirely different name for the deity and certainly will pronounce these names somewhat differently.
Any entry that starts with an Ω Omega symbol is a deprecated cult. Deprecated cults are from older publications and their use is discouraged, mainly because they have been superseded or are are not supported by current publications in any way. GMs may of course continue to incorporate them into their games.
The next line lists the pantheon or pantheons in which that deity is found and then the deity’s title or function within that pantheon. There may also be a line which directs you to another entry, which commonly provides a listing of other gods and goddesses who are closely related to the deity, and whose stories may provide additional pertinent information for the reader.
Following this information is a short paragraph which further explains the deities position in the world, and which often contains tidbits drawn from the deity’s mythology.
Pronunciation of Gloranthan Names
- Stressed syllables are capitalized.
- Consonants are always hard, and pronounced only one way.
- All S’s are sibilant.
- All Z-sounds are written with Z.
- RR is rolled R.
- The soft J is written ZH.
- short-O is written O;
- broad-O is written AU;
- long-O is written OE.
- short-A is written A;
- broad-A is written AH;
- long-A is written AE.
- short-E is written E or HE;
- long-E is written EE.
- short-I is written I or IH;
- long-I is written IGH.
- short-U is written U or UH;
- long-U is written OO.
- The letter Y is always pronounced as it is in “yawn”.
- OI as in “coin” is written for pronunciation as OY.
- An apostrophe indicates an extremely compressed short-I sound.
Related Pages
- Cultures
- Dragon Pass – A brief outline
- Glorantha in a Nutshell
- Gloranthan Geography
- Gloranthan History
- Gloranthan Mythology
- Gloranthan Readings
- Gloranthan Runes & Fonts
- Gloranthan Sky
- Greg Sez (1997-)
- Personalities of Glorantha (1998-99)
- Petersen’s Campaign Log (1984)
- References for Glorantha (2021)
- What is Glorantha?
Page Last updated: 2024-07-15 16:34:27