There’s about 160k Yelm initiates in the Lunar Heartlands. There are only about 60k Yelm initiates in Pent. Dendara has about 81k initiates in Pent and 181k in the Lunar Heartlands. But there are 137k initiates of the Cattle Goddess in Pent, and only 32k in the Lunar Heartlands.
Gives you kind of an idea how much more important cattle are in Pent as opposed to the Heartlands.
There are about 57k Yelmalio equivalent (Antirius) initiates in the Lunar Heartlands but about 100k Yelmalio equivalents (Kargzant) in Pent.
Are Kargzant and Yelm-Kargzant differnt cults? Kargzant is the Little Sun, Lightfore, the celestial light that wandered about the Sky before the Dawn, fighting monsters and protecting his people. In the Second Age he was successfully identified with Yelmalio. Which is why in most books it is just Yelm and Yelmalio.