There are some 230,000 elves in the Arstola, one of the six Great Forests. They are mostly brown elves, with a smattering of green elves in the higher elevations. That’s a LOT of elves. The Arstola has great influence in Dragon Pass and aided efforts to reseed Dragon Pass during the Inhuman Occupation.
In Maniria, the elves are stronger than any single human polity. They enjoy friendly relations with the Earth Priestesses of Esrolia, and were part of the original World Council of Friends at the Dawn. Some of the ancient dryads might even remember those times.
The elves and human tribes tend to have a wary and respectfully neutrality towards each other. The elves hope to grow their forests and the humans seek to preserve their farmlands and pastures from elf encroachment. Skirmishes happen occasionally, but they are rare, and there are old-standing arrangements that tend to be respected by the leaders of both groups.
Arstola reinforces the social importance of Ernalda, as she is Aldyra’s mother, and their cults are associated. No doubt Earth Priestesses often broken between human lands and the elves.
I generally have dryads interact with humans as “daughters of Aldrya” and thus “Granddaughters of Ernalda”.