The Carmanian Empire lasted from about 750 to about 1250. It was founded, as the stories go, by “atheist barbarians from the West”. For most of their history “atheist barbarians” were able…
Search Results for: Urox
A Cluster of Storm Gods
Up to cause trouble no doubt! Eurmal? Eurmal is a deeper old thing. Surpassed Ratslaff as the deity of Disorder, and surpassed Tylenea as the deity of Illusion. The Trickster appears early,…
CHA4025 Guide to Glorantha – Index – H
Page numbers refer to the Guide to Glorantha: H (pages 771-774) Haar Zaal 316 Hachrat Blowhard 137 Hachuan Mountains 89, 431 Hachuan Shan 260, 269, 271, 282, 427, 429, 433, 439, 696…
Notes from Nochet from Tales of the Reaching Moon #14
[xxix.445.1c] Fragments of the notebook of Lucien the Diviner, master of natural philosophy: “…it is known that certain geographical localities provide a focus for penetration to the other side for certain cult, the metaphysical…
CHA4042 The Prosopaedia – Index
CHA4043 The Lightbringers – Index
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S S (cont.) T U V W Y Z
The Orlanthi of Fronela
There are some 2.4 MILLION Orlanthi in Fronela, far more than in Dragon Pass and Peloria. The Lightbringers came to Fronela in the First Age, reaching what is now Charg by 238…
ISS3007 Arcane Lore – Index
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S S (cont.) T U V W X Y Z
ISS3009 History of the Heortling Peoples – Index
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S S (cont.) T U V W X Y Z
ISS3011 The Book of Heortling Mythology – Index
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S S (cont.) T U V W X Y Z
CHA4025 Guide to Glorantha – Index – U
Page numbers refer to the Guide to Glorantha: U (page 796 – 796) Ualu 588 Udayankos the Music Lover 569 Udraya 710 Udraystead 710 Uele Oline 384 Uilinve 393 Ukos 423 Ulaninstead…
The Art of Sartar, Kingdom of Heroes
Sartar Kingdom of Heroes includes more than 200 new pieces of art, commissioned from artists including Dan Barker, Bernard Bittler, Simon Bray, Frederic Chernier, William Church, Jed Dougherty, Alejandro Fernandez Giraldo, Manoel Magalhães, Juha…
resist chaos glyph
Urox glyph
ISS1001-H HeroQuest – Limited Edition Hardcover Runes (2003)
Last revision: 24 Aug 2003 The table below lists the runes that people chose to grace the front cover of their copy of the HeroQuest limited hardcover edition. Some are old favorites, others may…
ISS1310 Storm Tribe: The Cults of Sartar (2001)
This is the companion volume to Thunder Rebels. It describes the minority cults and societies that are important to the Heortling culture and Orlanthi religion. Note that several items that were previously…
MGP8105 Cults of Glorantha, Volume I (2006)
The cults dedicated to Glorantha’s deities are among the oldest and most powerful institutions in the world. Contained in this book are the secret lore and powers known only to the most…
Glorantha Digest Volume 1 #2
From: David Dunham (via RadioMail) <>Date: Wed, 16 Nov 1994 00:11:16 -0800Subject: Etymology; Bloodlines [I don’t recall seeing this on the RQ Daily, so…] Nick Brooke conjectures Urox = Aurochs, surely. Not…
Chaos Gods – forms of worship (2012)
Submitted by Roland Volz on Mon, 30/07/2012 – 10:09 I apologize in advance if this has been hashed out before, but I’mworking on potentially running my first HQ campaign in the near…
ISS2002 Sartar, Kingdom of Heroes (2009, 2012)
Sartar – HeroQuest in the Kingdom of Heroes… The year is 1618 S.T. The Flame of Sartar has been extinguished. For generations, our wise kings and powerful magicians fought against the armies…
Excerpt – Some Myths (1999)
By Robin D. Laws Copyright ©1999 A Sharp, LLC. This month we present some myths all Heortlings know about a variety of deities. These are drawn from A Sharp’s computer game King…
The Silver Age and the Dawn
The Silver Age Heort’s great successes inaugurated a period of twilight that preceded the actual first sunrise. This is called the Gray Age, or often the Silver to mark its increasing splendor….
Myth of the Month: How Orlanth Met Ernalda (1998)
At the beginning of things that are remembered, the Emperor extended his rulership among the deities of the Earth Tribe. The ruler of that tribe was the goddess named Asrelia. When the…
Myth of the Month: Enemy Gods of the Orlanthi (2001)
Most deities have one or more specific, notable foes. Those foes were (usually) defeated in mythic times, resulting in the creation of the current world, and may be considered to be a…