In thinking about the Holy Country, it is perhaps worth remembering that almost 80% of the population are Orlanthi. However, there is a decidedly Earth religion and matriarchal shade to things, as 55% of the total population are Esrolian. Although Belintar empowered each of the Sixths to preserve their spiritual and cultural identity, there is nonetheless a strong Esrolian influence through trade, literacy, and material artifacts.
Given the strong ties that Old Sartar has with the Holy Country (not the least being that Sartarite is the same language spoken in Heortland), it is not surprising that most Lunars can’t distinguish a Sartarite from an Esrolian.
Another thing to keep in mind – the Holy Country is about the same size as all of Dragon Pass, and no bigger. It is only 72 km from Nochet to Karse and 100 km from Nochet to Seapolis.
Could you please elaborate on what you mean by “Orlanthi”? See the Guide to Glorantha pages 31-38.