The Broken Council, God Learners, Empire of the Wyrms Friends, and the Lunar Empire all shared the same progression of endless new possibilities and optimistic enthusiasm that later becomes overtaken by ambitious power-seeking, cynical opportunism, and angry resentment. This progression is never quick, and often takes many generations. But there is something in mortal existence that subjects even the brightest of movements to the entropy of Time.
So when we complain about decadence of the God Learners or the EWF, remember that they too were once bright and filled with endless possibilities!
The Hero Wars is tied into all of this. To be Hegelian, it is the violent synthesis of all these movements. Represented by a White Bear and a Red Moon grappling each other.
Each of these movements were eventually destroyed by something that turned its strengths against it – Arkat, the Closing, the Overnight Betrayal, and Argrath/Harrek.
Dorastor is where all the broken dreams of the Broken Council remain, turned into nightmares. All the hope and possibilities are now trapped in a prison of despair.
Should we expect Esrolia / the Holy Country to be “overtaken by ambitious power-seeking, cynical opportunism”? And the long lines of the FHQ? And Argrath White Bull / King of Sartar? Esrolia and the Holy Country were never places of “limitless possibilities” – Belintar showed us how to access the Proximate Realm in ways that reinforced the connection between the land, its peoples, and the Old Gods. He recognized limitations.
The Feathered Horse Queen is a powerful Earth priestess who manifests the Earth Goddess in Dragon Pass. Nothing more and nothing less.
Argrath follows a different path – that of Arkat, Harmast, and other Heroes in Time. He has his own set of problems but they are very different from the above.