The Red Emperor has some wonderful titles. Moonson – means literally son of the Red Goddess. Lord of the Four Quarters – means he is the ruler of the entire terrestrial world…
Tag: Argrath (Prince of Sartar 1627-1629)
1627 – Prince of Sartar
When Argrath succeeded to the throne of Sartar in 1627, he took possession of a kingdom beset by enemies on all sides, and on the verge of collapse. The previous Prince, Kallyr…
Notes on the Kingdom of Dragon Pass in the Hero Wars
Argrath and the Feathered Horse Queen unified Dragon Pass in 1632 and were its King and Queen for the next quarter-century, despite major counter-invasions from the Lunar Empire (which twice came close…
Coins of the Sartar Dynasty Preview
Katrin Dirim has done some amazing art depicting coins dedicated to various members of the Sartar Dynasty. I thought some of my notes on each might be interesting. So when we think about…
Princes of Sartar Art Preview
Here’s a wonderful WiP from Katrin Dirim of the Princes of Sartar, from Sartar to Argrath. Lots of information in this piece, worth carefullly looking at. These are from coins stamped in…
Hero Write up Page Year Runes Notes Prosopaedia 9 2023 Glorantha Sourcebook 206 2018 None listed In Heroes of The Hero Wars Dragon Pass 1983 None listed Counter Wyrm’s Footnotes #3 18…
Key Figures of the Hero Wars
We know that a lot of the Hero Wars gets driven by a several key figures: Red Emperor. He’s a mortal holding the office of a god. A war leader, a magician,…
Heracles on the Argos
If you are playing in the RQ Campaign, sooner or later your player characters are going to cross paths with the likes of Harrek, Prince Argrath, Gunda, the Feathered Horse Queen, Jaldon…
Sartar Money and War
The Kingdom of Sartar was the wealthiest of the Dragon Pass kingdoms prior to the Lunar Conquest. Its revenues were a combination of a head tax paid by the tribes (in silver),…
Noble Patronage in Sartar & Tarsh
The ruling dynasties of Sartar and Tarsh were both reknowned for their intellectual and scholarly pursuits, or at least their patronage of such activities. So for example, Sartar established Lhankor Mhy temples…
The Hero
A few thoughts on the Hero The Hero is something akin to the shaman, a mortal who exists in part in the divine realm. Heroes interact with the divine realm outside of…
White Bear & Red Moon and Belintar
Armed with this information you now know about Belintar, the Sartar Dynasty, and the Masters of Luck and Death, things can get really interesting.
From the letters of Sorala Tor
An Esrolian scribe in Prince Argrath’s service: “Of all the many crimes committed by the the Poisonblood Witch-Queen of the Lunar Empire (a commonly used venomous title for Jar-eel the Razoress), perhaps…