Date | Event | Primary | Secondary |
1631-1658 | Previous section – The Reign of Argrath, King of Sartar | ||
1659 | Halifitoor becomes Prince [[of Sartar?]] | HWTD (KOS) | |
1659-1666 | Halifitoor, son of Argrath and Sorana Tor, is King [[of Tarsh?]]. | CHoDP (KOS), The Sacred Kings | |
1666-1687 | Maroflo, nephew of Annstad of Dunstop, is King [[of Tarsh?]].1) | CHoDP (KOS), The Sacred Kings | |
???? | The Red Tide comes | CHoDP (KOS), The Sacred Kings | |
1673 | Argrath’s Lightbringers’ Quest | AAN (KOS) | |
1673 | Argrath disappears | AB (KOS) | |
1673- 1677 | Harrek is King of Sartar. | AB (KOS) | |
1677-1680 | Phargentes, son of Pharandros, is King of Sartar. | AB (KOS) | |
1680 | Maroflo attacked by werewolves. Saved when the earth devours them. | CHoDP (KOS), The Sacred Kings | |
1680 | Argrath Dragonlord returns. Phargentes killed. | AB (KOS) | |
1680 | The Battle of Dantolfol | AAN (KOS) | |
1687-1725? | Enjeem the Leopard is King (of Tarsh?). Stops the Red Tide. | CHoDP (KOS), The Sacred Kings | |
1725 | Red Moon destroyed by Argrath. | ZL (KOS) | |
1725-1743 | Unstay is King [[of Tarsh?]]2) | CHoDP (KOS), The Sacred Kings | |
1743-1843 | Inkarne is the empress.3) | CHoDP (KOS), The Sacred Kings | |
1843-1862 | Instad is leader of the people and King of the Solthoni tribe.4) | CHoDP (KOS), The Sacred Kings | |
1862-1881 | Londario5) | CHoDP (KOS), The Sacred Kings | |
Future Events are even more unreliable. |
1) Elsewhere Maroflo’s reign is dated from 1632-1653/54. See 1631-1658 The Reign of Argrath, King of Sartar.
2) Elsewhere Unstey’s reign is dated from 1625-1643. See 1625-1630 The Liberation of Sartar.
3) Elsewhere the begin of Inkarne’s reign is dated to the year 1643. See 1631-1658 The Reign of Argrath, King of Sartar.
4) Elsewhere the begin of Instand’s reign is dated from 1643-1652. See 1631-1658 The Reign of Argrath, King of Sartar.
5) Elsewhere the begin of Londario’s reign is dated to the year 1652. See 1631-1658 The Reign of Argrath, King of Sartar.
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- 1535-1556 The Conquest of Tarsh
- 1557-1600 Conflict with the Lunar Empire
- 1602-1612 The Fall of the Kingdom of Sartar
- 1613-1615 Rebellion in Sartar
- 1616-1625 The Conquest of the Holy Country
- 1625-1630 The Liberation of Sartar
- 1631-1658 The Reign of Argrath, King of Sartar
Page Last updated: 2023-03-30 13:50:09