Presented here for completeness. Unprefixed page numbers refer to the Core Rules, SR is the Smoking Ruin, LW is the Lunar Way, PR is the Cults Preview.
Name | Page | Notes |
Accelerate Healing | 391 | |
Animate Dead | 391 | |
Attract Magic | 391 | |
Attract Missiles | 391 | |
Attract Spirits | 391 | |
Bind Elemental | 391 | |
Bind Spirit | 391 | |
Boon of Kargan Tor | 392 | |
Call Cold | 392 | |
Call Light | 392 | |
Call Moonlight | LW 82 | Irippi Ontor |
Calm Water | 392 | |
Castback | 392 | |
Commune With (Planet) | LW 82 | Irippi Ontor |
Conflagration | 392 | |
Create Hallucination | 392 | |
Create Image | 392 | |
Create Odor | 393 | |
Create Sensation | 393 | |
Create Sound | 393 | |
Create Taste | 393 | |
Create Wall of Flames | 394 | |
Dampen Damage | 394 | |
Discern (Constellation) | LW 83 | Irippi Ontor |
Disappear | 394 | |
Distracting Glamour | LW 83 | Irippi Ontor |
Dominate (humanoid) | 394 | |
Dominate (animal) | 394 | |
Dominate (discorporate spirit) | 394 | |
Dominate (elemental) | 395 | |
Drain Soul | 395 | |
Enhance INT | 395 | Part of the Torvald Fragments |
Finger of Fire | 395 | |
Geomancy | 395 | Part of the Torvald Fragments |
Hasten Vessel | 396 | |
Identify Otherworld Entity | 396 | Part of the Torvald Fragments |
Identify Spell | 396 LW 83 | Irippi Ontor (different runes) |
Logical Clarity | 396 LW 83 | Part of the Torvald Fragments Irippi Ontor (different runes and techniques) |
Logician | 396 | Part of the Torvald Fragments |
Magic Point Enchantment | 396 | |
Mend Flesh | 396 | |
Moonfire | 396 LW 83 | Irippi Ontor |
Move Across Water | 397 | |
Neutralize Armor | 397 | |
Neutralize Magic | 397 LW 84 | Irippi Ontor (different runes) |
Neutralize (Rune) | 397 | |
Neutralize Spirit Magic | 397 | |
Open Seas | 397 | |
Open Seas | PR 98 | Dormal (no runes) |
Pierce Veil | 397 LW 84 | Irippi Ontor |
Protective Circle | 398 | |
Preserve Item | 398 | |
Reveal Rune | 398 | Part of the Torvald Fragments |
Rogue Wave | 398 | |
See Rune Magic | SR 137 | Black Arkat |
Solace of Our Goddess | LW 84 | Irippi Ontor |
Solace of the Logical Mind | 398 | Part of the Torvald Fragments |
Speak to Mind | 398 | Part of the Torvald Fragments |
Spirit Warding | 398 | |
Steal Breath | 400 | |
Stop Vessel | 400 | |
Summon (species) | 400 | |
Tap Body | 400 | |
Total Recall | 401 | Part of the Torvald Fragments |
Ward Against Weapons | 401 |
Related Pages
- CHA4034 The Red Book of Magic – Index
- CHA4034 The Red Book of Magic – Q&A
- CHA4034 The Red Book of Magic – Rune Spell List
- CHA4034 The Red Book of Magic – Spirit Magic Spell List
- Rune Magic by Cult and Associate Cult
- Spirit Magic by Cult and Associate Cult
Page Last updated: 2024-12-04 17:06:22