The Six Sisters are powerful living spirits who reside at the Six Sisters peaks on the borderlands between Sartar and Prax. They are not worshipped collectively, but as individual spirit cults. Write…
Search Results for: "Six Sisters"
The Six Sisters (Esrolia)
Esrolian Goddesses Write up Page Year Runes Notes Prosopaedia 28, 29, 93 2023 None listed Prosopaedia tag:Delaeo, Delaina, Orana Glorantha Sourcebook 90 2018 None listed Delaeo, Delaina, Ernalda, Esrola, Maran, Orana Heortling…
Wyrm’s Footnotes #15 (2012)
The World of Glorantha is a place of fantasy, mythology, adventure, warfare, romance and horror. It is a place of gods and heroes, thieves and adventurers… In the heart of the Kingdom…
Goddess of Fertility, Pleasure, Love, and Marriage Write up Page Year Runes Notes Prosopaedia 93 2023 Prosopaedia Entry Glorantha Sourcebook 90 2018 None listed One of the Six Sisters:Delaeo, Delaina, Ernalda, Esrola,…
Earth mother and Queen The bountiful mother of life is the source of all sustenance. Reverence for her should stem from every living creature. Plants and animals, both wild and domestic, are…
The Hill of Orlanth Victorious II
The Hill of Orlanth Victorious in Sartar is one of the holiest places to the Orlanth cult. From here Orlanth began his Lightbringers Quest, and it was from here that Harmast Barefoot…
The legacy of the EWF
As we think about the legacy of the EWF in the late Third Age, we first need to remember that none of the humans of Dragon Pass are their heirs. All of…
ISS4001 King of Sartar 2nd Edition – Index
Page numbers refer to the King of Sartar 2nd Edition: Numbers (Dates) 375 ST 43, 97, 99, 171 575 ST 115, 155 700 ST 6, 156, 223, 227 920 ST 171, 223,…
CHA4042 The Prosopaedia – Index
ISS2003 Sartar Companion – Index
This is the index for the Moon Design Publication the Sartar Companion. To go to a specific section of the index, click on the letters below. A B C D E F G…
CHA4033 The Glorantha Sourcebook – Index
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S S (cont.) T U V W X Y Z
CHA4042 The Prosopaedia – Contents
Pantheons Entries Bold entries appeared in the 1985 Prosopaedia
Published cult Overlap and Comparison
A comparison of cult availability in Classic and RQG, for: Publication Year(s) Abbr. RuneQuest 1978, 1980, 2015 RQ1/2 Cults of Prax 1979, 2016 CoP Cults of Terror 1981, 2016 CoT Trollpak 1982,…
CHA4041 Mythology – Index
CHA4041 Cults of RuneQuest: Mythology (2023) A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S S (cont.) T U V W X…
Goddess of Wisdom and Magic Write up Page Year Runes Notes Prosopaedia 29 2023 Prosopaedia entry Glorantha Sourcebook 90 2018 None listed One of the Six Sisters:Delaeo, Delaina, Ernalda, Esrola, Maran, Orana
Goddess of Fortune, Good Luck, and Wealth Write up Page Year Runes Notes Prosopaedia 28 2023 Prosopaedia entry Glorantha Sourcebook 90 2018 None listed One of the Six Sisters:Delaeo, Delaina, Ernalda, Esrola,…
Cults of Sartar
The primary cults of Sartar are those of Orlanth and Ernalda. More than two-thirds of all Sartarites are dedicated to one or the other cult, and the cults are so closely associated…
Elevations in Dragon Pass and Prax
Apropos the recent discussion of what Dragon Pass and Prax look like, here’s the elevation of various points on the map: Dragon Pass & Prax Real World Durengard 50 meters Queen Anne…
The Empire of the Wyrms Friends
So let’s think a little bit about the Empire of the Wyrms Friends. Perhaps the most important elements of that Second Age empire is in the name- the Wyrms Friends. Here’s an…
RuneQuest: Gods of Glorantha Previews (2018, 2019)
A small number of preview editions of Runequest: Gods of Glorantha have been sold at conventions. A UK version was also titled, Cults of Glorantha. Contents (Now Mythology) The Night Hag’s Tales…
Grain Goddess Esrola the Earth Mother is the Goddess of the Manifest Earth, the Goddess in physical form. Write up Page Year Runes Personal Glyph Notes Earth Goddesses 91 2023 n/a Subcult…
Maran Gor
Goddess of Fighting, Quakebeasts, and Earthquakes This goddess is often called the Earth Shaker. She is the sister of Ernalda. Most great earth temples still include shrines to this deity. Write up…