Patron of Archery Golden Bow is a son of Yelm who confers archery skill and powers upon his worshipers. Write up Page Year Runes Notes Lunar Way 64 2024 None listed As:…
Search Results for: "Golden Bow"
CHA4025 Guide to Glorantha – Index – G
Page numbers refer to the Guide to Glorantha: G (pages 768-771) Gabaryanga 553, 562 Gadaringer dynasty 193 Gadmus 712 Gadmusland 712 Gagark Evil Mouth 247 Gagarth 364, 651, 666 Gagarth winds 666…
Notes on Shamans
Shamans are an “elect” found in many Gloranthan religions. They are often outside but adjacent to the cult structure, although some cults do make use of shaman-priests (for example, Aldrya, Daka Fal,…
Shamans are an alternative path towards magic power, quite different from Rune Priests and Rune Lords. To begin with, many shamans are outside of the structures – they are initiates of the…
ISS4001 King of Sartar 2nd Edition – Index
Page numbers refer to the King of Sartar 2nd Edition: Numbers (Dates) 375 ST 43, 97, 99, 171 575 ST 115, 155 700 ST 6, 156, 223, 227 920 ST 171, 223,…
CHA4028 RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha – Chapter 12 Rune Cults The Cults Q&A
Official Answers from Chaosium This covers the second part of Chapter 12, pages 289-311: For the Rune Cult Rules see the previous section: Rune Cults Q&A Babeester Gor (page 289) Full Cult write up in…
ISS2003 Sartar Companion – Index
This is the index for the Moon Design Publication the Sartar Companion. To go to a specific section of the index, click on the letters below. A B C D E F G…
CHA4042 The Prosopaedia – Index
Notes on Clans in the Grazelands.
As we know there are about 18,000 Pure Horse People in Dragon Pass. They all belong to one tribal group – with Yelm Sun Lords as the tribal leaders, aided by Yelm…
CHA4045 The Lunar Way – Index
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S S (cont.) T U V W Y Z
ISS3007 Arcane Lore – Index
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S S (cont.) T U V W X Y Z
Original Horse People
In the Grey Age, there were two main groups of horse people in Peloria. One was west of the Hungry Plateau/Jord Mountains in what is now Saird (Vanch, Terarir, and Holay). These…
CHA4033 The Glorantha Sourcebook – Index
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S S (cont.) T U V W X Y Z
Solar Pentans
There are 600,000 Solar Pentans. A crude breakdown of the cult numbers would suggest that they have about: The remaining 200k are children so they are not in a cult? Yes Those…
After the Spike
The Spike is the central pillar that holds up the sky and unites Sky, Air, Earth, Water, and Darkness. It extends from the deepest depths of the Underworld to the City atop…
Rune Magic by Cult and Associate Cult – S
Spell RBM Cost Source Reference Availability Safe 76 2 Argan Argar RQG 289 Initiates Scram 76 1+ Eurmal (Imp subcult) LB 55 Initiates Scum 76 1 Murthdrya 86 Flamal initiates (associate) Seastrength…
The Origin of the Pentans
The origin of the Pentans are with two (and maybe three) Grey Age groups. The first are the “Starlight Ancestors” who appeared along the Upper Arcos River. They likely rode chariots and…
Notes on the Pure Horse People
The Pure Horse People are the most devout Solar nomads and are found in Pent, Erigia, and the Grazelands. Among them, all clan chieftains and many tribespeople are Yelm Initiates. They also…
Notes on the Grazelands II
The dominant cult in the Grazelands is Ernalda, with some 9250 initiates out of a total adult population of around 26,000. The Ernalda cult dominates the Grazelands like no place outside of…
CHA4042 The Prosopaedia – Contents
Pantheons Entries Bold entries appeared in the 1985 Prosopaedia
CHA4039 The Smoking Ruin and other Stories – Index
Page numbers refer to: A Ahazu 133‒134, 145 Aldryami 4, 6‒7, 27, 32, 116, 118, 159‒160, 164, 166‒167, 169, 171, 178, 180, 184‒185 Andretta 70‒71 Animal Spirits 27 Arachne Solara 4, 13‒14,…
The Imperial Sun, Sun Horse Yelm, called Yu-Kargzant the Sun Horse by the Pure Horse People Write up Page Year Runes Personal Glyph Notes Prosopaedia 140 2023 n/a Prosopaedia entry RuneQuest Glorantha…
CHA4028 RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha – Chapter 14 Shamans Q&A
Official Answers by Chaosium This covers Chapter 5, pages 137-161 RQG Cults allowing Shaman see: Tools of the Shaman (page 351) Assistant Shaman (page 352) Discorporation Shamans can simply discorporate, everyone else…
ISS1303 Masters of Luck and Death (2004)
Hero Bands for the Hero Wars This book takes the hero band rules from HeroQuest and puts them into practice. Each of the twenty-seven hero bands has a purpose for being in…
AH8577 Gods of Glorantha (Box 05 – 1985)
60 Religions for RuneQuestGods of Glorantha describes 60 major Gloranthan religions for humans and non-humans, for good guys and bad, for men and women, all from an array of different cultures. A…