There are somewhere around 120,000 zzaburi in Seshnela and Ralios. Now of them, about 79,000 adhere to the Rokari school. That’s the approximate number of trained sorcerers in that area. This number may go down (it certainly won’t go up) but it is a good starting point.
Now these zzaburi serve as priests, and to a less extent as scribes, for the Malkioni community (including the Stygian Heresy), so think of them like people with graduate degrees, or clerics and monks in medieval communities.
With some 80,000 zzaburi, it is impossible to know all of them or even most of them. It is also very difficult to manage of them and keep them in line. The teachings of Rokar keeps them working for the community good.
Now many of these zzaburi are in contact with their Knowing God counterparts, at least in Safelster. However, their scripts is Western, a very different script from Theyalan. Nonetheless, I suspect that in Safelster we have transmission of lore between the Theyalans and the Malkioni, back and forth. Sometimes these two groups get along, sometimes I suspect they have violent riots against each other.
Remember there are some 45,000 initiates of Lhankor Mhy in Ralios. So we have this band of 120,000 zzaburi from Seshnela to Safelster, that intersects with a belt of 45,000 sages.
This of course is part of the dynamic that is why Lhankor Mhy has access to sorcery.
is there still the concept of “forbidden sorcery” in the Lhankor Mhy cult? Meaning that they shouldn’t learn sorcery spells beyond the ones detailed in the core book? The main reason to restrict sorcery from a particular temple is so that you as a GM have the ability to say you don’t want to deal with sorcery rules or you would rather not have that player deal with them. The Torvald Fragments are well-disseminated in the Holy Country, Dragon Pass, and Peloria. Presumably more spells are trickling into Safelster and then will make their way on.
I personally imagine that the initiates of the Knowing God are far more.. knowledgable than most zzaburi. But they swim in the same ecosystem as both are knowledge specialists.
What is LM dogma? Obtain and preserve knowledge. Stay out of other people’s fights unless the cosmos is collapsing. PERIOD.
Well given that even in the New Dating system, the Illiteracy Era doesn’t start until after 1820 ST or so,. Given how flawed the New Dating system is, maybe we can say it was as early as 1720 ST.
The Library of Londario was thought to have been built somewhere after 1652, most likely around 1670.
Maybe Argrath is responsible, maybe the Red Emperor. More likely both, although my bet on the collapse is it is a general post-Hero Wars thing.
It is possible that Safelster functions something like Toledo or Sicily in the Middle Ages, as a point where Western texts get translated into Thelayan by diligent LM scribes. It works a little bit the other way, but I suspect nowhere near as much. Those LM initiates are ALL scribes and information specialists, while those zzaburi tend to more narrowly focused.
I expect that most of the transmission is going from West to East, but there is some going the other way. And I wouldn’t be surprised if it is easier to get God Learner materials from Theyalan texts than from Western.