Jotting down a few notes for my RQ and Cthulhu games I’ll be running at Chaosium Con, and had a crazy idea of doing an RQ short campaign set around 1645, during the Second Lunar Occupation of Dragon Pass. Everyone would play characters born around 1624, heck maybe Yanioth’s kids could be the among the pregens.
Let’s see if I manage to get time to put this together, but I think it could be fun to do the intro adventure for this. I’m fascinated by the Twilight period in both Pendragon and RuneQuest, and am really interested in playing around with it more.
Even if you start the campaign in 1645, we still have a lot of story to go!
Argrath’s disappeared, the Empire is aided by broo, vampires, Vadeli, Ethilrist, dwarf mercenaries, and more. All of the True Dragons are awake. The elf forests have expanded (although the Red Emperor has destroyed much of the new forests in Peloria and Fronela), the trolls raid far and wide, and many can speak with the dragonewts.