I’ve been playing around with some numbers to get a better feel for the Lunar Empire during the Dragon Pass Campaign period.
1. 1621
At the height of Lunar power, the Empire has 78,000 professional soldiers at its disposal. That is bigger than the army Alexander conquered the Persian Empire with. About a third of those soldiers are in Dragon Pass and its surroundings.
Of course it all goes downhill from here.
Lunar Heartlands and Cavalry Corps 1621
- Total: 64,000
- 36,500 infantry
- 18,000 cavalry
- 5,750 magicians
- 3,750 siege and supply
Provincial Army 1621
- Total: 14,000
- 9,500 infantry
- 2,400 cavalry
- 1300 magicians
- 800 siege and supply soldiers
Theatre Disposition 1621
- Dragon Pass 2500 (Provincial Army)
- Holy Country 20,000 (includes 10k Lunar Army)
- Prax 2500 (all Lunar Army)
- Lunar Provinces 2500 (Provincial Army)
- Heartland Satrapies 35,500 (Lunar Army)
- West Reaches 10,000 (Lunar Army)
- Redlands 5,000 (Lunar Army)
- Total: 78,000
2. 1625 (early)
After four years of war, and substantial defeats in the Holy Country, plus a concerted Pentan invasion in the east, the Lunar Empire has lost almost 40% of its effective strength – which is not surprising given that it is fighting serious wars on two fronts. The Empire is mustering militia to fight against the Pentans, but it too early to see much from that. The Empire has been weakened, but if it focuses on one front it should hold the edge.
Combined Lunar Army 1625 (start)
- Dragon Pass 15,000
- Lunar Provinces 2500
- Eastern Satrapies 25,000
- Heartland Satrapies 5,000
- Total: 47,500
3. 1625 (post-Dragonrise)
Disaster! Dragon Pass is almost entirely gone! And more defeats in the East! The Empire has lost more than half its effective forces since four years ago. The Provincial Army is pretty much gone, the Heartland Army is fully engaged against the Pentan invasion. The Empire is mustering militia to fight against the Pen-tans.
This is where the RQG campaign starts. It is pretty obvious where the Red Emperor is going to focus his efforts – the East.
Lunar Army 1625 (Post Dragonkill)
- Dragon Pass 5,000
- Lunar Provinces 2000
- Eastern Satrapies 20,000 + 5,000 militia
- Heartland Satrapies 5,000
- Total: 32,000+5,000 militia
4. 1628 (early)
Two and half years makes a lot of difference! The Lunar Army looks better on paper, although much of that strength is militia.
With heroic effort Jar-eel stabilises the East. The nomads aren’t gone, but their offensive is blunted and there is an opportunistic truce between the Empire and Pent. Militia now reinforce the eastern theatre. Jar-eel exploits that truce to march the best of the Lunar Army south to stabilise Dragon Pass.
Lunar Army 1628 (start)
- Dragon Pass 15,000
- Lunar Provinces 2000
- Heartland Satrapies 5000
- Eastern Satrapies 10,000 + 20,000 militia
- Total: 32,000+ 20,000 militia
As an aside, 15,000 is a lot of professional soldiers in Glorantha.
A mobile force of 15,000 professional soldiers is a large city on the move, equal to 1/10th the total population of Sartar. Given the importance of movement through the mountainous terrain, larger than this is probably more of a hindrance than an asset.
So when Argrath rocks up most of the real fighting is done and he had an easy job of defeating the Empire? In the same sense that the Lunar Empire likely could not have conquered Sartar without a weak succession (Salinarg) and a prince stripped of many of his allies. Or that the empire would not have been able to invade the Holy Country with success had Belintar still been around.
Or real world – had Mohammed had his revelations a generation early, it is likely the Persians and Romans would have made mincemeat of the Arabs. Or Khosrow would likely not have been as successful in invading the Roman Empire had there not been a succession crisis in Constantinople. Or had Alexander tried to invade the empire of Darius I or Xerxes it is unlikely he would have been as successful. Timing matters.
That being said, the REAL FIGHTING takes place in 1635-1638, and 1644-1655.
Calling up 15,000 noncombatants in Oraya smells like either forced conscription or superheroic persuasion at work. I think what went on in Oraya and First Blessed was a combination of both. Remember, the fighting went at to gates of First Blessed – definitely a far more existential crisis than losing Boldhome or even Furthest.
The Battle of Pennel Ford was probably something around 8,000 Lunar soldiers against 4,000 Esrolians and Heortlings, 2500 Caladralanders, and 60+ Wolf Pirate ships (another 3000 Wolf Pirates), and 2000 Western Barbarians. Initially the allies outnumbered the Lunars 11500 to 8000, but thanks to the defection of the Western Barbarians they end up being outnumbered 10,000 to 9,500. However, the battle ends up being a bloody disaster. 3000 Lunars and 500 Western Barbarians are killed or captured during the route of the Lunar Army, and 1500 allies are killed.
I suspect the 200 mile retreat of the Lunar Army from Esrolia to Dragon Pass was epic. Harried by Esrolians, Pure Horse People, trolls, and Beast People all the way back to Probably only 2500 of the original expedition of 10,000 made it back to Dragon Pass.
Some 10,000 Lunar soldiers are sent from the Heartland to reinforce Dragon Pass and aid in the consecration of the New Lunar Temple.
Argrath’s army that crossed the Dragonspine was likely 1500 Wolf Pirates, 2000 Sartarites, and 2500 Praxians.
What kinds of numbers could be expected for local forces that aren’t organized into the field armies? This represents the professional forces available to the Red Emperor – the Lunar and Provincial Armies.
Satraps, client kings, etc., have their own bodyguards, local militia, and mercenaries. Think like the Longspear Slayers and Sir Holburns Axe Men from New Pavis. They might also get assistance from allies like the Sun Dome Temple, but that is like on a quid pro quo basis.