Another little snippet from the forthcoming Sartar book:
After the Dragonrise, all of Dragon Pass was thrown into disorder. Lergius Cassius held Boldhome with a small garrison of 300 soldiers from the Beryl Phalanx and 200 from the Whipstock Cavalry. After word came to Boldhome that the New Lunar Temple was destroyed and all its participants devoured by the Brown Dragon, riots broke out in the city. With great difficulty, Lergius Cassius was able to defend Moontown and the maintain control of the forts and roads within the city.
A week after the Dragonrise, on Humakt’s seasonal holy day, Kallyr Starbrow led her companions and 200 Humakti serving Sarostip Cold-Eye over Quivin Mountain and were let into Boldhome through the North Fort. They attacked the Lunar soldiers guarding the Main Gate from the rear and opened the gate, letting in some 400 warriors from the Kheldon Tribe. At the same time, the Pockets erupted in violence and another 1000 people from Boldhome joined the uprising, attacking Moontown and other Lunar centers.Outnumbered, Lergius Cassius and his remaining soldiers retreated to the Royal Palace, and made their last stand. He and his soldiers fought bravely and to the death. At the time, there were approximately 1500 civilian Lunar cultists in Boldhome. Several hundred were killed during the fall of the city, but once the soldiers were defeated, the Humakti demanded that the Code of War be followed and the civilians spared. The Orlanth priests agreed, and so the surviving Lunars were spared. Although many Lunars fled Boldhome, some 900 or so remained in Boldhome, mostly Sartarite converts, protected by the Code of War.
Kallyr Starbrow spent a few days in Boldhome, mopping up and gathering recruits, and then she marched on Jonstown with her followers. In three weeks, she would fight and win the Battle of Dangerford that would make her Prince of Sartar.
Once news got out few wanted to brave Sarostip Prince Killer wrath. Especially with Lergius’ head on a stick.
It didn’t happen instantly but within the day. Most of the rioters preferred to loot and destroy symbols of the Occupation. But when the message got out people stopped. They know what Humakti can do. And these are same Humakti who killed Temertain the prior year.
Also remember Honor is a big deal for Humakt, Orlanth, and Yelmalio. And killing unarmed civilians is by definition dishonorable. As an aside Yanafal Tarnils agrees (unless the Red Emperor commands otherwise). So any warrior with an Honor passion is going to have problems with murdering civilians, and given that the foremost Death cult is obsessed with Honor, that might have some strong cultural impact. Command and control is not Humakt’s thing. That’s Death and Honor.
It isn’t that the Lunar cultists have rights, but that it is against the Code of War to kill unarmed civilians. Period. There is a price to having Sword Trance, Sever Spirit, etc. A rigid code of Honor.
I imagine that the Orlanthi have endemic low levels of violence thanks to their honour codes – feuds, revenge killings, etc. – but widespread massacres are very rare for the same reason. I mean the reason the stead burning of Rastalulf Vanak Spear was so remembered is that it was one of the Three Terrible Deeds of Lokamayadon. Who was a VERY BAD guy according to the Orlanthi.
Did I mention that Lergius Cassius’ head was placed on a column in the People’s Court? Last I checked it is still there.
The big [Lunar] buildings are mostly gone and destroyed. But is that the only way temples exist? Somebody forgot to tell the Orlanth cult that…..
Two quick thoughts:
1. Buildings are not all there is to a holy place. Temples can survive the destruction of the building.
2. Looking at you funny? You’ve felt the presence of the Goddess and experienced the liberation of the soul, and you would give that up because people look at you funny? Seriously?
3. This is a Polytheistic setting. The people of Boldhome permit the trolls to worship the deities of Night and the Underworld, and even offer sacrifices to their Spider Goddess. If there is conflict, it should be at the ritual level, in a manner understood and approved by the gods.
4. Society is organised around kin. Are these folk your kin? No? Then what of YOUR laws have they violated? Have they stolen from you? Then make a demand for compensation. Have they damaged your property or people? Then make a demand for compensation. Have they sacrificed to Chaos? What do the priests say? Nothing? Then what are you doing wasting my time!
Of course that in a universal monotheistic world-view, conversion or else makes some intellectual sense. The others are worshiping False Gods etc. But it is important to keep in mind that the Orlanthi recognize that the Lunar gods are gods (and vice verse). They are hostile to the Seven Mothers – just as they are hostile to Zorak Zoran. Yelorna, and the Bloody Tusk.