Normally, Lunar Rune magic and Lunar magical techniques are only at full effectiveness three days out of the week. The other four days a week, Lunar magic is either underpowered or not available at all. During the wars of the Zero, First, and Second Wanes, this was not that great of a disadvantage. Few of the Empire’s foes really understood the Lunar Cycle, and the Lunar magicians were a minority within the army. Most soldiers belonged to non-Lunar cults – Lodril, Yelm, Humakt, whatever – and were usually just lay members of the Seven Mothers. Lunar commanders would manouever so that battle would occur on Empty or Full Half days, or even better during the Full Moon, so that the Lunar magicians could play a decisive role in the battle.
As the Lunar religion grew, more and more soldiers were members of Lunar cults, and the Lunar magicians grew in importance.In the Third Wane, this proved disastrous. Sheng Seleris and his nomads quickly learned (if they did not already know) that the Lunars were weak on the days of the Crescent Moon, and magically defenseless on the Dark Moon days. Sheng Seleris could use the superior mobility of his nomads to force battle on those days and use his magicians to overwhelm his foes. Lunar military history in the Third Wane was a depressing litany of defeats, routs, and massacres. The few successes the Lunars had were lucky coincidences, quickly reversed by the presence of Sheng Seleris.Yara Aranis was created to resolve this weakness. Her temples provided centers for magical defense, and the Glowline which they created eliminated the weakness of Dark and Crescent Moon days. Within the Glowline, it is always effectively Half Moon day. Lunar magic is fully effective, and the superior resources and training of the Lunar magicians mean that they are usually a match for any comparable number of opposing magicians. And since the Lunar empire has not a foe capable of mustering a comparable number of opposing magicians, this means that within the Glowline there is almost no foe that can stand against the Lunar College of Magic.
Outside of the Glowline is another story. Four days out of the weak, the decisive arm of Lunar victory is denied to the Lunar Army. The Lunar Army tends to be tentative, hesitant, and easily routed outside of the Glowline, unless led by the Red Emperor, accompanied by the Crimson Bat, or led by a first tier leader like Fazzur Wideread.
Has anyone tried to create a response to the threat / power of Yara Aranis? Few people have ever dared to wander into the experimental lands of Lunar mythology.
So if anyone thinks that giving up one day of extra full power in order get rid of four days of weakness each weak, well I’d love them to play the Lunars against me next time I play WBRM.
When they created the Glowline they were definitely NOT an imperialistic expansionist culture. They were a barely holding on, trying to survive being conquered by a World Conquerer.