Matt Ryan and I are so close to being finished with the Dragon Pass Master Map it makes my head spin. So much detail, so much information. So many layers!
I know I am teasing you all, but where this becomes really interesting is when you are able to scroll around the map, seeing how things tie together. The fact that Furthest is on the Death Line is a very important thing about its location. It is a liminal place – in and not in Dragon Pass.
I’m not sure if the Deathline will appear on the printed map, it is the northern border of the area wiped clean of humans in the Dragonkill War.
Furthest is a particularly interesting city to me, as it is as Lunar as any city in the Heartlands, and likely shares more with Glamour than it does with villages just ten kilometres away.
The Corn Belt will be more extensive in the final map, but this gives a feel.