Location Type Homeland Page Affiliation Boldhome (large city) Major temple Sartar 47 Clearwine Fort (town) Shrine Sartar 51 Ernaldori clan, Colymar tribe Duck Point (small city) Shrine Sartar 53 Ducks Elk (village)…
Tag: Jonstown (small city)
Argan Argar Temples and Shrines
Location Type Homeland Page Affiliation Boldhome (large city) Minor temple Sartar 47 Goodfarm (village) Minor temple Sartar 58 Druyeving clan, Torkani tribe Jonstown (small city) Shrine Sartar 63 Cinsina, Culbrea, Malani, and…
Crime and Law in Orlanthi cities
There really aren’t police or courts as we understand it in Orlanthi cities such as Boldhome, Jonstown, or New Pavis. There is usually a city guard that guards the city gates, maintain…
Dorasar, Prince of Pavis
Eonistaran the Sage, a son of King Sartar, lived in Jonstown as the chief librarian of the Jonstown Library. His sons were raised in Boldhome with their cousins, the princes of Sartar….
History of Orlanthi Cities
If we think about the history of the Orlanthi, their original Dawn Age settlements were “hill fort villages” – this is where they survived the Greater Darkness and Grey Ages. The entire…
The Jrusteli Pattern
The Jrusteli Pattern is a city plan found mainly in the coastal regions. It has a central market, a nearby public and temple complex, and straight main streets. The city becomes a…
Notes on City Gods
Cities have a market, a degree of self-governance, and temples to the city’s patron deity and to the city god. They also have temples to other gods of importance to the people,…
Thoughts on city size
When we think about most cities in RuneQuest, they are pretty small. New Pavis is a little over 5000 people. Jonstown, Swenstown, and Wilmskirk are even smaller – none are more than…
Feeding Boldhome
Normally a city gets most of its food from within about 30km. Within about 30 km of Boldhome is about 250-300 km2 of cultivated land, raising mainly wheat. Now that is enough…
Gorangian Bronzeguts
Gorangian Bronzeguts the chief librarian of the Jonstown Knowledge Temple. One thing I love about this is that Gorangian is not a particular heroic figure, but is an example of an important…
Sarostip Coldeye
This is a snippet from the Sartar Book: Born in 1572, Sarostip Coldeye is a Sword of Humakt and part of the ruling dynasty of the Malani tribe. Sarostip abdicated all clan…
A Tale of Two Maps
The map of Dagori Inkarth from Trollpak was IMO the best single campaign map Chaosium ever published. Even better than the Elder Wilds maps from Griffin Mountain. Clear, informative, and with loads…
The Liberation of Boldhome
Another little snippet from the forthcoming Sartar book: After the Dragonrise, all of Dragon Pass was thrown into disorder. Lergius Cassius held Boldhome with a small garrison of 300 soldiers from the…
Jonstown Library
The Jonstown Library has a collection of approximately 10,000 scrolls, gathered from across the world. A scroll typically consists of numerous sheets of parchment sewed together—this can be quite long, as a…
Greg’s First writings about Sartar
Among the first things Greg ever wrote about the Kingdom of Sartar was the following: “<Sartar’s> magic turned smart men into chieftains, good men into loyal followers, and enemies into pack beasts. It…