Hated and feared, the Telmori are werewolves cursed by Chaos. They are unlike other humans, for they have joined with their beast-brothers into a strange and, to some, unnatural relationship of dependence…
Tag: Hsunchen
Dragon People
The Seshnegi held that the rulers of Kralorela were Dragon People – a tribe of humans who were dragons and vice versa. Hykim is depicted as a great dragon, and all of…
Hsunchen Peoples of Genertela (2003)
This page by Greg Stafford and Jamie Revell dates from 2000, and was revised in August 2003. Introduction In the Green Age, nothing had a definite shape. Everything was able to be whatever it…
Guide Art Direction – Hsunchen (2013)
Hsunchen peoples are stone-age hunter-gatherers. Small families wander about a territory while the men hunt, trap, and fish, and the women gather plant foodstuffs. The clothing of most hsunchen is of whatever…
Hsunchen (Rathori and Uncoling) by Jeff Laubenstein
Morning! Today’s sneak peak is two Hsunchen (Rathori and Uncoling) by Jeff Laubenstein. Archived G+ post, tapatalk archive See also: