Orlanth is the grandson of Earth and Sky, his siblings are the winds, a bull, a cat, violence, evil, the mountain snow, and Death. He married the Green Lady, and his offspring include the Plow Man, Spring, the sheep god, a bear god, and a king. Orlanth turned himself into a woman to fight a foe no man could kill, slew a devouring dragon to bring forth rain, and killed his cousin Sun as a final in a series of contests.
Now that’s some proper mythology!
I often break down Gloranthan myths to just titles and archetypes to see how they read. I find it often has a more resonant feel to it.
Is Ormalaya is “Orlanth the Hunter”? Ormalaya is one of those countless subcult names from Thunder Rebels. You won’t see that name appear in anything since.
Still one of the 49 names of Orlanth, though? If you want. But there’s not a cult of Ormalaya, at least anywhere in Dragon Pass, the Holy Country, or Peloria.