Yelm is the Giver of Life and Death, the Source of Light, and the most important of the Greater Gods. He received rule of the universe from the Cosmic Court and arranged the world and named everything, giving each a place in the cosmic order. As long as we all fulfil our assigned duties, the cosmic order is maintained.
That’s the trick to understanding the Solar worldview of Peloria (including the Lunar Empire), Pent, Teshnos, and even Fonrit and Kralorela. Yelm’s order is perfect – so long as we all do what we are assigned to do. Problems result whenever people fail in their duties and tasks. So if there is war, famine, corruption, oppression, etc – it is because something refuses to do its proper assigned duty.
That usually means something like a Storm God, Lodril, the Trickster, barbarians (anyone who is not a good and obedient member of the Solar polity), trolls, ignorant peasants, disobedient spirits, lewd bird goddesses and unruly rivers, etc. Anyone except a good Yelmite who of course is carrying out their duties.
Even a bad Yelmite is better than no Yelmite at all.
The Red Goddess does not really challenge this – she just holds that her presence is a necessary part of the Cosmic Order and that as Yelm’s daughter, she’s a key part of this. She heals the world that was destroyed when Yelm was killed.
As we all know, a good Dendara initiate is never a problem. It is always ignorant peasants, lewd bird goddesses and unruly rivers, barbarians, and that sort of thing. Not “women” per se, as we know Dendara, Entekos, Ourania, and the Red Goddess all carry out their duties.
The Lunars fit surprisingly well into the solar hierarchy – or maybe not surprisingly, as the Red Moon is a celestial entity. The Red Emperor is the grandson of Yelm, the Yelm Imperator hierarchy are all Red Goddess Illuminates, and that’s the way it has been for at least a century and a half.
Yelm always fulfils his duties. He rises every morning, follows his assigned path through the sky, sets, and then rises the next morning. That’s what it means to be a Yelmite.
What do the Dara Happans think of the grazers and the pure horse people ? They ARE pure enough to use the powers of Yelm.