Shamanism is known in Sartar, although it is uncommon and outside of the main cult structure. The two most common paths to shamanism are:
- Daka Fal: some amount of ancestor worship is nearly universal, although only about 1 in 50 dedicate to that worship. The priests of Daka Fal are shamans, but are outside of the main Lightbringers-Earth pantheon and are often villains in stories.
- Horned Man: Less than 1 in 100 people are visited by the Horned Man to take the shamanic path. They need to find a teacher who can help them along the way – such shamans are usually hermits, madmen, or others at the edge of society. Those who follow Kolat (sometimes called Umath) are accepted by the Orlanth cult and placed under its protection. Others are completely outside and depend on their own spirits for their protection.
Spirit cults are more common, although many now have now non-shamanic priests (and are tied into other cults) or were established directly during the Resettlement period.
Finally, Argrath’s White Bull society provides a growing new shamanic path, with aid from the Waha cult. This becomes increasingly important in Sartar from 1627 on.
One can get an idea how prevalent shamanism is in a culture with the cult distribution tables. I’m sure there are some surprises for folk!
Earth Witch is not a big deal in Sartar. She’s there but nearly a rounding error.
Now a good argument can be made that shamanism is more prevalent in the Lunar Heartlands than in Sartar. The Lunar Way definitely has a strong spirit magic emphasis, and the Seven Mothers, Yelm, SurEnslib, and Biselenslib all provide shamanic paths.