Many Sartarite names combine prefixes and suffixes as per below; the prefixes and suffixes usually relate to the names of gods or ancestors. Use them to create your name or pick a finished name from the lists. It is not uncommon for people to adopt new names or titles at points during their life, such as at initiation or upon taking an important responsibility or office.
Tribespeople typically identify themselves by the name of their best-known parent (stated with a “Son of” or “Daughter of”). Names often alliterate (start with the same sound) or share a prefixes or suffix from parent to child (Eringulf son of Brolarulf, Harmast son of Hardrinor, Saronil son of Sartar, Argrath son of Yanioth Two Sight) or from sibling to sibling (Orgar and Orstandel, Fingmanar and Finganvar). The clan name usually follows this. Thus, we might have Barndath Son of Barndaral of Enjossi.
Among Townspeople, however, it has become increasingly common to identify oneself by profession rather than lineage. This is especially true if one is a member of a guild. Thus, we commonly find Darana (the) Weaver, Haradalor (the) Carpenter, or Kulkar (the) Smith. Instead of clan, this is usually followed by the name of the city, such as Darana (the) Weaver of Jonstown or Kulkar (the) Smith of Boldhome.
Men often take the name of gods or heroes (Barntar, Durev, Elmal, Harmast, Hendrik, Heort, Orlanth, etc), great kings (Hofstaring, Saronil, Tarkalor) or of ancestors (Garan, Korlmar, Ulanin, Straval, etc) as a prefix or suffix. Here are some other common prefixes and suffixes:
Prefixes: Andrin, Andror, Avent, Bar(n), Ber(es/en), Bro, Dar, Der, Des(tor), Din, Dor-, Enjos, Erin, Fin, Gar(in), Hantra, Harad, Har(an), Hed(kor), Hend, Ir, Jar(star), Kor(l), Korol, Kul, Lon(d), Mar(kal), O(r), Orl, Orst, Orvan, Rasta, Ros, Sar(o), Sen(ren), (S)tark, V(a/e)n, Varan.
Suffixes: alor, (al)des, and, angian, arl, aventus, brast, dath, daral, dovar, drinor, dros, durev, en, estan, fin, gandi, ganvar, gor, gradus, harl, -illo, -ister, -kar, kos, (l/v)anth, lakar, larant, (l)or, makt, manar, -(m)al, (m)arl, mast, niskis, onil, orth, -restos, rik, rolar, serian, staval, tand, tar, -taros, -tos, (g/l)ulf, veste, venos, vil, -yan.
Sample Male Names: Andrin, Argrath, Aslandar, Ashart, Broyan, Dorasor, Farnan, Harmast, Gringle, Jarstakos, Kalf, Maniski, Ortossi, Robasart, Saronil, Sarotar, Tarkalor, Venharl.
Women often take the name of goddesses or heroes (Ernalda, Esrola, Ivarne, Kev, Maran, Mirngala, Voria, etc) or of ancestors (Lismelder, Orgorvale, Serias, Vestene, etc) as a prefix or suffix. Here are some other common prefixes and suffixes:
Prefixes: A(r), Dara, Davor, Der, Dor, Dush, Ent, Erin, Ernal(da), Esra, Esrol, Feren, Har, Hend, In, Ivarn, Jareen, Jarnarn, Jen, Kall, Ken, Leika, Lon(d), Mern, Mir, Morgan, Natal, Nerest, Ondur, Onel, Oran, Or(a/i), Samast, Sen(ren), Sora, Seren, Serze, Vasan, Yan, Yerest.
Suffixes: a, ala, ale, ali, -ana, -arios, -asa, -ava, (d)essa, (d)estra, (d)inna, (d)ira, (d)rella, (d)urisa, -ela, (er)landa, -est(ing), eth, -eva, -gala, -i, -ias, -illa, -ina, -ioth, -ira, -(is)en, (i/y)r, -karne, -lartha, ran(d)a, renava, sin, -sta, sulva, vale.
Sample Female Names: Beneva, Berra, Dorasa, Dushi, Erissa, Erynn, Insterid, Ivarne, Jareen, Kallyr, Leika, Morganeth, Onelisen, Sora, Vasana, Yanioth.
This will all be in the Sartar Book.