From time to time I get asked what are the most important source references for me when I am writing RuneQuest and Glorantha materials. As I am waiting on hold for a long time trying to rebook flights, I thought now would be a great time to answer that question!
Published Sources
- Guide to Glorantha: I consult this every few days. Invaluable but normally at a pretty high altitude concerning specific details. But if I need to know how things all over the lozenge fit together, it is ideal.
- Glorantha Sourcebook: I consult this almost every day. Myths, histories, family trees, you name it.
- RuneQuest Core Rules: Loads in here, not just rules.
- RuneQuest GM Adventures: If I need anything on the Colymar Tribe, it is here.
- Trollpak (Chaosium edition): Question on trolls? Here is the answer.
- RQ Bestiary: Question on any creature except trolls? The answer is probably here.
- Borderlands: Shockingly useful whenever I have a question on Praxians of all things.
- Pavis/Big Rubble: Still the foundation for everything in Pavis, the Big Rubble, and the River of Cradles.
- Stafford Library: Probably at least once I week I look up something in GRoY, FS, or HHP.
- Greganth Atlas: At least once a week I look up something in it.
Unpublished Sources
- Cults of Glorantha: I consult this every day. Cults, myths, history, bits of lore. All here.
- Sartar Players Guide: I consult this every day. Everything I need to know on Sartar, its cults, its tribes, clans, guilds, cities, history, etc.
- Boldhome Book: I consult this anytime I have a question concerning Boldhome, which is quite often.
- Dragon Pass Gazetteer: I consult this every day.
- Heortland Gazetteer: I consult this about once a week.
- Esrolia Gazetteer: I consult this about once a week.
- Prax Gazetteer: I consult this about once a week.
- Shadowlands Gazetteer: I consult this about once a week.
- The Master Map series: Probably daily.
- The Cults Distribution spreadsheet: Probably daily.
- The Cults Compatibility spreadsheet: Probably once a week.
- The Hero Wars Campaign: Probably once a week.
- The Mythic Map series with gazetteer: Probably once a week.
Out of Print Sources
- Dragon Pass/WBRM: the single most important Ur-Source on the Hero Wars and everyone in it. Consult it at least once or twice a week.
- Nomad Gods: the single most important source on the Praxians. I consult it everytime Prax comes up.