Submitted by Dreamstreamer on Fri, 01/06/2012 – 16:50 Submitted by Dreamstreamer on Fri, 01/06/2012 – 16:50On pages 75 of SKoH, there is a smattering of examples for charms, spells, and talents. Where…
Search Results for: yinkin
Are All Orlanthi Initiated in a Cult (2012)
Submitted by Monglo on Fri, 24/08/2012 – 14:41 Reading the text on page 209, it says that almost everyone is initiated in a cult. So following the rules of HQ all of…
The Runes Described
Here is the Glorantha Core Font described for those with a visual impairment. Currently incomplete. Key Name Description 1 Dying Moon Phase 2 Crescent Go Moon Phase 3 Full Half Moon Phase…
A few more notes on gods and spirits
A few more notes on gods and spirits from around Glorantha. The various ways gods and spirits are classified gives an example of the amount of diversity that exists concerning how they…
Do Mostali heroquest? (2012)
Submitted by Iskallor on Sat, 03/11/2012 – 15:55 Do Mostali Heroquest? Submitted by Ian on Wed, 07/11/2012 – 14:58.A This World heroquest is a re-enactment of the myths of the gods in…
CHA4028 RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha – Index
A Abilities Above 100% 144 Ability Results Table 143 Absorption 317 Accelerate Growth 317 Accelerate Healing 391 Act 58, 61, 139, 168, 169 Additional Experience 81 Adventurer Income 420, 422 Aeolianism 389…
CHA4400 13th Age Glorantha (2018)
Designers: Rob Heinsoo, Jonathan Tweet Additional Design: Greg Stafford, Jeff Richard, Cal Moore, Ash Law Cover: Aaron McConnell & Lee Moyer Back Cover Crimson Bat: Sam Wood Artists & Illustrators: Jan Pospíšil,…
Enclosure 2 (1998)
Produced by the Seattle Farmers Collective in 1998, this is the program book for Glorantha Con VII, Los Angeles. Table of Contents Art Credits
AH8577 Gods of Glorantha (Box 05 – 1985)
60 Religions for RuneQuestGods of Glorantha describes 60 major Gloranthan religions for humans and non-humans, for good guys and bad, for men and women, all from an array of different cultures. A…
CHA4032 RuneQuest Glorantha Bestiary – Q&A
Official Answers from Chaosium Introduction (pages 4-11) Creatures without POW How do you handle resistance rolls against undead, or an entity without POW? If a creature has no POW use their magic…
ISS1001-H HeroQuest – Limited Edition Hardcover Runes (2003)
Last revision: 24 Aug 2003 The table below lists the runes that people chose to grace the front cover of their copy of the HeroQuest limited hardcover edition. Some are old favorites, others may…
The Lady of the Wild
An untamable deity, mother and protector of all wild animals, spirits, and things. Write up Page Year Runes PersonalGlyph Notes Earth Goddesses 92 2023 None listed n/a As: RigtainaIn: Pelora Lightbringers 125…
Orlanth Thunderous
Orlanth’s aspect as the weather god. Write up Page Year Runes PersonalGlyph Notes Earth Goddesses 25 2023 per Rune spell n/a Husband protector of:Ernalda Lightbringers 25, 99, 121, 125 2023 per Rune…
Ω Murni the Mouser
Murni is one of Ernalda’s favorites. Write up Page Year Runes PersonalGlyphs Notes Storm Tribedeprecated 176 2001 None listed Subcult of:Yinkin
Anniversaries and nonexistent books (2010)
Submitted by Claudia on Mon, 26/07/2010 – 20:12 25th July 2010 The week of problems… This week was tough for Jeff. Finn and I, we caught a bad summer flu – a really…
The Jonstown Library (2010)
Submitted by Claudia on Fri, 10/09/2010 – 17:31 It took me more than two weeks to write something again – we were very busy: an other archery tournament (it was a fun…
Simon Bray Woodcuts – Gods & Goddesses
These were created for Thunder Rebels (2000) and Storm Tribe (2001)
CHA4033 The Glorantha Sourcebook – Index
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S S (cont.) T U V W X Y Z
CHA4025 Guide to Glorantha – Index – Y
Page numbers refer to the Guide to Glorantha: Y (page 799 – 800) Yaan 431, 439 Yaanek Mountain 285 Yaan River 431, 439 Yak House 459 Yak People 274, 280, 283, 284…
RuneQuest: Gods of Glorantha Previews (2018, 2019)
A small number of preview editions of Runequest: Gods of Glorantha have been sold at conventions. A UK version was also titled, Cults of Glorantha. Contents (Now Mythology) The Night Hag’s Tales…
Runes & Glyphs (2004)
Note that many of these are personal not core runes. Based on the Common and uncommon runes document from 2004, with See Glyph and Notes columns added. A Deity / Name Rune Meaning…
ISS1103 Anaxial’s Roster – Index
PDF and corrected text of the original index. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X…
ISS1101 Hero Wars – Contents
Table of Contents collected by Charles Corrigan. Table of Contents PrefaceChapter 1, Getting startedChapter 2, CharactersChapter 3, Character KeywordsChapter 4, Playing Hero WarsChapter 5, Basic MagicChapter 6, Theist MagicChapter 7, Sorcerous MagicChapter…
The Royal Hunt
Much large game hunting in Orlanthi lands is not by full time hunters of the Odayla or Yinkin cults (although such people might be present). Kings and princes and others are expected…
CHA4042 The Prosopaedia – Contents
Pantheons Entries Bold entries appeared in the 1985 Prosopaedia