By now there is enough out there in the Cults of RuneQuest series to get a feel for many of the major cults in Genertela. When the Solar book comes out next, that really gives us the main cults for human societies (Darkness and Water cults really are rounding errors in most human societies).
We can look at where various pantheons are most prevalent:
- Dragon Pass – Lightbringers (with Earth and Lunar in a secondary position)
- Holy Country – Earth and Lightbringers (with a Fire enclave in Caladraland)
- Lunar Provinces – Lunar (with Earth and Lightbringers in a secondary position)
- Lunar Heartlands – Lunar and Solar.
- Maniria – Lightbringers and Earth
- Prax – a truncated Lightbringers and Earth.
And so on. Obviously we have some elements from each book almost everywhere (except the Lunars which really don’t have much presence outside of the Lunar Empire and a few colonies). So in Dragon Pass, we get Yelmalio from the Solar Book. In the Lunar Heartlands we Orlanth, Humakt, and Valind as enemies. And so on.
It should be remembered that there are plenty of minor cults of purely localized significance: Pavis, Flintnail, Castelain, Sartar, Wilms, Geo, etc. These are not world-shaping deities like most of those in the cults books, but are often of local importance (even if nobody claims Pavis or Sartar was a deity of the same cosmic significance as Storm Bull or Maran Gor).
What about the Torkani tribe? Despite what many folk think, the main association the Torkani have with Darkness is the Argan Argar cult, which is still smaller than the Ernalda or Orlanth cults in that tribe.
And the Kitori tribe is half troll which makes them just odd.