An interesting thing about the Lightbringers Pantheon is the number of non-elemental deities are prominent. Perhaps that was a key factor in the magic of the quest?
Sharp-eyed viewers might note a few apparent contradictions with previous genealogies but I assure these are knowing and accepted by cult members.
Who knows what Ginna Jar is? The ghost of Glorantha? The spirit of the dying world? Orlanthi often depict her as a vessel, perhaps to show that she contains the last thing left in the Greater Darkness – hope.
Katrin Dirim says:
I did actually do a double take when reading that she is sometimes represented as a floating jar
But pun aside, it is very fitting imagery for her
(Now I feel obligated to mention that the jar is just an object used to represent her in ceremonies, and that she was probably not a floating jar in actuality)
Wasn’t Lhankor Mhy married to Elasa – Mistress of the Light of Knowledge? Yes, upon his return from the Lightbringers Quest Lhankor Why is said to have married or joined with the Mistress of the Light of Knowledge. But as she appears only in LM stories as LM’s source of inspiration, I think she is better thought of poetically than genealogically.
So, Time is Orlanth’s grand-nephew? Or Humakt’s! Or Storm Bull’s!