Submitted by Joerg Baumgartner on Mon, 04/06/2012 – 10:13
Nachdem es mehrere Nachfragen gab, ob man Trollball nicht wieder aufleben lassen könnte – gerade auch mit Blick auf die vielen Kinder, die sich mittlerweile da tummeln – habe ich mal überlegt, wie man erstens wieder mehr Spieler aktivieren kann und zweitens das Spiel auch für Kinder gestalten kann.
Auf der rein praktischen Seite wollen wir weg von den aufblasbaren Waffen und hin zu den wabbeligen Schaumstoffstangen von etwa 180 cm Länge.
Zum anderen muss die Zuschauerbeteiligung unter Regeln gestellt werden, insbesondere dann, wenn kleinere Kinder mitspielen.
Regeln für Wasserbomben:
Wie du mir, so ich dir – Zuschauer dürfen nur aus spielfeldnahen Positionen werfen, die auch angreifbar sind.
Den Spielern wird ein Wasserbombenkontingent von mindestens 25% der Geschosse zur Verfügung gestellt, von Zeit zu Zeit gibt es also einen Spieleraufstand, bei dem sie einen Teil des Publikums angreifen.
Wenn kleine Kinder mitspielen (Vorschul- oder Grundschulalter), muss ein Ersatz für die handelsüblichen Wasserbomben her. Eventuell etwas, das sie sich als Belohnung einheimsen können und hinterher gegen kleine Sonderpreise eintauschen können.
Ansonsten suchen wir auch nach Ideen für weitere neue Regeln und Spielvarianten. Wichtig ist dabei, dass die Spieler mehr Spaß haben sollen.
Eine Zuschauerbeteiligung, die aus mehr als nur Wasserbombenwürfen besteht, wäre ebenfalls erstrebenswert.
Immer her mit den Ideen!
Der Schiedsriese
That’s a great idea
Submitted by David on Tue, 05/06/2012 – 05:12.
Sounds good Joerg, although we might need more children at the con to get good team sizes.
An easier trollkin rule might be needed to prevent children from just hanging on to the trollkin (have you tried removing a toy from a determined child).
David Scott
Submitted by RoM on Tue, 05/06/2012 – 05:46.
Ja, es ist richtig, es wird im nächsten Jahr auf Bacharach wieder ein Trollball spiel geben. Gunnar und ich planen bereits die Wiederbelebung. Jörg hat sich freundlicherweise bereit erklärt wieder den Schiedsriesen zu spielen und Claudia macht die Heilerin. Wir sind gerade dabei die Regeln zu überarbeiten. Allerdings weiß ich nicht, ob das deutsche Forum dazu richtig ist, weil durchaus auch anderssprachige Leute Vorschläge machen dürfen.
Die meisten Regeln werden so bleiben wie sie sind. ( Allerdings wollen wir die Wasserbomben-Regeln verändern, weil die Wasserbomben-Attacken zwar ausgeartet sind, allerdings keine spieltechnische Relevanz hatten. Außerdem wollen wir die junge Generation stärker in das Spiel einbeziehen. Es wird daher vermutlich nicht nur die normalen Dunkeltrolle geben, sondern auch Großtrolle. Diese werden von den Kleinsten im Team gespielt und haben mehr Trefferpunkte pro Körperteil und vielleicht noch andere Sonderfähigkeiten. Wenn jemand zu den Wasserbomben Vorschläge hat, können die hier gerne vorgestellt werden.
Submitted by Julia on Thu, 07/06/2012 – 08:58.
(here, i’ll be inclusive and write my post in english in case we have stray non-german speakers popping up in this thread :))
Coincidentally, the Continuum Committee has chosen this year’s con to reintroduce Trollball as an event and we’d be happy to apply any “official trollball league” rules that you brainy trolls come up with.
Speaking of league, last year I myself was working on an idea to remake trollball as a semi-professional sport with several teams of five playing each other in short tournament style matches. I chucked the idea, but I still like the thought of having a set of teams instead of the random half and half teams that we used to do. If people came back every year to play for their team, it makes for some nice continuity and they can have their own team colours or shirts, cheerleaders (???) and if it comes to the worst: a team song. (oh, the horror…). Of course the newbies could always be put into teams at a moments notice.
Going back to the stuff mentioned above:
Children: yes please! I would have loved to play Trollball as a kid, but I was slightly worried at getting trampled by the big guys. Maybe instead of mixing the kids with the big people, it would be nice if the kids had their own game: two teams, with a nice adult being their team captain. Or maybe that’s just me finding the idea of two people sending their personal hordes of children against each other totally hilarious. 😉
Foam Weapons (aka Pool Noodles): Advantage: they don’t need to be inflated.
Disadvantage: They don’t look as fun and they are a pain to transport to the con. At least I wouldn’t want to cart a bunch of 1.80m staffs up to the castle.
Waterbombs: Yup, they’re an issue and we pretty much have to ban them at Continuum because we can’t be picking bits of rubber out of the nice english lawn all Sunday. What I’m thinking is to get a bunch of these kiddie soak balls. They are roughly the size of a tennis ball but soft, they are easier to handle (no filling, just drop them in a bucket of water), make you just as wet when they hit you, but not when they hit the ground in front of you which makes more sense! (I mean, aren’t they supposed to represent rocks?). They are also resusable, easy to clean and they can be shared so the players have something to hurl at the audience. As a rule, you could say that a direct hit stuns you and you have to stand were you are for, I don’t know, 10 seconds or something.
Anyway, that’s my input for what it’s worth. Let me know if I can help at all or if you need silly things like a bunch of Team T-Shirts, a trophy, soakballs with a trollball league logo or some other crafty nonsense (I love making crafty glorantha nonesense!)
Oh, and save me a spot in the game next year, will you? 😉
Alright, so we are switching
Submitted by RoM on Thu, 07/06/2012 – 15:48.
Alright, so we are switching to Englich here? Maybe we should move this thread to the English forum.
Anyway. You would like to sign in? It’s done. Or, wait! Did you just volunteer to become the first trollkin?
Children: Provided that we will have enough children to set up a kids-only team, I am totally cool with that. However, having a mixed team I tend to disagree. In that case the captain should not be a an adult but a kid. Remember the time when you where little? All the time the grown ups told you what to do, parents, nurses, teachers etc. I see Trollball as a great opportunity to turn the tables. Imagine a twelve year old commanding a horde of shouting and chanting (grown up) trolls. *That* will be hilarious!
Teams: I would love to have stable teams, with the same players playing over the years. I would love a European league even more. We could organise international championships and maybe one day (a troll would say night) Trollball becomes an olympic discipline. But for now I can’t see anything but random players. If you have an idea how to get enough players to start an offical league, I am the first to change my mind. Having team colours and T-shirts sounds cool, though. Oh, and I would love cheerleaders – many, many cheerleaders.
Foam Weapons: In my experience the inflatable weapons lost their “grip” after some uses. So I hope foam weapons will be more reliable. Maybe we could carve them into unique trollish forms. They don’t have to be 1.80 m though.
Waterbombs: The soak balls are an promising idea. I will have to test them (maybe not on myself). So far it sounds great. Instead of introducing a new 10 seconds stun combat rule, I would say the general (close) combat rule is sufficient: If the “rock” hits a body location it goes numb until it is healed. My main concerns with the waterbombs are A) who will throw them and B) who will be the targets. Players? Fans? Innocent bystanders? Fotografers? Cheerleaders? So far anybody from the audience could throw waterbombs on the field. But this was only a one-sided action and had no effect on the game (except for the player getting wet). I would like to change that into a two-sided interaction and the “rocks” should influence the game.
Well, while the thread’s still here…
Submitted by Julia on Thu, 07/06/2012 – 16:40.
(I agree, this ought to be brought up with the English speaking folk as well)
I think my days at as a trollkin are over, although I had a few close calls of being flung across the field in Leicester as a small kid 😉 Not sure I could pull off cheerleading either, but I can maybe start out as a ballgirl?
If you want a League by the way, I am pretty sure that a Offical Trollball League Facebook group would go a long way to getting people into teams with their friends and you might even get some more rule feedback that way. Happy to help out with the organisation of this if you think it’s a viable idea. If it fails, it still might provide a source of major silliness for a while 😉
Facebook, Cthulhu and the Union of European Trollball Association
Submitted by RoM on Fri, 08/06/2012 – 04:40.
I don’t like Facebook. It’s evil. It’s alright for pictures and news, because that’s voluntary. But I don’t want to force anybody sell his/her soul to Facebook only to participate in trollball. It would be like signing a pact with Cthulhu. But by all means, please feel free to post links in your Facebook groups to this forum.
I still like your idea of official trollball leagues. I am wondering if UETA (Union of European Trollball Associations) might be a good name. Maybe we could open some kind of pre-registration to see how many people would like to play on the Con.
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