Page numbers refer to the Guide to Glorantha:
N (pages 782-783)
- Na 511
- Nachor 417
- Naga 702
- Naginata 485, 533
- Naiad 103
- Naiads 103, 251
- Nak 531, 532
- Nakala 115, 228, 373, 384, 415
- Nakala Caves 384
- Nala the Creatrix 531
- Nameless Man 211, 222
- Na-metal 16
- Namoda Command Staff 583
- Nang Aranash 583
- Nangtali Plateau 344
- Nanguan Pass 271
- Nanithir 512
- Nan-Matal 478, 489
- Naraji 583
- Naraji Fadar 583
- Narasi 537
- Narasi Temple 537
- Nardain Society 36, 393, 397
- Nardain Society of Fliers 393, 397
- Narensaval 200
- Nargan 540, 541, 576, 577, 582, 583, 588, 610, 615, 663, 664, 696, 698, 731
- Nargan Desert 540, 541, 576, 577, 582, 583, 588, 610, 615, 664, 696, 698, 731
- Narilor 351, 637
- Narkast 511
- Narrow Land 281
- Nasakos 673
- Naskorion 375, 379, 382, 383, 384, 387, 393, 397, 398
- Natchland Shadow 187
- Natea 463, 467
- Natha 10, 298, 311, 317, 678, 728, 729
- Natha’s Fortress 728
- Natha’s Well 317
- Natha the Defender 729
- Natha the Sacrificer 317
- Nathic 727
- Nature 17, 21, 25, 124, 125, 137, 337, 476, 503, 676, 723
- Navala 489
- Navars 317
- Navel Stone 257
- Naveria 311, 314, 317, 674, 676
- Naverian 42, 317, 318, 319
- Naverian Goddesses 317
- Navestos 674
- Navigationalism 408, 414
- Navigationalist 421
- Neb Nmochek 62
- Necklace of Garangordos 43
- Necklace of Life 47, 376, 382
- Necklace of Radiance 329, 335
- Necromancy 200, 327
- Necropolis 257, 710, 732
- Nectar River 219, 225, 227, 228
- Nedurant 375, 384
- Neechen 231
- Negalla the Green Woman 711
- Neimengu 607
- Nelarrina 232
- Nelat 123, 151, 463
- Neleos 411, 417
- Neleoswal 409, 411, 417
- Neleswal 342, 637
- Neliom 685, 686, 689
- Neliomi 67, 104, 125, 126, 138, 166, 167, 200, 201, 203, 205, 210, 232, 256, 258, 408, 411, 422, 461, 462, 466, 527, 528, 665, 686, 687, 689, 691, 692, 695, 696
- Neliomi Current 462
- Neliomi Sea 104, 125, 126, 166, 167, 200, 203, 205, 210, 232, 256, 258, 408, 411, 422, 462, 466, 527, 528, 665, 686, 687, 689, 692, 695, 696
- Nemabu 569
- Nemalipaya 492
- Nemarthshar 671
- Nemarthshasam 439
- Nemb Hills 637
- Nenanduft 208
- Nerica 637
- Nesili 637
- Nest 108, 190, 429, 682, 708, 728
- Nestentos Serpent 115
- Nesthasalos 729
- Net of Time 693
- Netta 10, 678
- Neutebum 547, 604, 605, 607
- Nev Mountains 208
- Nevs 199, 203, 205, 208
- New Archons 750
- New Artmali Empire 562
- New Bog 454
- New City 321
- New Coast 356, 362
- New Crystal City 257
- New Dangim Alliance 375
- New Dragon Empire 503
- New Dragon’s Ring 76, 79, 264, 287
- New Fens 108, 142, 352, 356, 357, 361
- New Fire of the Lunar Way 320, 330
- New Fonritian 46
- New Forest 544, 747
- New Fort 728
- New Fourth City 307
- Newfroswal 637
- New Frowal 512
- New Gobros 637
- New God 301, 716, 719
- New Green 321
- Newhome 288, 687
- New Hrestoli 51, 53, 151, 203, 205, 211, 215, 529
- New Hrestoli High Watcher 215
- New Hrestoli Idealism 53, 203, 205, 215
- New Hrestoli School 205, 211
- New Hrestoli School of Irensavalism 205
- New Hrestolism 48, 51, 203, 205, 215, 216
- New Idealists 53, 203
- New Jungle 590
- New Light of Denesiod 313
- New Lolon 339
- New Lunar Temple 79, 177, 187, 329, 339, 731, 732, 734
- New Malkonwal 256, 687, 689, 692
- New Market 227
- New Moon 318, 741, 744
- New Moon Emperor 744
- New Moon Empire 741
- New Mud Laboratory 84
- New Neighbor Lands 532, 536, 537, 538, 539
- New Neighbors 532
- New Orphalsket 512
- New Pasos 417, 421
- New Pavis 144, 187, 447, 454, 456, 752
- New Pelorian 41, 169, 294, 299, 322, 345, 349
- New River 245, 255, 257
- New Seed 69, 325, 355
- New Seeds 65
- New Seed Travelers 69, 355
- New Selkos 212
- New Seshnela 421
- New Star 267, 271
- New Sun 25, 477, 483
- Newtling 108, 142, 440
- Newtlings 59, 61, 108, 110, 241, 251, 350, 361, 446, 447, 642, 708
- New Unity Council 248
- New Vadeli Isles 529
- New Water Fields 271
- New Wind 710
- New World 716
- New Wyrmish 355
- New Year’s Day 199
- Ngwena 544, 561, 589
- NiangMao 55, 264, 281, 282
- NiangMao the Great Sage 281
- Niang Rea 268, 743, 745
- Nida 90, 199, 205, 212, 216, 225, 227, 382, 387, 392, 415, 421, 521, 681, 683, 686, 689, 692, 696, 698
- Nidan 83, 84, 86, 87, 89, 90, 162, 163, 199, 216, 222, 224, 225, 227, 228, 392, 393, 415, 421, 422, 423, 517, 518, 722
- Nidan Decamony 86, 87, 517, 518
- Nidan Mountains 84, 86, 90, 162, 163, 199, 216, 222, 224, 225, 227, 228, 392, 393, 415, 421
- Nidan River 415, 421, 423
- Nidan River Valley 415
- Night Eagle 679
- Nightlight 314, 316
- Nightmare Sorcerer 382, 385
- Nightriders 92
- Nights of Horror 294, 298, 309, 311, 314, 316, 317, 325, 347, 363, 368, 372
- Nightstalkers 641
- Niiadic depths 105
- Niiadic Sea 463
- Niiads 708
- Nikosdros 13, 620, 624, 625, 628, 629, 632, 637, 640, 641
- Nikumbila 484, 492
- Nikumbila Island 484
- Nikumbilans 492
- Nimble Hen 289
- Nimistor 31, 239, 351, 356, 361
- Nimistor River 351, 361
- Nimistor Valley 361
- Nine Brilliances Mountain 280
- Nine Dragons 285
- Nine Good Giant Mountains 453
- Nine Good Giants 454
- Nine Great Gods 373, 384
- Nineteenth Imperial House 531, 536, 537, 538
- Nipple Stone 17 1isaro the Great 3uriÀer
- Nislan 384
- Nisos 384
- Nist Hills 257
- Nisumpur 435
- Nivorah 335, 672
- Njenaguya 553, 559, 566, 568, 569
- Njenaguya Island 559, 566, 569
- Nk korakku 610, 615
- Nk korakku River 615
- Noastor 90, 339
- Nobai River 539
- Noble 38, 48, 49, 52, 71, 211, 406, 408, 413, 432, 603
- Nobub 536, 537, 538
- Nochet 12, 13, 17, 25, 31, 62, 110, 133, 137, 182, 235, 236, 237, 239, 240, 244, 247, 249, 250, 254, 255, 256, 257, 353, 468, 511, 512, 656, 710, 711, 720, 731, 732, 752
- Nochet Knowledge Temple 17, 25, 62, 512
- Nodnor 335
- Nogatend 711
- Nogatendites 335, 711
- No-Go 454
- Noise of the Jungle 546
- Nolos 52, 142, 144, 229, 356, 361, 405, 407, 412, 413, 414, 415, 418, 421, 422, 423, 424, 501, 666
- Nolosior 423
- Noloswal 353, 385, 406, 415, 421, 422, 423, 468, 503, 737
- No Man’s March 446
- No Mara Fadar 583
- Nomia 53
- No-Mind technique 278
- Nomis 334
- Nongjia 280
- Nonhumans 59, 440
- Non-time 111
- Nontraya 706
- Noonlight 314, 316
- No Print 330
- Norakusk 538
- Norans 199, 203, 208
- Norlorian Passage 511
- Norri’s Hill 221
- North Academy 283
- North and South Head Acres 452
- North Arm islands 478
- North Camp 117
- North Dona 221
- North Elamle Jungle 607
- Northern Argrath’s Saga 743
- Northern Islands 477
- Northern Kareun wind 577
- North Fork 219
- North March of Esrolia 259
- Northmen 415, 508, 511
- North Peninsula 208
- North Pent 365, 372
- North Plains 198
- Northpoint 203, 208
- North Post 187
- North Run 666
- North War Wind 364
- Noruma 25, 151
- Nosehorns 728
- Nose lopers 93
- Noshain 350, 357, 361, 385
- Noshain River 357
- Nothium 321
- Not-to-be-called 394
- Novarooplia 67, 543, 547, 602, 604, 607
- Novarooplian 601, 609
- Nowhere Land 471, 472
- Now Period 154
- Noyaling 208, 218, 231
- Noyalings 220
- Noyelle 405, 407, 417, 421, 423
- Nralar 133, 412, 502, 512, 621
- Nralarites 512
- Nralar the Old 133, 502, 512, 621
- Nshenyi 538
- Nukalofa 607, 608
- Nungarings 341
- Nusa 384
- Nusatell 384
- Nyanka 25, 151, 576, 610
- Nymph 66, 197
- Nymphs 63, 66, 599, 636
- Nysalor 19, 37, 61, 83, 128, 129, 130, 131, 151, 191, 199, 304, 312, 324, 344, 373, 374, 376, 383, 386, 398, 410, 679, 700, 703, 704, 710, 716, 717, 718, 719, 720, 721, 722, 723, 724, 725, 726
- Nysalorean 307, 382, 719, 720, 722, 723, 724, 725, 726
- Nysalorean Illumination 723
- Nysalorean Riddle 726
- Nysalorean Riddles 726
- Nysalorean Rites 723
- Nysalorism 723
- Nysalor’s Way 719
Related Pages
- CHA4025 Guide to Glorantha – Index – Numerals & A
- CHA4025 Guide to Glorantha – Index – B
- CHA4025 Guide to Glorantha – Index – C
- CHA4025 Guide to Glorantha – Index – D
- CHA4025 Guide to Glorantha – Index – E
- CHA4025 Guide to Glorantha – Index – F
- CHA4025 Guide to Glorantha – Index – G
- CHA4025 Guide to Glorantha – Index – H
- CHA4025 Guide to Glorantha – Index – I
- CHA4025 Guide to Glorantha – Index – J
- CHA4025 Guide to Glorantha – Index – K
- CHA4025 Guide to Glorantha – Index – L
- CHA4025 Guide to Glorantha – Index – M
- CHA4025 Guide to Glorantha – Index – O
- CHA4025 Guide to Glorantha – Index – P
- CHA4025 Guide to Glorantha – Index – Q
- CHA4025 Guide to Glorantha – Index – R
- CHA4025 Guide to Glorantha – Index – S
- CHA4025 Guide to Glorantha – Index – T
- CHA4025 Guide to Glorantha – Index – U
- CHA4025 Guide to Glorantha – Index – V
- CHA4025 Guide to Glorantha – Index – W
- CHA4025 Guide to Glorantha – Index – X
- CHA4025 Guide to Glorantha – Index – Y
- CHA4025 Guide to Glorantha – Index – Z
Page Last updated: 2021-02-09 14:16:33