One of the components of the Lunar Way that gets glossed over a lot by later commentators is the Gerra-Danfive Xaron path of liberation through suffering and submission. It is uncomfortable and painful, even for most Lunars, to really think about, but it is a core part of the Red Goddess’ mysteries. Gerra suffered terribly, the Red Goddess suffered terribly, and Danfive Xaron shows us the path of liberation through suffering. His way is unspeakable harsh and even cruel, but it does lead one – even the unforgivable – to the mercy of the Red Goddess.
Once again, music comes to our aid, in this case Lou Reed’s “Blue Mask”. I could imagine this song being chanted out by the initiates of Danfive Xaron while wearing the titular blue (or is it red) mask of the song and the god. Or perhaps this is sung by the Gerra cultists as they mutilate themselves in their inverted pyramid.
And Blue Mask provides some illuminating insights into the Lunar Way and its ability to take people who have bottomed-out, who are unforgivable, who cannot repent – and give them a path towards liberation and love. Powerful stuff and worth thinking about.
The Mask itself is important as the Red Goddess and the Red Emperor are often referred to as wearing masks.