As Cults gets closer and closer to some big and exciting announcements, here’s a little passage that I think is particularly important for this forum:
Four Ways to Experience these Stories
Myths carry layers of meaning, and their meaning is also imparted differently depending upon the position of the recipient.
1. Reading
You will probably read this book silently to yourself. The narration is necessarily externalized and will be from a distance. Only the mental facilities will be used. This is the weakest method of experiencing myth.
2. Verbal Retelling
To listen to someone else read or narrate these stories stimulates the listener far more than simply reading silently. The listener uses more senses, and more of the self is engaged and excited by sound, gesture, and surprise.
3. Witness
When the observer directly witnesses other people performing the myth, all senses become engaged, and external perspectives give depth to the narrative. Furthermore, observers will see things being done that are entirely absent from the verbal retelling. This is how a Gloranthan lay member experiences myth.
4. Participatory
To actually participate in a dramatic myth provides the most power and impact. Perspective is more limited than witnessing, for naturally the participant must take care to play their part and not be distracted by other things. But incredible depth can be obtained from participating in key roles, by being observed by others, and in channeling the deity’s story. Participating in myth is part of the initiatory experience of every Gloranthan cult.
See also:
In game, this plays out as:
- Writing or reading about the meaning of myths on social media. The weakest way of experiencing Gloranthan myth.
- Having the GM or a player read out the myth in a book during a session.
- Having the GM describe what is going on in a cult ceremony about the myth or have a session be about the events in a myth.
- Go on a heroquest.
BTW, it should not be surprising that Participatory is the same as actually roleplaying the story.