One of the largest, oldest, and most powerful clans in Sartar, the Ernaldori are named after the Earth goddess, who is their patron and protector.
The Nymie Vale along the Stream, southwest of the Quivin Mountains.
The Ernaldori clan is one of the larger Sartarite clans, with some 1,600 members. Of these, some 800 are free adults, mostly farmers, and 300 are semi-free tenants and laborers. There are approximately 60 free households.
Forty-four people are singled out in the clan to be of special significance, according to their social rank. They are:
1. Baranthos the Chief*
2. Chief’s wife.
3. Dunorl the Chief Priest of Orlanth Thunderous, Rainmaker*
4. Erenava Chan, High Priestess of Ernalda, Earth Woman*
5. Yanioth the Old, Priestess of Asrelia*
6. Wilms Willandring, Wind Lord of Orlanth Adventurous, Champion*
7. Hastur, Priest of Lhankor Mhy, lawspeaker*
8. Hareva Chan, Thane, priestess of Issaries, Goodvoice*
9. Grain Goddess Priestess
10-25. Heads of notable Households.
26-44. Priests and other thanes.*indicates member of Clan Council.
An eighth member, *Clown, is not on this list.
The largest population center in the Nymie Vale is the town of Clearwine Fort, which has about 1000 adults. 550 of the adults living there are members the Ernaldori clan, making up half the clan’s population, including most of the clan leaders. There are 70 households within the town, including the household of the tribal ruler (which is far larger than most households) – however, the tribal ruler is not often a member of the clan.The clan’s other 550 adults are divided into 40 households. Twelve households live in a village called Greenbrass, on the west side of the Nymie River. Five live in a hamlet north of Clearwine near the old Lunar ruins. Another five live in a hamlet near the base of the Little Starfire Ridge. The other 18 households live on their farms scattered around the vale. About 100 adults live outside of the clan homeland.
The Ernaldori are closely tied to the Clearwine Earth Temple, a major temple of the Ernalda cult. They also have a minor temple to Orlanth Thunderous, and six shrines to other deities – Asrelia, Babeester Gor, Flamal, Donandar, Gustbran, and Minlister – controlled by the clan. As a result, clan members have access to a very broad range of spirit magic spells, the full range of Ernalda Rune Magic, Orlanth Thunderous magic, and some Rune magic from several other cults. The clan’s magic is strongly oriented towards Earth and Fertility.Numerous earth elementals of all size serve as temple associates, as does a nymph and a Snake Daughter. The temple has numerous guardians and magical artifacts such as the Mirror of Ernalda, an many minor magical items such as binding matrixes for earth elementals or spell matrixes.The clan itself has a guardian spirit that takes the form of a sacred corn snake. As a result, harming such snakes is taboo for clan members.
The Ernaldori maintain a militia of 320 adults, which trains and serves as part of the Colymar tribal militia. The clan chieftain is expected to lead the defense of the clan against any foes. To aid the chief, the clan maintains five martial thanes and ten bodyguards.
The Clearwine Earth Temple archives has land tenure, harvest, and granary records going back some 300 years, as well as records of those who served the temple, and many marriage and genealogical records. The temple knows the name of most significance Earth spirits and minor deities in western Sartar. Temple archives also include some Second Age and early Third Age records from the Holy Country. Much of this information is written in Theyalan, although some cult information is carved in Earthtongue.The clan elders possess much oral history and gossip concerning the history of the Colymar Tribe and of the Principality of Sartar.
The Clearwine Earth temple possesses great agricultural wealth, stores enough grain to feed 10,000 people for a season, and has reserves of precious metals. Members of that clan control much of that wealth, making them one of the wealthier clans in Sartar.
The clan also has rich farmlands it directly controls.
The Clearwine Earth temple has great influence in the Colymar Tribes and in the tribes around Wilmskirk. Thousands of people look to the temple for fertility and harvest blessings, and all the Colymar clans are sworn to defend the temple.The Ernaldori themselves have great influence within the Colymar Tribe and have particularly strong ties with the Anmangarn, Arnoring, Konthasos, Ormarth, and Taraling Clans, as well as with the Zethnoring Clan of the Locaem Tribe. They had close ties with the Sartar Dynasty prior to the Lunar Conquest.
The clan has several elders well regarded for their wise advice and good counsel. With the aid of the Earth Priestesses, members can find a good marriage partner in much of Dragon Pass and even the Holy Country.
The clan throws feasts and festivals at least once a season. These include athletic contests (particularly foot and chariot races, and fighting), eating, dancing, drinking, and music, and other social and cultural activities.
The Ernaldori Clan is almost an appanage to the Colymar Earth Temple, which is an important holy site of Sartar. They are a large clan, and their base annual surplus is 300W. They are a Peace Clan and have fertile croplands. They also have a magical site of regional importance which brings in income from pilgrimage and patronage, but that wealth is under the control of the high priestess of the Earth Temple. These three resources make their annual surplus 525W.Their Military expenses are: 20W for their chief, 50W for thanes, 10W for bodyguards. Their total Military expenses are only 80W (their size, however, gives them a Militia of 320 men, which count as 32W of Military strength for an effective total of 112W).Their Magical expenses are: 20W for their chief priestess, 200W for priests, 60W for 12 god-talkers, 30W for five scribes, 48W for 12 crafters, 20W for 5 temple healers (apprentice priestesses), and 28W for 7 temple dancers. Their total Magical expenses are 406W.The rest of the surplus (39W) is stored with the Earth Temple. This allows them to support a Major Temple to the Earth Goddess 23 priestesses and 6 god-talkers), and minor temple to Orlanth Thunderous (5 priests, 4 thanes and 3 god-talkers). They have 6 shrines to other deities – Babeester Gor, Issaries, Flamal, Donandar, and two others.
We noticed a lack of temples or shrines to Issaries and LM. You go to the tribal temples. This is the stuff controlled by the clan. Or you go to Wilmskirk or Jonstown, as there are proper temples there. Clans are not self-contained.
There is a Lightbringer Temple in Clearwine. That’s a tribal temple and supported at the tribal level. Like the Orlanth Thunderous temple there. The clans don’t really have a direct say in its affairs (although individual clan members might) and its activities are subject to the tribal council and rex.The Ernaldori are pretty much an appanage to the Earth Temple though, which gives them a strongly matrilineal element. Of course, the clan’s name is a dead giveaway to that.
One thing we tried to do with the Sartar Book is present the network of clans, temples, and tribes that make up Sartar. I might be an Ernaldoring, but if I worship Gustbran, I’m going to Wilmskirk for my god’s holy ceremonies. And if I worship Orlanth Adventurous, my religious focus is likely tribal, not clan.