Erenava Chan is the High Priestess of Ernalda at the Clearwine Earth Temple, and more than any person at the very center of the Colymar Tribe. Her father was Kallai Rockbuster the tribal king at Starbrow’s Rebellion. Her mother was Beneva Chan, the High Priestess from the Ernaldori Clan (and part of the ruling kinship group of that clan). Her brother Kangharl was tribal king until the Dragonrise, another brother was/is a Lunar hostage. Leika Blackspear is her cousin (from her father’s side).
After Starbrow’s Rebellion, she fled with her mother and father to Whitewall, and then to Esrolia where she linked up with her older sister (a Babeester Gor cultist) and dedicated herself to the Goddess in Esrolia. After giving birth to her first daughter, she became an Earth Priestess in Nochet until she and her sister returned to Clearwine in late 1624. Her grandmother proclaimed her the new High Priestess soon after.Her brother Kangharl died in the Dragonrise and she supported her cousin Leika to become tribal leader shortly after. But Erenava Chan may well be the most influential and powerful member of the tribe. She blames Kallyr Starbrow for her parent’s exile (and later death), and for her brother’s failures as a king, and only grudgingly supports her as Prince.
Anna Orlova did an absolutely fantastic job on Erenava Chan (and all the other Sartar character turns) down to the careful attention to the tattoos, jewellery, and skin and hair color.
Dragon Pass right after the Dragonrise is dominated by five VERY powerful women – Kallyr, Leika, Erenava Chan, the Shaker Priestess, and of course the Feathered Horse Queen. Not to mention Queen Samastina in Esrolia. Add Pharandros and Fazzur Wideread, and that’s the biggest human players in the area.