In early 1622, Boldhome is an occupied city, the center of Lunar administration for Sartar, Prax, and Heortland. Malkonwal and the Hendriki have been defeated, but there are still some 20,000 Lunar soldiers strung along from Alda-Chur to Durengard. Making sure they are supplied is probably the single most important job of the Lunar administration.
We also have a new “satrap” – the local guy sensitive to local customs has been fired, and the head of the Lunar Field School of Magic is now in charge. A kinsman of the Red Emperor, part of the ruling family of Raibanth, and someone far more attuned to Glamour than to Boldhome is now running the show. His big focus is to complete the giant New Lunar temple complex near Old Wind.
There are still nearly 6.5k Sartarites in Boldhome, maybe another 2k from the Holy Country, and another 2k from the Lunar Empire.
Here’s another way of thinking about it – by 1622, Boldhome has been occupied for a generation by the Lunars. There’s not a lot of Lunar settlement here beyond soldiers, scribe, and whatever priestesses need to be imported in to keep this going, plus whatever Lunar carpetbaggers have come to make money off the above, and to exploit the locals for financial, political, or social gain. These are mainly provincials who view this as an opportunity, or Heartlanders who are desperate enough to try to get rich in these inhospitable lands.
So if I am a local, what I see is everything being run for the benefit of the occupiers and those Lunars making money off the occupation. No doubt the crafters still crafts, the labourers still labor, but there is always someone connected with the occupation that manages to take their cut. Whatever concessions that were made to local sensibilities during Fazzur Wideread’s regime are now ignored by the new regime, which cares only about pleasing Glamour.
Riots are risky, but we likely get some bread riots that end up being put down by soldiers with loss of life on both sides.