In the Gods Age all was perfect. and nothing in the world ever died. All beings were gods. Law oversaw all. Prosperity reigned in the Kingdom of Logic.
Logic demands that all beginnings have an end. What was started must be finished. From the moment of the first mathematical evolution of 1 into 2 the end was destined to come. The division of one into 2 made the Creator and Destroyer. A choice was given, and we chose the 1.
If alI the world has chosen 1 we would exist in harmony still.
2 is the Destroyer, who can make 3 out of 2. 4 out of 3, and five out of 4. Now is 1647, and we hope that tomorrow is 1646. The Destroyer seduced half of 1, and brought it to imperfection.
The Destroyer inhabited half of 1, and brought it to death.
Malkion took our race in his hand, for we alone were loyal to the 1. When was born again he taught his secrets to us, and we are the Chosen People. When all else devolved into more, we maintained our contact with the 1. We are the chosen of the Invisible God. We are good, all else is defiled.2 is the Destroyer. All that is touched by his power is dead or dying, and will eventually die and be gone. That will leave the 1 again.
Just as Malkion incarnated the Law of the Universe, so did the Devil, ancient Evil, become the incarnate Destroyer. The Devil works hard to bring corruption to all, and has seduced most of the world away from the 1. All the barbarians and heretics are under the sway of the Devil. Only Malkion kept us close to the Law.
Here is how: When Zzabur asked his father “How do we stay immortal?” the Prophet answered simply. He said. “Do not change. Do what you have done. Act within the Laws and Ways you have been given, for they are immortal. Your actions embody the 1, your bodies enact the 1. Anything new from this moment forward is Death.
“Thus were were never severed from Life, like the rest; from Magic, like the rest; from Divinity, like the rest; from Good, like the rest; from ourselves. like the rest. We are not living people, or divine people, or good people, or our own people — we are. All else is a pale shadow of us.When we die, the world dies. We are the last holders of the 1. When were are gone, all else wilI go too. When we are gone, everything left is corruption and death.
It is not possible for those not already Brithini to become Brithini.
And so although the Rokari are very much an attempt to return to pre-Hrestol Malkionism, they are post-Brithini.