There are some 2.4 MILLION Orlanthi in Fronela, far more than in Dragon Pass and Peloria. The Lightbringers came to Fronela in the First Age, reaching what is now Charg by 238…
Tag: Vesmonstran
Notes on Ralios
Depending on how you measure it, Ralios is between four and six times the size of Dragon Pass. You can think of it as consisting of four distinct regions. The first is…
Siglolf Cloudcrusher
Cloudcrusher, Demigod of Hail Write up Page Year Runes Notes Lightbringers 38 2023 per Rune spell Local Hero Cult of: Orlanth (Vesmonstran) Prosopaedia 112 2023 Local Subcult of:Orlanth in Vesmonstran Cults of…
Ralios Orlanthi
The Holy Country has about 357k Orlanth initiates (and I mean initiate of Orlanth, not Orlanthi culture). Peloria has 225k and Dragon Pass has just under 100k. But Ralios has some 560k…