As we know, RuneQuest has dragons. And True Dragons are huge entities so powerful their thoughts and emotions can manifest and develop lives of their own. But at the same time, they…
Tag: Dragons
Dragons, True
Dragons Write up Page Year Runes Notes Prosopaedia 31 2023 None listed Prosopaedia entry
Stella Draconis
The Star Dragon, Dragon Constellation Write up Page Year Runes Notes Fire & Sky 134 2025 None listed As: Dragon, Draconis StellaAKA: Aroka, Burburstus, Guardian of Thought, Sh’harkarzeel Prosopaedia 31, 115 2023…
Thrunhin Da
Blue Dragon of the Deeps, Goddess of the Kahar Sea Write up Page Year Runes PersonalGlyph Notes Prosopaedia 122 2023 Prosopaedia entry Common and uncommon runes 2004 None listed As Thrunin DaPersonal…
Ancestral Dragons
Mythic Dragons The six Ancestral Dragons are: Guardian of Silence, Guardian of Secrets, Guardian of Being, Guardian of Experience, Guardian of Thought, and Guardian of Spirit. Write up Page Year Runes Notes…
Some Draconic Philosophy
The Cosmic Egg hatched and from it came the Grand Ancestral Dragon. It sat and meditated in the Silent Void, treasuring the secrets of the universe. The halves of the eggshell were…
The Father and Mother of Dragons, Mover of Heavens Write up Page Year Runes PersonalGlyph Notes Prosopaedia 112 2023 None listed n/a The Book of Heortling Mythology 169, 186 2009 None listed…
The Blue Dragon A huge dragon which was conquered by Orlanth in order to free the waters for the earth and humankind. Its skeleton is visible in the stars, but its head…
So what are dragons?
One theory is that they are manifestations of Glorantha’s unconscious – primordial beings that predate even Chaos. They are intrinsically connected with the Cosmic Egg and the birth of Glorantha. By this…
Dream Dragons
I do so love Dream Dragons. They raise all sorts of dream arguments like the Butterfly Dream of the Zhuangzi. Maybe all of Glorantha is the dream of a sleeping Dragon, and…
Myth of the Month: ShangHsa (1998)
The Reign of ShangHsa, may his name be cursed The path to liberation is fraught with temptation. The true masters taught to us the safe methods, and to wander from their advice…
Path of Immanent Mastery
Mystery cult of dragon power The members of this secret organization can transform themselves into dragons. Initiates claim that their dragon powers prove the cult’s power and verify its truth. God Learners…