From time to time I think it is worth reminding that the settlement of Dragon Pass after the Inhuman Occupation has a shorter history than the British colonies in North America +…
Tag: 1624 ST
The Lunar Occupation of New Pavis (1610-1624)
The Lunar Occupation of New Pavis lasted about 14 years. The city resisted the Lunar Army in 1610 for a single day, then opened its gates to the besiegers. There was a…
Notes on the Big Rubble
The Big Rubble covers about 25 square km. With 6100 inhabitants, that’s almost 250 inhabitants per square km or 2.5 per hectare. In comparison, New Pavis with 28 hectares has 5150 inhabitants…
Prax and the Wastes
Prax is the more fertile part of the Wastelands, although to outsiders even Prax is pretty inhospitable. There are stretches of scrubland in the Wastes that can support herds, and there are…
Lunar generals circa 1610
So why did someone like Sor-eel get the command to conquer Prax? Well lets start by looking at the main Lunar generals circa 1610: Fazzur Wideread. He’s a provincial warleader, successfully invaded Hendrikiland…
Lunar Empire events 1625
With the Lunar Book getting close, it is perhaps worth thinking about what is going on in the Lunar Empire at this time. 1625 is marked by three big ongoing events: White…
Notes on Harrek the Berserk II
By the time of the Dragonrise (1625), I suspect Harrek the Berserk is the best-known Hero of the age, even in Dragon Pass. His fame has been meteoric in the last couple…
Notes on Boldhome under the Lunar Occupation (1602-1625)
When the city fell in 1602, the Red Emperor first appointed Euglyptus the Fat, an imperial noble, as governor. A good Yelmite and Red Goddess initiate from Raibanth, I doubt Euglyptus had…
The Death of Prince Temertain
Prince Temertain was the great-great grandson of Sartar. His Telmori bodyguards were led Goram Whitefang, son of the Telmori King and a great-great grandson of Sartar through Saronil and Onelisin. In late…
Lunar Occupation of Sartar 1622-1625
I posted elsewhere a few thoughts on the Lunar Occupation, and I thought they might be of interest here. Remember that the Lunar Empire is not all powerful or all knowing. So…
Sartar Money and War
The Kingdom of Sartar was the wealthiest of the Dragon Pass kingdoms prior to the Lunar Conquest. Its revenues were a combination of a head tax paid by the tribes (in silver),…
The Lunar Army in the Early Hero Wars
I’ve been playing around with some numbers to get a better feel for the Lunar Empire during the Dragon Pass Campaign period. 1. 1621 At the height of Lunar power, the Empire…
Glorantha Sourcebook source maps
I was going through some folders this morning and found my hand-drawn Lunar Wane maps that were the source material used in the Glorantha Sourcebook. Unlike Greg’s originals, these extended south to…
RuneQuest Campaign phases
As I work on the overall structure of the “RuneQuest Campaign” or the “Grand Argrath Campaign”, there’s some big differences between it and the Boy King campaign that I wanted to talk…
Notable people of the High Llama Tribe
NOTE: there are a lot of secrets hidden in this post so read it carefully! Yazurkial Blue Llama, Tribal Khan Born 1595, Yazurkial is the high priest of Waha for the High…
Dranz Goloi and the Voor-ash
Dranz Goloi, the King of the Wings, is the leader of the Voor-ash confederation in the Redlands. They claim to know nothing of the Nights of Horror or any agreements with the…
Sarostip Coldeye
This is a snippet from the Sartar Book: Born in 1572, Sarostip Coldeye is a Sword of Humakt and part of the ruling dynasty of the Malani tribe. Sarostip abdicated all clan…
The Pol-Joni Tribe
The Pol-Joni live on the Plains of Prax. Unlike the other Praxian tribes, the Pol-Joni are horse-riding, cattle-herding nomads who worship Orlanth and the storm gods rather than Waha. They mainly herd…
Wolf Pirates
A few notes people might find interesting: WOLF PIRATES OVERVIEW In 1621 there are some 60+ Wolf Pirate ships, before Harrek’s circumnavigation. Let’s say that losses get replaced and by 1625, we…
Notes on the Holy Country II
By 1350, the Hendriki kingdom is gone. Heortland – named after the great cultural hero who was often invoked by Belintar – was a Sixth of the Holy Country. The God-King kept…
Defeated Lunar Regiments
After Second Moonbroth, the Marble Phalanx, Silver Shields, and Antelope Lances retreated back to New Pavis, sniped and harrassed by nomads all the way. Whatever survived fought like demons when Argrath led…
Sheng Seleris II
Sheng Seleris is the nightmare of the Lunar subconscious. He is trapped in a Lunar Hell, but every Lunar has nightmares of his escape. These nightmares grew in frequency and terror after…