One of my absolute most-referenced chapters in the Mythology Book is Cult Distribution. Each of those tables gives me a quick overview of the culture in a region. Want to get an instant feel for Nimistor? Just go to page 151 and look at the main cults.
Now admittedly, I only included Peloria, Dragon Pass, Holy Country, Prax, and Maniria in this, plus trolls and elves. But I’ve done sheets for much further abroad.
So for example, let’s look at Esrolia. As expected, Ernalda is super important. Fully 35% of adults are dedicated to her cult. The other Earth goddesses add another 10%. So the Earth deities are incredibly important here – which makes sense. Orlanth and the Lightbringers are another 29%-33% (depending on how you count them), so they are also very important, but secondary to the Earth cults.
But there are some large unusual (at least for Orlanthi) cults. Fully 6% are dedicated to Argan Argar. That’s per capita bigger than Yelmalio in Sartar (including Sun County). Another 4% follow Lodril which may seem small, but that’s enough to have a significant presence. And then there are sailors – sure only 2% belong to Dormal or Choralinthor, but 2% of Esrolia is a lot of people!