By all accounts Arkat was born on the isle of Brithos in 375 ST. In 400 he accompanied a Brithini expedition to Arolanit attempting to liberate that land from Gbaji. In 410 he was appointed the supreme warlord of Seshnela and led an army against Tanisor. In 418, Arkat was killed by Palangio the Iron Vrok.
In 422, Arkat returned from the Underworld with his Lightbringer companions. In 426, Arkat broke his cult vows and joined the cult of Humakt. In 432, Arkat and his Western Army landed in the Shadowlands.
In 448 he took the name Kingtroll and joined the cults of Kyger Litor and Zorak Zoran. In 450 atop the Tower of Dreams, amid the City of Miracles, he dismembered Gbaji. No longer a troll, he returned to Ralios where he settled. In 500 (or 525 depending on the story), Arkat retired to Statham Well, always a difficult place to find, and his constellation appeared in the Sky.
After the Gbaji Wars, Arkat gave rule of Dragon Pass and Peloria to his friends – the trolls. He then settled in Fornoar, at the time part of Ralios. There he remained, surrounded by his companions, his wives, and his beloved children – the trolls. He gave nearby Guhan to his First Hundred as a stronghold. Arkat was no longer trollish, but he was feared and his shadow darkened the lands. For seventy-five years he remained in Ralios, and a curious empire formed around him. He taught those that came to sit around him, and enforced a strict moral code for his followers. As the trolls say, once Arkat became a troll there was no perfidy or betrayal in him. His true self brought the balance of living peace.
This is all in the Guide.
It is worth thinking that for:
- 10 years he pushed being a Horali as far as it could go.
- 8 years he pushed what is possible with the Hrestoli code.
- 4 years he was dead.
- 4 years he recovered from being dead.
- 22 years he was Humakt.
- 2 years he was a troll.
- 75 years he rested.
That Arkat won his great crusade and then retired is one of the more fascinating parts of the myth. He settled in what was Ralios (now actually part of the Kingdom of Seshnela) and his presence alone was enough to form an empire. I know of no great deeds he performed after he settled down, no wars, no great hero quests. It didn’t matter – his mere presence was powerful enough. He had his companions, his wives, his beloved troll children, and countless individuals who sought wisdom from the great hero.