5-Eyes Temple 105
Abelar 254 Abrogation 23 Agimori 30, 161 Agimori Arms and Weapon Skills 35 Agimori Characteristics 34 Agimori Cold Effects Table 31 Agimori Cult Membership Chart 32 Agimori Military Aspects 34 Agimori Pike Hit Location Chart 36 Air / Water Fighting 62 Air Geyser 229 Alchemist’s Flasks 204 Aldrya 296 Aldryami Arrows 204 Aldryami Copper Arrows 204 All Out War 239 Alliances 62, 280 Almeed 128 Alter Creature 43 Aluminum Tridents 205 Amiliog 86 Ankubi Broo-Stalker 163 Ankylosaurs 47, 159 Argrath 11 Arling Stronglance 165 Arroin’s Blood 205 Asha 103 Avatar of Chaos 178
Baast Tavashirt 171 Baboon Troop 47 Baboons 47 Balls Of Tails 206 Barbarian 63 Barjora’s Shield 206 Basmoli Berserkers 170 Battle 63 Battle of Moonbroth 11 Beastspeech 215 Beetis Sharpdealer 147 Beshalla 281 Bestiary 47 Bilos Creek 15 Bilos Gap 15, 70 Bind Captive 184 Bison People 165 Bison Riders 164 Bisons 48 Black Boxes 207 Black Fang 268 Blade Venom 244 Block 26, 27 Blue Eye 114 Bodies of Old 177 Bogs 15 Bolo Lizard Folk 171 Bones of the Diseased Dead 229 Bonuses 24 Book of Dale 286 Border Knights 175 Borderlands Encounter Table 158 Boreek Longtooth 255 Bork Bonebreaker 195 Brighttail 114 Broo Cult Allegiance 39 Broo Focus of Chaos 169 Broo Priest 170 Broo Warleader 168 Broos 37, 48, 168 Brother Dog 162 Bullsitch 219
Cacodemon 219 Camron 255 Cannibal Cult 169 Car-Eel 282 Centaurs 48, 171 Chaku Ironspear 161 Chalana Arroy 281 Chameleon Tents 208 Chaos 39 Chaos Herd 102 Chaos Invasion 242 Chaos Slime 208 Chaparral 28 Civilizing the Valley 12 Cliff Toads 49, 174 Climbing Rules 138 Cock’s Eggs 208 Condor 49 Condor Crags 15, 71, 135, 139 Condors 47 Conformance with the Covenant 154 Contests 153 Contract 23 Corflu 27 Creating a RuneMaster 236 Creatuck 86 Creatures of Chaos 49 Croaker 114 Crossing Streams 151 Crystal Goblet of the Sky 209 Culture of the Broos 39 Cwim 102
Daine 19 Daine’s Replacement 134 Daka Fal 254 Dalron Smallclaw 186 Dark Eater 295 Darnor 257 Daryli Godspeaker 20 Dass Naver 171 Dawn Beast 232 Dawning 8 Dead Place 27 Death Sword 209 Deinonychus 49, 175 Delenda Axe Sister 193 Desert Wind 15 Devil’s Hand 219 Devil’s Stomach 219 Dew Maid 61 Dew Maid’s Wand 210 Divine Harps 230 Dragon Pass 14 Dragonewt Skin Armor 211 Dragonsnails 219 Dream Dragon 176 Dream Dragons 50 Dreamwing 78 Ducks 40, 50 Duke and His Household 19 Duke Raus of Rone 19 Duke’s Newtlings 79 Durinda Coweye 165 During the Godtime 7
Eastern Highlands 15, 72, 139 Easy Ford 71 Eiritha 263 Elamon 284 Elarona 258 Elemental Demons 94 Elementals 29, 30, 37, 40, 41, 45, 46 Emissaries 280 Employment 23 Established Characters 21 Eternal Battle 176 Evening Star 276 Eyes Rise 15
Fabulous Quills of the Wyrm’s Friends 212 Fair Share of Loot 23 Fanltiog 85 Far End 150 Fate of Daine 133 Father of Independents 173 Feathered Rivals 142 Felamora 285 Fire Crystals 212 Fire Sticks 213 Five Great Tribes 164 Flarat Spirit talker 188 Flintnail 274 Footprint of a God 230 Fort Raus 12, 72 Found Items List 111, 143 Foundchild 162 Founders 256 Frog Masks 213 Frog Woman 60, 61 Frog Woman Rune Magic 60
Galazi Foe-Hound 161 Gargoyles 88 Gas 219 Gazhmen’s Girdle 214 Gelmon 286 Gems table 233 Genert’s Eye 232 Gerak Kag 294 Ghost Darters 66 Ghost Ward 231 Ghost Warriors 177 Glass Butterflies 214 Gloc Patnok 110 Gloves of the Mostali 215 Godling Bones 215 Golden Torches 216 Golgotti Guildersnatcher 195 Gonn Orta’s Castle 156 Good Shepherd 265 Gorp 208 Gortar 260 Grandmother of Spiders 295 Great Bog 138 Great Night 8 Great Rhino 191 Great Spirits 262 Green Snakes Skulls 216 Grettir Lancehorn 190 Griffin Mountain Campaign 156 Group Melee Tactics 248
Hadrosaurs 50 Har Lansang 129 Harzak 129 Henrik 287 Herds 69 Hessik 261 Hidden Green 151 Hidden Tribes 66 High Llama Riders 179 High Llamas 51 History of the Broos 37 History of the Region 7 Holy Places 15 Hoon Dight 171 Horn Gate 15, 18, 69 Horn of Plenty 232 Horns of the Great Broo 231 Hosar Mountain 16 How to Create a Retinue 241 How to Play a RuneMaster 244 Humakt 266 Hyena 160 Hyenas 51, 179
Impala Riders 182 Impalas 52 Independent Tribes 167 Inofar 261 Invasion from the Wastes 72 Invisible Sword 217 Ishomon 288 Issaries 278 Issaries Guide Coins 231 Issaries Staves 217
Jaldon’s Games 238 Jebba’s Spire 139 Jemdar 289 Jessica Grey 263 Jewelry Table 233 Jezra 19 Jezra’s Rescue 81 Joshfar Wildbow 192 Joust 154
Kareel Keenclaw 185 Kassea 264 Kazaan Manhunter 186 Kranaka Windfriend 191 Krang 124 K’ruta Swiftbuck 183 Kwackar 78 Kyger Litor 290 Kyola Kagan 290
Lalira Horndaughter 183 Lankhor Mhy 284 Lead Crosses 217 Leader’s Portion 24 Leap spell 60 Lesser Darkness 7 Lightbringers 22 Lightning Bands 217 Lightning Boy 289 Lion Dance 9 Little Moon 271 Lomeena 264 Long Dry 69 Lormog Libor 291 Lunar Empire 10, 28 Lunar Settlements 12 Lunar Spirits 271 Lunar Sweaters 218 Lunars 22 Luurr Kaszwa 110
Magical Secret Societies 66 Magicians 253 Maharo Bullarm 180 Mallia 283 Mardok 196 Mazoo’s Tooth 219 Men and a half 31 Mercenaries 63 Mercenary Contract 23, 25 Mercenary Soldier’s Contract 24 Merlger Moran 292 Minamen’s Shadow 220 Missile Combat 250 Mistress Calm 289 Mondar 266 Monkey King 161 Moonbroth 11 Morning Star 276 Morokanth 41, 52, 187 Morokanth Slavers 184 Morokanth Thumbs 220 Morokanth Tribe 187 Mosha Thunderhoof 190
Nar Rucker 78 Narin Kinscold 148 Nelkark 267 Net Use 61 New Characters 22 Newtling Renegades 45 Newtling Troopers 79 Newtling Weapons 45 Newtlings 45, 53, 189 Night Woman 292 N’krun Longarrow 182 Nomad Gods 7 Norgash Ornag 293 Normal Daily Temperature 16 North Bog 72 North Bog map 77 Nosma’s Wig 220
Oakfed 283 Obstacle Course 154 Off-duty Newtlings 113 Officer’s Contract 24 Old Pavic 210 Optash 129 Ordomon 268 Orlanth 287 Orziola Danak 295 Ostrich Clan 172 Ostrich Mother 173 Outlaw Hunt 73 Overview of Play 6
Paps 28, 265 Parts of the Bull 22 Parts of the Devil 219 Patreena 269 Pavis 28, 272, 274 Pavis Pointers 220 Pavis Survivors 24 Peluk Komaz 294 People 14 Pinfeather 78 Places 15 Plague 94 Plaines of Prax 22 Plenty Horn 221 Pole Star 276 Portable Oasis 232 Prax 16 Prax Plains 69 Praxian 215 Praxian Riding Animals 50 Pre-rolled characters 63 Prevailing Winds 16 Prince Argrath 11 Prominent Features 14 Protectresses 256 Pure Horse Founder 163
Qad 103 Quackwad 78 Quarg 270 Querial the Fair 296 Quicksand 75 Quicktail 113
Rainbow Girl 289 Rainfall 16 Ran-Eel 270 Rattell Poisonknife 195 Raven 142 Readune 86 Red Moon in Prax 10 Red School of Masks 66 Redwood 271 Reed Boats 60 Religion 21 Remittance Man 63 Revenge of Muriah 93 Rhino Fat 221 Rhino Riders 189 Rhinoceros Riders 190 Rhinos 53 Ride River Horse 59 Rite of the River Horse 127 River Horse 59, 62 River Horse Rune Magic 59 River of Cradles 10, 16 River Traffic 60 Rji Kaae 111 Rohir Oaklimb 297 Ronance 265 Rone Sword 147 Rubble 28 Ruupar 196
Storm Bull’s Ear 225 Styx Water 225 Sulan’s Scenic Paintings 232 Summer Fertile Ground 28 Summon River Horse 59 Summon Traskar spell 60 Sun Dome Templars 159 Sun Dragon 268 Sun Hawk 142 Sunset Society 66 Suranna 272 Swords of Sharpness 226 Sabera Spiritrider 180 Sable People 193 Sable Riders 192 Sables 53 Sacred Ground 28 Samuar Moonrider 194 Sartar 28 Sartar Bandits 195 Scala’s Lance 222 Scarlet King 140 Scarlet Scimitars 222 Scorpion-Men 102 Scouting the Land 67 Selek the Wise 298 Sergeant-Newtling Stifftail 79 Serpent Dancers 66 Serpent Guardians 259 Setting 14 Seven Great Magics of Prax 232 Seven Mothers 269 Shade 94 Shamans 57 Sheatiog 87 Shiogan 87 Shurath Whitetooth 186 Silver Deer 271 Skullbush 200 Snake Staves 223 Soul Winds 15 Soup Bones 223 Special Items Table 234 Special Notes on the Pike 35 Spell Storage Scrolls 223 Spirit and Tribal Alliances 62 Spirit Cults 57 Spirit Magic 253 Spirit Mountain 16 Spirit Shrine 58 Spirits of Air 289 Spirits of Darkness 292 Spirits of Fire 276 Spirits of Pavis 274 Spirits of the Paps 265 Spirits of Water 61 Srii Jak 110 Star Witches 66 Stone Branches 224 Stone Tower 16, 71 Storm Bull 257
Taboos 32 Tada 9 Tada’s Cloak 204 Tada’s Cudgel 205 Tada’s Grisly Portions 203 Tada’s Mask 206 Tada’s Sandals 207 Tada’s Warriors 224 Talkil One-Eye 164 Tallin 273 Tarnak “The Mayor” stats 82 Temperature & Precipitation table 16 Temple Newtlings 115 Terms and Finances 21
The Eternal Battle 176 The Saddle of Wantoo 221 The Spirits of Pavis 274 Thed 38 Theft 23 Third Age 10 Three-Bean Circus 259 Thunder Bird 142 Thunderous Comb 226 Tigers 52, 196 Timeline 4 Tin Compasses 226 To Giantland 145 Toothsome Gap 155 Tora’s Hammer 226 Torture Chamber 90 Trachodons 196 Traskar Spirits 54 Traskars 197 Treasures of Glorantha 202 Tribal Ancestors 256 Tribal Khans 71 Tribal Shamans 58 Triceratops 54, 198 Tusk Rider Patrol 83 Tusk Riders 46, 55 Tuskers 55 Two Barbarians 63
Uleria’s Charms 227 Ulfaren 273 Unicorn Maidens 174 Unsleeping Dog 232 Use of the Pike 35 Using Nets 61
Valasa Mountain 16 Valley of Avalanches 155 Valley of Cradles 27 Vandar 275 Varaema Copperclaw 184 Varna, Wife of Raus 19 Vegetation 14 Velakol Surestrike 187 Veteran 63 Vian Hornsaddle 180 Vilinar River 16, 96 Vishiswaw Windclaw 188 Vultures 49, 198 Vulture’s Country 18
Waha 260 Waha Ropes 227 Waha’s Champion 259 Wakboth’s Eye 258 Wands of Life 228 War Arrow Medicine Bundle 232 War of the Gods 7 Watchdog of Corflu 271 Weapon Master 63 Web Smile 78 Weis 18, 72 Weis Cut 18, 70 What You Learned in Pavis 26 Whirlvishes 55, 199 White Princess 57 Whitetail 114 Wild Hunter 262 Wildfires 256 Winter Fertile Ground 28 Wraiths 56 Wulf 276
Xendar 277
Yelmalio 275 Yiskoz Mountain 18 Yulnef 278
Zola Fel 262 Zolinda 279 Zorak Zoran 293
Weis Domain Fort Raus River of Cradles Duck’s Lair Tusk Rider’s Tower Vilinar River Area Broo Caverns Daine’s Map Quicktail’s Map 5-eyes Temple Map to Gonn Orta’s Castle Hidden Greens
Agimori Arms & Weapon Skills Agimori Characteristics Agimori Cold Effects Agimori Cult Membership Agimori Pike Hit Location Borderlands Encounters Broo Cult Allegiance Dragonewt Skin Armor Found Items Gems & Jewelry Itinerary of the Expedition Leader Placement Newtlings on Shift Newtling Weapons Off-duty Newtlings Praxian Temp. & Precipitation Shift Special Items Translating Quills Votes for Players
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