I know that people focus on Pavis, Jonstown, and Boldhome in their games – and probably in that order. But Wilmskirk is definitely worth a look. This was Wilms the Artist’s first masterpiece, designed by him according to aesthetic and philosophical principles inspired by the Jrusteli, and meant to be a true model city. The city was laid out to be both beautiful and function – and Wilms achieved this. It is a city of crafters, of artists, and is the center of painting and sculpture techniques in Dragon Pass. Wilmskirk is shared by the Balmyr, Locaem, Balmyr, and Sambari tribes and it is now ruled by King Vamastal Greyskin of the Sambari, who participated in Starbrow’s Rebellion and is part of the High Council. Vamastal is half-mad through heroquesting, and gained his grey skin on a harrowing trip through Hell. He was friends with Garaystar Flatnose, who was City Rex of Wilmskirk in 1610-1613 but was exiled along with Vamastal after the Rebellion’s collapse.
See also
Note tha the Sambari are not slavers.
Why did the Lunars not excute this pair for their role in the rebellion? Fazzur preferred exile to execution. He (or maybe it was his very clever detachable right hand Gordius Silverus) understood that by getting the rebel leaders to swear to exile, his authority would gain more legitimacy and acceptance by the tribes than if he simply executed them.Remember Fazzur understood the Orlanthi, unlike Euglyptus of Assiday.
“according to aesthetic and philosophical principles inspired by the Jrusteli”, isn’t that God Learner knowledge? The Jrusteli greatly influenced the Holy Country. Sure the “God Learners” were bad (hiss hiss) but at the same time the Kethaelans embraced much of their philosophy, arts, etc. People rarely refuse the useful things they learned from their enemies.
Most people have embraced elements of God Learner philosophy without even being aware of what it is. Like the monomyth or mythical synthesis. We take it because it is useful and largely correct.