Constellation Write up Page Year Runes Notes Fire & Sky 134 2025 None listed Contains: Disruptor, Dragon’s Head Lightbringers 38, 126 2023 None listed AKA: Orlanth’s Ring, Sky BearStar – Dragon’s Head…
Tag: constellation
The Hunter Write up Page Year Runes Personal glyph Notes Prosopaedia 76 2023 None listed n/a In: Celestial Forest Guide to Glorantha 649 2014 None listed n/a As: The Hunt constellation Common…
Sky Bear
Celestial Bear God Write up Page Year Runes PersonalGlyph Notes Lightbringers 125 2023 None listed n/a ConstellationIn: OdaylaAKA: Broken Ring, Orlanth’s RingAKA: Umath, Orlanth, Odayla (Orlanthi), Karborn (Sylila), Arakang (Peloria), Rathor (Rathori)…
Trickster Raven is counted as one of the Three Feathered Rivals: Write up Page Year Runes Notes Lightbringers 57 2023 per Rune spell Associate cult: Eurmal Prosopaedia 103 2023 Cults of Glorantha…
Yelm the Youth
Yelm lay members Write up Page Year Runes Notes Fire & Sky 23 2025 Yelm subcult Yelm subcult (Lay members)AKA: Harbinger, Provider, Wheat Bringer, Yelm the Hunter, Lunar Way 83 2024 As:…
Frontier God, God of the Cold Sun, Preserver of Light After the sun fell and the sky retreated from the surface world, when the volcanoes went cold and the hearthfires were but…
Wild Man
Father of All Mortals Wild Man was created by the gods and engaged in numerous unsuitable pairings. The resulting mortal creatures comprise the four hundred types of intelligent beings recognized by the…
Hunter and Bear God Odayla is the son of Orlanth and the Lady of the Wild. The tales told of him are much like those told of other hunters. His companion is…
The Movable Ephemeris (2024)
25 October 2009 The Moveable Ephemeris is the computer version of the famous “machine that marched with the sky” in Yuthuppa. Click here to see the Gloranthan sky… (maybe) If Java is…
Sky River Titan, Ruler of the Celestial Waters Lorion is a sea god who invaded the sky and overcame the fire gods during the Gods War. Ever since then a celestial river…
Father of hunters Throughout the world people survive by hunting. Each tribe worships its own special god of hunting and follows its own rituals, but all know that somewhere beyond the sky…
God of Death and War Humakt is Death. He is the unyielding fate of all living creatures, both mortal and divine. Write up Page Year Runes Notes Lunar Way 83 2024 As:…
Foundchild the Hunter
Hunter son, Hunting God Foundchild was discovered as a squalling babe in the midst of the Great Winter. Helpwoman found and tended him to full manhood. He taught a straggling band of…
Father of seeds With various lovers, Flamal begat all the many crop- and plant-goddesses of the universe. Write up Page Year Runes Personal Glyph Notes Mythology 121 2023 n/a Earth Goddesses 3,…
Chaos scorpion queen Write up Page Year Runes Personal Glyph Notes Fire & Sky 132 2025 None listed n/a Constellation AKA: Bakoka (Dara Happa), Ragnaglar’s Remains (Orlanthi), Chaos Herd (Praxian), Filth Which…
Ancient hero, The Traitor, The Troll A famous hero of the Gbaji Wars, whose passion to destroy his enemy overcame his common sense, spirituality, and finally, even his humanity. Write up Page…
Orlanth’s Ring Sketch
Here’s a sketch Greg and I put together to describe Orlanth’s Ring for use in art direction. This was originally posted on Google+… Now in the Tapatalk archive