Many Second Age texts hold that both Gerlant Flamesword and Talor the Laughing Warrior were sons of Arkat and Seleria of Brithos. This is held as deeply heretical, even blasphemous, by both…
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A short History of Jrustela
Let’s imagine Jrustela a bit. Our story begins with the end of Nralar the Old’s long reign. Nralar, as you might remember, was the son of Gerlant Flamesword (often said to be…
Other RQG Campaign settings
As we all know, Dragon Pass-the Holy Country-Prax homelands are the default settings for RQG. These are the areas explored in the old board games White Bear & Red Moon, Nomad Gods,…
Sheng Seleris I
Sheng Seleris was an incredibly powerful celestial magician/hero/demigod. He taught his followers his magical techniques, ranked into hierarchies. Greg emphasized many times that SS did NOT use what we would call Mongol…
One of the more interesting areas in Peloria is Talastar, one of the great centers of Orlanthi culture. I’m defining Talastar broadly – including Lakrene, Anadiki, Brolia, and Skanthi as parts of…
Heler in Dragon Pass
In Dragon Pass, Heler is generally associated with the rains that are released when Orlanth defeats Aroka. He’s a step up from “Lightning Boy” (the tiny cult dedicated to worshiping Orlanth’s lightning…
The Grand Ritual of the Third Council
In 826, the Third Council was established to rule over the material interests of the leaders of the draconic movement. The rulers began a long and intense Grand Ritual that was expected…
Argan Argar in the Torkani Tribe
There are quite a few Argan Argar shrines and temples in Torkani lands: Goodfarm (village), Over-the Creek (village), Storlock (village) and Torkan’s Last Fort (hill fort),
Malkionism And Sorcery
Malkionism provides a set of beliefs, practices, and traditions that support the development of magical specialists in sorcery. Whether that was its original purpose or merely something that it made possible is…
A Basic Heroquest Example
As an aside, most heroquests are not about changing reality, or rewriting major myths – for what it is worth, I find such heroquests are not all that interesting. They are about…
Loyalty (Kallyr)
In 30 years of games that tied into Starbrow’s Rebellion and Kallyr, I have not seen one where all (not just most, but all) of the women players did not end up…
The Conquest Of Teshnos And Kralori
This is a Second Age Jrusteli document, among the earliest records recovered in the Third Age. It chronicles the conquest of Teshnos and Kralorela. Like many texts of this time, secret knowledge…
Foundation for the Monomyth
Just a follow-up to my last two posts. As should be clear, the God Learners used Theyalan and Malkioni myths as the foundation for the Monomyth, and incorporated the Dara Happan myths…
Kralorelan Equivalencies
The God Learners first encountered the Kralorelan religion in the Second Age. As elsewhere, the God Learners were able to make numerous correspondences between the Kralorelan pantheon and that prevalent in much…
Pamaltelan Equivalencies
The Pamalting or Doraddi pantheon offer us a different perspective of Glorantha’s mythology. Pamaltela was not as badly damaged by the Gods War and Greater Darkness as Genertela, and the Earth King…
Notes on Crimson Bat ecology
Did you know that the Crimson Bat needs to be fed more than 4200 people a YEAR? Its maintenance feeding is on average 100 people per week. Now this likely has a…
The White Moon movement
The White Moon movement is a broad and popular religious and social movement within the Lunar Empire. It holds that it was never the intention of the Red Goddess to create an…
End of Ages
Without getting into the nature of Glorantha after the Hero Wars, it is worth remembering that twice before there have been widespread catastophes that are generally considered to have ended the Age….
Some Draconic Philosophy
The Cosmic Egg hatched and from it came the Grand Ancestral Dragon. It sat and meditated in the Silent Void, treasuring the secrets of the universe. The halves of the eggshell were…
A Brithini Tale
Today was part of the Dawning Age. Before the Dawning was the Darkness. Before the Darkness was the Gods Age. In the Gods Age all was perfect. and nothing in the world…
Battle of the Queens (Fire Season 1626)
King Pharandros took command of the remaining imperial troops in the provinces, and led them with the Tarsh army to conquer the disheartened Sartarites. Near where the Creek enters the Upland Marsh,…
More Harmast Notes
The opening of Harmast’s Narrative is well-known to every Orlanthi, and is at the same time strange and troubling. Here’s is how it reads: “In the thirty‑third year of my life, because…
Gloranthan Literature
Of course the Harmast’s Narrative is not the only classic work of literature in circulation. In Nochet, the Draconic Secrets, a Second Age manuscript from the Shadowlands, is widely known and read….
Harmast’s Saga
Pilgrimage and Commentary: This is the most current version of the most influential text of the Orlanthi and a foundational text for Orlanthi literature (and influential far beyond). Harmast’s Narrative forms the core of the…